
Stardust Academy


passionfruitjuice · Fantasy
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88 Chs

Ch.54 ۞ Emmaline ۞ Part IV

"IF IN THEORY A PHOENIX IS ALWAYS REBORN THROUGH ASHES, and they are unable to die, wouldn't that order be immortal? Like, really, immortal?" And for once, no one said a thing, probably because they were also curious about that.

Miss Rowland tilted her head to the right, "You got a good point, Verena. And yes, in theory, they are indeed suppose to never die. That's what also adds up to put them on top as the strongest order of all, plus the fact that they are genuinely strong. You think fast and is quick to catch on details, that's good. However, it's kind of tricky to answer that because no one knows what happened to the found. One day he just… disappeared out of this world. He didn't leave out plane, but his signature disappeared."

I blinked, "So, he could be still alive?"

"In theory? Yes. But he hasn't appeared in more than 9 millennials, girls. His records say that he lost his family and loved ones. Maybe that's why he disappeared. He chose solitude over staying on the outside," I can't judge him.

"What about the Sea Serpent?" Maven asked.

So, he finally doesn't know something, hm?! "The Sea Serpent, just as the Phoenix, are taken as the God-like orders. All the top 5 is, but those two way more than the other three. Phoenix rules the surface, it can make all creatures subdue to them because of it's great power. Whereas, a Sea Serpent rules the sea, the oceans."

"Isn't that too much power for one to handle?"

"Yes, Verena, dear. It is. But if they can control it, they will be unstoppable. It'll take the strongest beings in the world to unite and defeat them," what? Why does that sounds familiar? "A Sea Serpent recharges on water. Not just water, but on deep water, specifically. And it is a lunar creature, it gains even more strength under the moonlight," like a werewolf?

"But what makes it God-like?" I tilted my head.

"It's innate power is able to control all the monsters in the sea, Emmaline. Making so that, the only possible weakness of such a powerful being is being defied on land, because it won't be on deep water, and neither will it be able to call out to its monsters," quite scary. Especially the deep water part. Gives me chills.

"Scary," a different female mumbled behind us.

"Whereas the Hydra recharges through chaos. It is an order that thrives for conflict and recharges its energy from it. Also from deep water, but way more through conflict. They are dangerous in nature. It has only existed twice as well, just like the Sea Serpent. And in both times, the Faes in question had water, earth, air, and sound magic," I let out a sigh of relief as I realized it wasn't fire related.

"Verena is probably that!" Ivy snorted.

"Of course, you would be dumb!" Veevy grinned, "What part of their order is related to fire, your peanut-sized brain couldn't understand?" And I couldn't help but chuckled to that. Bro, even the professor covered her mouth to hide her grin.

"Excuse me?" She gasped.

Veevy rolled her eyes dramatically, "Is she still talking?" She asked me and I covered my smile with my hand.

"I just said what everyone's thinking!" She insisted.

"Oh," Verena mocked. "So, none of you were on the Orb four days ago? None of you heard what Collier said? Yeah, that was definitely my mistake, mmmhm. Everyone was thinking the same," her innocent façade turned into a menacing grimace. "Are naturally this stupid or did you take classes? You just called everyone else dumb, you know that, right?"

"What? No. I didn't!" But she did.

Ruby held her wrist, "Drop it."

"So, back to what I was saying," Rowell ignore them and turned to us and the other freshman on the front seats. "Now, we'll go to the Basilisk. It recharges through blood. Be it through drinking, smelling, or even just lying on it. It's not a parasite, because it doesn't necessarily need to take it from anyone. And the three that existed were all blood magic wielders."

I looked at Veevy and she gasped when she got what I meant, "Don't give me that look. We are not that shit. Ain't no way I'm a Basilisk," the extreme horror in her voice made everyone chuckle, even Maven. "It's not fire-related, right, Miss Rowland?" And dispute her refusal, there was a necessity in her voice.

"No," the professor burst out laughing at the sheer horror in Veevy's eyes. "It's not fire-related, dear. All the three only shared blood magic."

Verena let out a loud sigh of relief, "God's above. I would hate being a horrifyingly hideous creature. How do we recharge then, Miss Rowland? I mean, Seers."

"It's by diving into your strongest elemental magic. Staying around it. Even sleeping on a environment rich on it. Or simply staying on it. Fire for you, water for her," oh?

Veevy gasped, her eyes widely open, "Ain't no way I'll sleep on fire. My hair would be all burned, and my clothes would turn to ash. No, thank you."

Rowland smiled amusedly, "Just staying near a bonfire, a pyre, a fireplace, or even a hearth if you may. Now for Emmaline, she doesn't need to go to the ocean or even the sea," thank Goddess, because even if I had to, I fucking wouldn't. "A pool, a hydro, a bathtub, or just a bath in the shower will help. You two can also make use of the hot springs." I'm not the biggest fan of pools though.

"Easier than," Veevy rolled her shoulders. "Still annoying, but a lot better than having to lay on a wild fire, or dive into the sea."

"Definitely better," I grinned and turned to Maven as the teacher's attention finally went to the others. "How do you know all of that?"

"My family is quite hard on me to know a lot of these things. But they are still harder on my brother than in me!"

Oh? "You have a brother?"

He nodded blushing, "Older!"

"I can relate to that," I pointed at Veevy whose eyes were on her Const, as she seemed to be drawing something. "It can be overbearing. How is your brother with you?"

Maven leaned closer, "He is as protective of me as she is of you, to say the least. The best brother I could ask for. He's also my favorite person. Now it's even better since I finally came to the Academy and we'll be able to be closer to each other."

"He studies here too?" A nod. "That's cool. I don't know what I would if I had to study in different places than my sister. We are like flesh and nail."

"Yeah. It was kind of hard staying apart, but now I'm here, so it's the best. Our parents can be overbearing."

I pressed my lips, "We have had overbearing foster parents before, so, I can kind of relate to that. Although it's still different, because it weren't our real parents. You know," I rolled my shoulders, "we never met them and we probably never will be able to," because the fucking Kings and Queen murdered them together.

"Sorry about that!" He's too cute. "It must have been tough growing up in such a chaotic environment."

Sigh, "Yeah. But we had each other. That was more than enough. But yes, if we had been able to grow up with our parents, we probably wouldn't have gone through as all the shit that we had. Either way, all of that made us who we are now, and we are strong," I winked at him.

"I don't doubt that," he smiled cutely blushing again.