
Stardust Academy


passionfruitjuice · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
94 Chs

Ch.16 ۞ Kian ۞ Part II

"I DON'T GET IT," NAVEEN EXCLAIMED PURSING his lips. "Could it be an older bruise?"

Uncle arched his eyebrows in annoyance. "We would have healed it either way, son!"

"Maybe it isn't a bruise," aunt ponded. "It might be a birth sign. Some babies are born with it. And I remember that at the time, they said that Celeste had difficulty on giving birth to the second twin, and she's the second twin. So it might be-"

Out of nowhere, the girl woke up startled, startling all of us in the process, and tried to sit down. The magical barrier around her, blocking her from touching any of us. "What the hell?" She blinked, absorbing her new environment, and when her eyes befallen me, the silver on them seemed to shine brighter. "Oh!" Her eyes shot up to aunt and uncle. "Where's my sister?" Isn't she going to ask about our ears and fangs?

"Don't worry, you are safe now, Emmaline!"

But she glared at aunt with those fierce eyes, and I felt the disbelief overflowing from her. "And where is my sister?"

"She's being taken care of." Naveen exclaimed and she glared at him. "She won't hurt you anymore. Don't worry. We saved you."

"What do you mean saved me, Naveen?" When those words left her mouth, we all froze, high alert to the fact that she knew who he was. How did she know who he was? "And what the hell do you mean by hurting me?"

"How do you know my name?" He snapped.

"Where's my sister?" She insisted. "What are you doing to her? What do you want?"

"How do you know my name?" Naveen asked deadly calm. "If you tell us, we'll tell you what you want to know!"

"I'll only tell you, if you tell me where my sister is!"

She has balls, I'll give her that. "That's not how things work here, Emmaline." Aryan leaned forward, staring at her with predatory eyes.

"You," she glared at him. "You were the one I saw holding her before I fainted, Aryan." Shit. She knows his named too? "Where did you take my sister? Why did you take her?"

He blinked and his eyes met mine. "What the hell? How does she knows me? Could she have seen us in her visions?"

"I have no idea." I leaned forward. "Do you know my name too, Emmaline?"

As she turned to me, she seemed to calm down a little bit, and there wasn't much of threat on them as I thought it would, "Kian. I saw you," she inhaled deeply. "You showed up in the studio. I saw you."

"Ary, I guess it wasn't Verena's vision that called to me. Because I felt that little before we went to them." I maintained my poker face. "And what did you see?"

"I saw you. Then the other appeared near you." Others? "But the… the vision was mainly of you."

"Others?" Naveen snapped.

But she didn't take her eyes off of me, and for some reason I felt glad about that. "Aryan. Naveen. Rosella. Jessamyn. Ren." After a long and breathtaking moment, her gaze shifter to Aryan and she got wary again. "Where is my sister?"

He let out an annoyed sigh. "We took her to be interrogated. She's dangerous. Especially to you!"

"That ticking bomb is with the others right now. She'll pay for all of her cruelty. For all she did to you. Don't worry, she won't get near you, so you don't have to fear it anymore!" Naveen exclaimed.

And the wave of terror that left her, made me almost vomit. "Pay for what? She didn't do anything. My sister never did anything. Cruelty? Are you insane?" Her voice got ten notes higher and I almost closed my ears. "You can't separate us. And what fear are you talking about? I never feared my sister!" She cried angrily.

Aunt and uncle raised their eyebrows and glared at their son. "You must have been manipulated by her," Naveen said and as he took a step closer, she flinched back. "You can be honest, Emmaline. We know the truth already. She won't be able to harm you."

She glared at him as if he should be locked up in an asylum instead of standing here with us. "My sister never manipulated me. You don't know what you are saying. You don't know us."

Ren opened the door and walked inside with a wide grin, and when he saw her awake, he arched his eyebrows, "Oh, she's awake already?"

"How was it with Verena?" Aryan asked.

"Oh," he grinned again. "She refused to speak with me, saying she hates males. But the second Rosella spoke with her, she calmed down a bit and talked with us. She's very hostile, to say the least. And it's funny because she thinks we are the American government!"

Emmaline shook the handcuffs on her wrists and growled, "My sister is skeptical, you fuckers. Even if she sees you, she'll think you are in a Halloween costume. What the fuck are you doing to her?"

"And I thought you would be the calm sister."

She glared at him, baring her teeth, and only then she noticed they were different. "What the fuck?" She passed her tongue on her canines and that made me suddenly hard, but I clenched my teeth and hid it. The she bend her upper body towards her hand and touched her ears, "What is this? Why do I have this? What… what the fuck?"

Ren glared at her, rolled his eyes, and then looked at us again, "Anyways, so, she kept insisting to know where her twin was, but we didn't say much. And as Rosella said she was safe, she calmed down and collaborated, think we are some kind of human secret organization who found that they have special abilities." He mocked.

"What did you do to me?" Emmaline barked and I turned to her already annoyed by this chaos.

"We didn't do shit. Your real features appeared the second we crossed the barrier from the human to the fae world. Why do you think you have those abilities other humans don't? It's because you aren't humans. You are fae like us."

"That's impossible," she gasped, but I could tell she was considering it. "You mean that all I saw weren't hallucinations?" All she saw?

"Yes. You are a type of fae called Seer. Seers have visions from past, present, and future. Will you shut up for a moment now?" Naveen exclaimed running out of patience.

"Is that why we heal fast? Since we were kids we heal really fast. Is that the reason?" Shouldn't she be, I don't know, freaking out?

"Yes," Aryan exclaimed and turned to Ren. "How did the questioning go with the ticking bomb?"

"She lied at first, but then she confessed it. She confessed everything," what?

"So, we were really right?"

"That's beyond fucked up," Aryan seemed nauseous. "It means she really did all of that to her sister. All the bloody shit."

"And she said she would confess everything as long as we kept her twin safe," he added rolling his shoulders. "It was quite easy. We asked about everything. The paintings. The blood. She confessed everything, bro."

"So," Naveen side looked Emmaline, "she really tortured this one and took her blood to use in those creepy paintings? Disgusting even for a fae."

Emmaline turned ghostly pale when she heard that. "Paintings?" Her voice cracked and we all turned to her. "You think Veevy painted all of that with my blood? And you think she tortured me to take it?" Her hands were shaking.

"You don't have to worry, she confessed it all!" Ren exclaimed amused, not really realizing how shaken he girl was. "She's really a barbaric monster."

The twin growled and I could smell her terror from here, they all could, I could tell by their faces. "You got it all wrong. How can you get it all wrong?" Her voice was a whisper, but we all heard it loud and clear thanks to our enhanced hearing. "Did you see the marks? Why…" her voice cracked again. "I can't believe she's doing that again. Why does she always does that to me? Why? Fuck! Verena, and that self-sacrificing shit," she gasped and her eyes seemed to be flickering.

"What?" Aryan gasped confused.

"You got it all wrong," she looked up at none of us particularly. "Verena isn't the painter. I am!" She cried.

"That's absurd," I growled.

She shook her head, her limbs shaking, "Veevy does this since we were kids. The second she smells the danger, she throws herself in it to protect me. She thinks you are the American Government and they would definitely torture us if they imagined we were different like this. Fucking hell," she clenched her teeth and tears burned in her eyes. "I hate when she shields me like this."