
Stardust Academy


passionfruitjuice · Fantasy
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94 Chs

Ch.63 ۞ Kian ۞ Part II

"NO. SHE DOESN'T SPEAK OF ANY OF YOU. I GUESS SHE doesn't really like you, so, we also don't ask about it," oh? And here I thought that girl was badmouthing the shit out of us to them. "I just tried to imagine what types of orders are so… touchy."

I'm sure I blushed because my cheeks felt hot, "Well, you are right. I am a werewolf. My entire family is. You don't have anything against us do you?"

"The only problem I have are with Vampires, Blondie. I have nothing against you. You are the one who has things against me. Against us."

She does have a good point. "You and your sister seem quite hostile towards us though."

"My sister does have things against you," she giggled and I loved that sound. The wolf in me loved it. My entire being felt the need to listened to it again. "You don't like her either, so you are even."

"That's fair. But doesn't it goes beyond that?"

Silver licked her lips and I felt my dick getting hard again, "There are some problems that we'll have to solve with each other in the future. That is for sure. Problems that are out of our hands and will come into play some time in the future."

I leaned slightly closer, "Aren't you bothered by it?"

She tilted her head softly, and gave me a flirty look, "I will be lying if I say I'm not. But wrong twin on this case. I am not the one who is constantly overthinking and getting stuck in what might happen in the future. Veevy does that for the both of us alone. I didn't understand why before, but now that I'm aware that she has visions of the future, I get why she acts like that."

"And she has severe anxiety, doesn't she?"

"That's probably one of the only things the human psychological records got it right. She does. Usually it's because of me," sigh. "As you are the Heir to Pravin, I don't think you have any older overprotective siblings."

"By blood? No. I'm the oldest. But by heart? I have a brother who is slightly younger than me, and has the same problem as Verena does. He acts like my oldest brother, and is always worrying for me, for him, and for his actual younger brother."

She crossed her legs, "It's not Nova, is it?"

I grinned amusedly, "It does happens to be him, yes." She doesn't like him, I can tell. But I kind of like that. "You have that bad image of him, but he's the best of us. If you ever got to actually know him, you would know that. But I'm pretty sure you don't want to be anywhere near him," which, again, is good. I feel kind of possessive over both of them, so, I don't know what I would feel if they were to get closer.

"Ugh. You have the bond don't you? I've been suspecting it for a while. The Celestial bond. The same I have with Veevy," she's smart and quick to catch on, just like her sister.

A nod, "We do, indeed."

"I don't like him!" Silver sulked.

"Your sister doesn't like me either. I guess that makes the four of us somewhat even, no?" That made her blush and she rolled her eyes. "Does she hates me because I'm blonde, or is it really because of the vision she had?"

Silver gasped chuckling, and again, I felt hypnotized, my heart hammering in my chest, "It's because of the vision, idiot. Not just because you are blonde. And it's not hatred. That's a strong word. Veevy despises you, it's different. You have to do way more than just be annoying to her, to gain her hatred."

I arched my eyebrows, "So, me being blonde does have a play?! Isn't that blonde-shaming?"

She cracked a laugh at that. "Blonde-shaming? That ain't real. Veevy just doesn't like blondes," but as she looked to her hands that were resting on her lap, I felt something near sadness and guilty coming from her. "But it isn't for no reason. I can't talk about it, because it's not my wound to show you," when she looked up to me again, I was sure that she felt sad. "Aside from your usual bickering, can you not judge her straight-up like that? I swear to you that my sister isn't like that for nothing, Blondie."

And as she said that, I felt genuinely bad for the first time, for her sister. Especially because besides my anger of how she acts near me and Ary, I can tell she's constantly hurting.

Werewolves are more sensitive to others Faes emotions than most orders are, and Verena is definitely someone who's hostile because she was hurt before. And as I thought of that, my mind took me back to three of the 11 quotes she added on her Starstra profile. The three that caught my attention the most and made me wonder what caused her to be the way she is.

1st - I'm not a whole person and I don't think I ever will be. Parts of me died in the houses I grew up in and I visit them in my dreams.

2nd - You should never trust a survivor until you learn what he did to stay alive!

3rd - I hope my last breath is a sigh of relief.

And I couldn't help but see more, than the already obvious, similarities between her and Ary. I just don't know to what extent those similarities go. Or how much they will play a part on drawing them to one another. Which will happen.

"No one ever is, Silver," I muttered and brought her closer to my chest, needing the proximity, needing to feel her scent. "You smells like orchids, rain, and winter wind," I whispered.

"Do I?"

"You do," I pressed my nose softly on her hair.

"I don't like all this touchy thing, Blondie."

I grinned, amused by the fact that I had finally gotten my arms around her after getting slowly closer, "You will get used to it, Silver." Circling her tiny waist with my arm, I made her sit on my lap and her heart began beating faster than a lap per second.

"What… what are you doing?"

Caressing her hair, I looked into her eyes, "What do you want me to do, Silver?" I put her arms around my neck and she turned red.

"I… I don't want anything."

"Faes take what they want, Silver. Tell me," I caressed her full pinkish lips with my thumb, "what do you want right now?"

Her lips opened slightly as she was feeling hard to breath, and her eyes went to mine, them to my lips, "I don't… I don't want to do anything with you, Blondie."

"Oh, but I do," I caressed her chin.

"What do… what do you want?"

"I want to claim you for myself," I whispered and she turned bright red, probably taking my words in another dirtier way. Not that I don't want to claim her like that, because, fuck, how I damn want to. But there are priorities.

"Are Faes always this… brutally straightforward?"

I smirked, "I don't know about the others, but I definitely am. I'm just being honest with you," I touched my nose on hers softly.

"Isn't this too soon?" She gasped, still blushing.

"Little naughty thing, I'm not talking about that!"

Silver blinked, "Does claiming someone has another meaning for Faes?" Oh, she was definitely thinking of sex. And here I thought she was the most innocent out of the two. Naughty.

A wide grin took over my lips, "Rather, more than one meaning." I took my hands to her hips and pressed her body on mine, making her moan softly, and that sound was the best sound I've ever heard in my life. "Believe me when I tell you that I really want you," I whispered on her ear, as I made her feel how hard I am. "But I can't claim you on that way right now."

Her heart skyrocketed and she tightened her grip on my neck, pressing her breasts on my chest, and her hips on mine. "You aren't playing with me, are you, Blondie?"

"No," I whispered. "Not on this. Can't you feel how hard you are making me, Silver?" I bit her ear softly. "Fuck, I really want you on top of me."

"But not now?" She purred, pressing her hips even harder on my erection, and I almost moaned.

Focus, Kian. You must stay focused! "I'm an alpha, Silver. I can't let any other males get near you with dirty intentions, do you understand that?" I have to claim her.

"Are you possessive?" Silver grinned wolfishly and I would have considered her to be of my kind, if it weren't for the remark Collier gave us, that her order was related to fire in a immense way. "Territorial?" Her eyes from my eyes to my lips to my eyes again.

"Yes!" I growled, pressing her body even more on mine. "Does that bother you?" I purred.

"It turns me on, actually," she chuckled, and when my eyes went to hers again, I noticed how dilated her pupils were. Probably mirroring mine right now. "And although my sister says that's a bad thing, she's weak to it just as I am. We can be quite possessive and territorial too," can she? "So, it's a recipe for disaster."

"I like disaster," I whispered making her skin redder.

"My sister made me promise to stay away from you."