
Stardust Academy


passionfruitjuice · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
94 Chs

Ch.55 ۞ Verena ۞ Part I

Colossal Observatory


MY SECOND PERIOD WAS GOING TO BE Principals of Magic with professor Algernon Gibson, according to the schedule my Const was showing me. Which was so great because both Emmaline and Maven were going to have a different class than me in this period, so, we had to part ways. "Jarvis, guide me from Polar Hall to the building of Colossal Observatory."

"Here is the map marked, Vee. Follow it!" It spoke to me and the screen lightened up with it.

"Thank you, Jarvis."

"You are welcome, Vee!" Isn't he adorable?

But before I could focus on it, a message from Elle popped up on my screen and I went to our private chat, and as I opened it, I saw 5 messages.

Danielle: How was your first class?

Danielle: You strangled that girl really beautifully.

Danielle: Did you like the professor?

Danielle: You are going viral already.

Danielle: What's your next period?

What? How does she-

Vee: How do you know about that?

Vee: *widen eyes gif*

She saw and replied back right way, as she's online.

Danielle: You really don't look in Starstra, do you? Oh my Gods. One of the freshman recorded most of your class, with the camera focused on you and Em, and posted on Starstra. It gathered more than 70K views already.

Danielle: The forums of Starstra are all about you and Emma, but mainly about you and your behavior. They are also talking ponding if Dwight was right about you.

Shit. What the hell is wrong with these people? Isn't that against the rules? Record videos of students fighting and upload them on the Academy's social media? This is really getting on my nerves.

Vee: Who did it? Who uploaded it?

Vee: And are they talking about us possibly being the lost Asphodel Twins? Have they catch on that already?

She seemed to be with the chat open, because it got marked as viewed right on the spot.

Danielle: Yes. And it was uploaded by two accounts at the same time. It exploded right away on both. Oh, babe, you have no idea of how much memes of all of your chaotic reactions has been going on already.

Memes? They have that too in here? Wow.

Vee: Give me the names.

Danielle: *wide eyes emoji* What will you do?

Vee: I'll see. Please, the names, Elle!

Danielle: Fine, babe. It was both Dwight Allen and Zachery Henderson. Zachery was with the one recording it all. Just don't go overboard, okay, sweetheart?

Wait a minute.

Vee: Why didn't you tell you were a Unicorn? You know how cool that is? We got shocked when they told us.

Danielle: Oh? Lol. You didn't ask my order.

Okay. She does have a good point.

Danielle: So, what's your class now?

Vee: Principals of Magic. You?

Danielle: Fire advanced. Wish me luck. It's the class I have in common with Nova, Pravin, Ceres, Leighton, Arik, and the Adair siblings. A fucking hell. Thankfully, Kill will be there with me.

Vee: *giggling emoji*

Vee: Sweet baby hellhound. Good luck.

Danielle: I can't wait until the 2nd semester, so you and Em will be joining us in here. It'll be infinitely better!

Vee: I'm far from being excited to that though.

Danielle: Too bad. I'm counting the days.

Danielle: *mischievous grin gif*

I closed the chat and got back to the map, ignoring all the glares thrown my way as I followed the line on the tablet, taking me to where my class would be. It was a very tall building carved in obsidian, which made it all more beautiful to me. Quite eerie, but beautiful. And as I was going to entered, a tall male bumped into me, making me almost fall to the ground.

As my eyes went up to glare at the male, I recognized the almond-shaped amethyst eyes and the golden hair right away, making me scowl deeply. "You should be careful with what you bark around here, Verena. And you think people won't realize that you were talking about me and Aryan in your profile?" The fuck?

I blinked, "Is that all you want? Because I don't have anything to say to you, Pravin."

But the bastard held my forearm tighter, "Don't play dumb with me, Verena. I don't fall for your bullshit!"

Scoffing, I took a step closer, "And I don't fall for yours, Pravin. So, take your paws off me. I don't know what you meant by that, and neither do I care. I don't even remember 10% of all the questions I had to answer on that damn app, if that's what you are talking about."

He grinned in a feral way, baring his fangs at me, "I am trying not to lose my cool, but you really has a way of pissing people off, don't you? Is that a natural talent or this you take classes?" Did he just used my words against me?

I chuckled viciously, "It's a innate talent, but I don't expect you to understand what that means, since you don't seem to have any. Oh? Yes. Just remembered. I did indeed put you and your boyfriend's name in who I wanted to disappear. But why are you making a fuss? It's not like you didn't expect that, is it?"

"Don't cross the line, Verena!"

As if I'm scared of him. "Whatever is it that you and your little group is planning, it won't work on us, Pravin," I spoke glaring at him firmly. "It definitely won't work on me."

"But it will on your sister!" He grinned.

Did he tried to catch me off guard? Hah. "Oh, my love," I took a step even closer, "did you forget that I can see the future?" I grinned widely and in the most viciously way I could. "I know exactly what you will do before you even try doing it. And even if you hurt my sister, she'll get back on her feet stronger. About me? You won't make me bend my knees to you, Pravin." I gave him a fake sweet look. "Children pay for their parents' sins," I whispered near his ear. "So, be it. I'll make you pay!"

"You are the one who will pay!" He purred.

I backed two steps away, still with my furious eyes on his. "You really don't have any idea, do you? We just arrived here and we got the truth before you did," I chuckled bitterly. "You think you have the upper hand. That we know nothing." I tilted my head to the side and gave him a crooked grin. "That's cute, my love. Really cute," I winked and managed to slip away from him, but to my dismay, Aryan popped up right in front of me.

"You said you would cause problems, but look at you now," he held me by my waist, and I growled. "Where do you think you are going? You think you will turn your back on us and it'll be okay?"

Glaring at him, I tried to get his hand off of my waist, but it was useless. "What do you fucking want now, your highness? Are you mad? Are you angry? Guess what. I don't fucking care."

But there was something else on his eyes as he stared at me, something that made something inside of me shake in a way I didn't like. "You don't see everything, darling. You say you see the future but the powers of a Seer are beyond volatiles, we know that for sure," I kept a straight face, unfazed.