
Stardust Academy


passionfruitjuice · Fantasy
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94 Chs

Ch.17 ۞ Kian ۞ Part III


"I'm the painter. I'm the one who painted all of it. Those arts are what I saw in my visions. Not her. Shit. I didn't even knew my sister had visions," her eyes went to me and I felt uneasy. "She always acted as if I was more special than her just because she's slightly physically stronger than I am. I only noticed when I she came to save me in the studio with blood tears all over her face."

Naveen gasped, "Wait, what? Save you?"

"What do you mean by that?" Ren blinked.

She looked at them angrily, "I don't know how she knew it, but she burst into the studio right when I needed her. My visions never made sense to me, since I only saw… fae. And in the past, just like I saw you," she turned to me again, and my heart jumped. "You were all around 13 years old, playing hide and seek. I guess I only see past occasions. But the things is, I was lost in a vision in the studio, painting, when that man came in. I didn't see it. When I got back after the visions ended, I saw myself half naked in bed and that disgusting old men trying to… To…"

"Shit!" We cursed together.

"We got it all wrong, Kian!" Aryan clenched his jaw. "So, you mean that Verena was almost murdering that male human because he tried to sexually abuse you?"

And when she nodded, I felt terrible, and Ren turned pale. "But… but isn't she full of dangerous psychological problems? It was in your records."

Emmaline scoffed, "The same that said I have epilepsy. Oh, yeah, you really believed that? My sister isn't what her records say. Yes, she may have some anger issues, but she only loses her shit and fights when someone offends me. She's not possessive as they said, she's just overprotective because she thinks she's responsible for me. She…" she gulped and I could smell her pain, "she constantly gave me her blood to paint. We have lots of debts, and Benjamin became a leech when he saw my paintings once, and he said that since he wouldn't buy us paint, I should paint with blood."

"What?" Aryan gasped and I felt his conflicted feelings through our bond. "She gave you her blood willingly?"

"Yes," she refused to look at any of us. "Benjamin sell the paintings in the black-market of New Orleans and he took all the money for himself. That was my way of paying for my debt. He didn't allowed us to pay together, since he wanted to use my sister for his shady businesses. She never really told me what she did, but I had an idea."

"The underground fights," Aryan whispered.

"I don't know about that, but I thought so. My sister self-taught herself how to fight when we were kids, so she could protect myself from whoever messed with me, and protect herself from all the bullying she went through. She took the blame for everything I did our entire life. I was always clumsy, and ended up breaking lots of things in our foster families, and she always said it was her and took the beating and the blame for them abandoning us from me. That's why she's so protective over me, because I tend to mess things up," she cried.

"Fuck!" Aryan growled.

"You all got your judgement wrong, kids," uncle finally spoke, disappointment all over his features. "Let's fix this up!" He snapped his fingers and he and aunt teleported themselves out of here, using their magical rings.

Emmaline let out a painful cry and we turned to her confused, "My sister… something is happening to her. I…" She gasped. "I… I can't breath… Veevy..." And in a desperation attempt to touch her throat, she broke the strings holding her wrists as if they were nothing and gasped, terror flooding her.

"She can feel what her sister feels?" Ary's eyes met mine. "Could they have the Celestial bond like us just for being twins?"

"Probably?" I got on my feet, "Verena is in the non-gravity prison. You think they cut the oxygen to suffocate her or something?" Using my air magic, I gave her an air bubble to breath, but she still seemed to be struggling with it.

"They think she's guilty," Ren cursed under his breath. "And the girls were already losing their temper with her when I left to come here."

Emmaline's eyes rolled and she fell on her back again, fainting, and the scent of terror flooding her. "My mom once said the non-gravity used to be used to induce visions on the seers that studied her at our parents generation. And it was induce through cutting the oxygen in the glass room," Aryan clenched his teeth, and shot us a glare. "They can't be doing that, right?"

I cursed, "We have to go there. Emmaline won't be able to leave, thanks to the barrier around her. Besides," I side-looked the girl. "She's unconscious."

"Let's go then!" Ren and Naveen exclaimed.

We got together and I used my spatial magic to take us there, since we've gone there before. And as we arrived, we say Verena through the invisible glass, she was floating. Her skin was blushing from head to toes, her eyes were crimson red, blood tears rolled down her face, and she was shaking furiously. When I looked at the panels motoring her, I saw that the temperature of her body was rising too much.

"What the hell?" I gasped.

"We… we didn't know. We thought she was guilty since she confessed it all," Rose muttered. "So, we decided to try and induce her to have a vision to see if it would work. She's acting like that for more than three minutes already."

Uncle Dion clicked his tongue, "Her body must be burning up, she can't control her magic, and she definitely has fire in that small body of hers." He turned to Aryan, "Go there. You are the strongest fire wielder out of all the heirs, it won't be a problem to you. Get her out off there. We made a mistake of judgement, and we have to put her in a room to get healed."

"Mistake of judgement? No fucking shit?!" He muttered angry through the bond and keeping a poker face, he nodded. "Yes, father." Then he opened the door and walked inside the glass prison. "Turn the gravity off," and he was asking.

Aunt Alyssa grinned and did as he said. Aryan walked into the glass prison and took her in his arms. Showing nothing on his face. Then he casted a barrier around themselves and walked out of there.

"Father is right, she's really burning up. She's overflowing with her uncontrolled fire magic. And is it normal to take so long in a vision?"

My mom stepped closer, "Not usually. If I remember well, Celeste only took longer when she was getting lost in the power of the visions," she licked her lips. "If she doesn't get out of there, it can be deadly. Many Seers have died during a vision."

What the hell? "Do we let them die? What now?"

"I don't know!" He blinked, "So, where do I take her again? Shall we treat her or let her die?"

"We still have know more about them, their powers, what they can and cannot do," my father stepped near me. "So, let us treat her," he turned to Nevan's parents. "What do you think?"

"Let's treat her!" They said together, with that creepy excitement overflowing from them again.

"Take her to the black room," aunt Alyssa told him. "There's a bed there, we can handcuff her to it, because she may not be guilty, but she's hostile, and she might freak out when we tell her what she is."

"Yes, mother!" He turned around and walked off to the room next door. It's still part of the dungeon, and is resigned especially for the students who go berserk. "Kian, can you also smell her terror?"

"Yes. It's almost palpable. Whatever she's seeing, I doubt it'll be good."

"Definitely not good!"

We all followed him, and my parents gave me the magical handcuffs to put on her, and as they stayed in the panel control room, which allows us to watch and talk to her without her seeing us, I walked into the white room. And as he put her down, I handed him the handcuffs and he locked her left arm on the bed frame.

As we left, going to the panel control room, Aryan turned to his parents. "Can I be the one to talk with her when she wakes up?"

His father tilted his head, "Give us a reason."

"I was the one who met her in the human world. When I went to her, I was with my fae features concealed, and we talked to each other. She'll be startled after all the interrogation, and Ren told us she believes we are from a human secret organization of the American Government. If she talks with someone she met before, even if briefly, I believe it might better," he knows his way with his words.

His parents seemed amused. "She said she doesn't trust males, son," his mom added. "Are you sure about going there?"

"Yes. She doesn't know any of you, but she met me. I still think that, even if she's against males, it'll be better."

All of our parents seemed to approve his answer and nodded together. "Then it's with you, Aryan," uncle Madden spoke. "And when you cover enough ground for us, I'll go inside with Harper and we'll began healing her."

"Thank you for the opportunity!" Ary exclaimed firmly. "Otherwise I think she might have tried to attack anyone else."

I used all of my will power not to grin, "Definitely."