
Stardust Academy


passionfruitjuice · Fantasi
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94 Chs

Ch.62 ۞ Kian ۞ Part I

Full Moon


I WAITED FOR HER TO COMEBACK BUT SHE seemed to have stayed on New Moon for a sleepover with her sister and didn't comeback for two days. And they both avoided us like cats avoid water, even though Verena had gotten better on the same day after spending some time in Bonfire.

Kian: Mav, are you in your dorm?

I sent Aryan's little brother a message, since he was also a younger brother to me. And he replied right away.

Maven: Yes, K. Are you okay?

Kian: I'm alright, kid. Can you tell me one thing?

Maven: Is it about the twins?

Kian: Maybe?

Maven: *naughty emoji*

Maven: Emma isn't here. Verena's alone.

Oh, that boy is the best. The smartest.

Kian: I love you, kid.

Maven: I know, I know. Thanks for the bike.

Hah, of course, he would throw that at me. Damn it, I shouldn't have underestimated his cuteness. To think he would be able to melt that iceberg's walls and make her follow him. How would I know her heart beat for anyone but her sister?

Kian: I'll never underestimate your charms again.

Maven: *amused giggling gif*

Maven: You underestimated her, not me, K.

Kian: Nah. I underestimated your cuteness.

Maven: Don't make me blush.

Kian: You have a cuteness overload.

Maven: Hah, stop. I know, I know.

Maven: I'm the cutest *painted nails emoji*

Kian: How did you know I wanted to know that?

Maven: My brother just so happened to ask me if Verena was alone. So, I imagined it would be that that you wanted to know. You two are connected, after all.

Maven: Celestial bond and all that stuff.

Kian: Makes sense. Thank you, Mav. I'll go now.

I put my Const back in my pocket and left my dorm in the penthouse of the House, I went down using my Spatial magic to teleport myself straight to her hallways, and when I felt like her two dorm-neighbors weren't on theirs, since they seemed to have befriended each other, I knocked on her door.

After all, I don't want to go through the annoyance of them telling Verena, who clearly dislikes me, that I'm here, and her coming here to be a cock-blocker again. I need this time alone with her sister.

"Yes?" She mumbled with a sleepy voice that made my heart flutter, and when she opened the door, she blinked as she realized it was me.

"Let me in. Don't freak out!" As the coercion sank in her bones, she opened the door wider, and after I entered it, she closed and locked it behind. Instantly, I surrounded the entire dorm with a silencing barrier using my air magic. "Good girl."

"Ugh," she growled as the affect ceased. "Don't use that shit on me, Blondie!" I kind of like the way she says that.

"I wouldn't if I knew you wouldn't close the door on my face, Silver. I don't like that attitude, so I avoided it," I rolled my shoulders, looking at the modifications she made. But what caught my attention the most, was the wide drawing table that I made sure she would get in here. And as my eyes ran around the many drawings she made, I took one with my Const's pen and used the technology of it to summon the painting in front of us.

"How do you do that?" She gasped.

My eyes traveled through the horizontal painting as I saw the scene that happened years ago in front of me. It was the day the Heirs came to my Kingdom on my birthday and we played hide and seek on the woods. They were on in side profile, while I was in the middle, staring at the center. And the realness of the painting caught me off guard, "This was the vision you told me about when you woke up in the infirmary."

"Yes," she came closer to me. "It was my last vision, so my memories of this one are the freshest. How did you do this?" She pointed at the digital drawing floating in front of us.

As she had her pen in her hand, I held her wrist and put her hand over the table, "Materialize your thoughts of picking this up and summoning if. It's not summoning magic, but the drawing table has this technology that able you to do it."

She closer her beautiful eyes for a second and did it, and the one she picked up was a vertical drawing of a beautiful and gracious female fae who seemed around our age, with long wavy snowy white hair and silver almond eyes, long eyelashes and full lips. The resemblance of the female to her was undeniable, "Blondie, is this my mom?"

For some reason, I felt my heart ache softly at her question, "I never met her, Silver, but I believe so. I've seen a painting or a picture before. It does look like her."

Emmaline touched her finger tips around the female's cheeks, "You know, in all of my visions, I've seen her more than thirty times. Different moments. Different memories. Different ages. Some times she was with the male I now believe to be my father, but in others she was alone." Her eyes turned to me and I couldn't tell what she was feeling, "But I never felt anything bad, any harmful sensation, nothing evil coming from her. She always felt angelic."

Ignoring what she was trying to say, I turned to the drawing table again and picked up a painting of a broad tall intimidating make with wavy ebony hair and golden eyes, "Oh, yes. This one is definitely your father."

"I've seen more visions of him than of my mom," she smiled softly. "He always felt like… moonlight. Mom felt like sunshine. The visions I had of them together felt like eclipse," she pressed her lips and turned to me. "Does it makes sense to you?"

She feels like moonlight to me, whereas Ary feels like sunshine, so I do get it, "It does." I looked at the other drawings and picked three up, then I grinned at her and she blushed hard. "I see that you've been busy drawing me, hm?"

"Look, I don't chose what I draw okay?" What?

I arched my eyebrows, sending a copy of all her drawings to my Const while she turned to sit down on her bed. "What do you mean?"

"When I sit down to draw, even when I'm not having a vision, I get lost in my own mind. In my own memories. It's like I'm in a trance. My mind feels like another place entirely. Like another demension and as I hold the brush or the pen, my hands automatically draw what I see. When I get back to normal, the drawings are already done."

That's interesting. "You are a level 9 in Mind magic, Silver. That might be an extension of your powers. You may have been using your mind magic all this time without realizing. But in a harmless way."

"My mind magic?"

I nodded walking to where she was and sitting on her side in the bed, and as she didn't complain about my proximity, I turned my eyes to her. "Mind magic, in all honesty, is one of the rarest out of the rare red stars. We don't know much about it."

"Before that bastard bite my sister, she took a screenshot of what he was teaching and sent it to me," she opened her Const and showed the picture to me. "They were talking about the rare magic types. And he said that Mind magic is about brainwashing, manipulation over all, and memories manipulation."

I fought the desire to roll my eyes, "He was a fool. You can't put a magic type on a label. Especially not a rare one, because we don't know much about them. Each Fae deal with their magic in a different way, Silver. They use it in a different way. Avoid putting magic types in labels. Not just the magic, but the Fae orders too."

Her silver eyes stared at me for some time, before she licked her lips and said, "You are a werewolf, aren't you, Blondie?"

Oh? How did she know? "Maya told you?"