
Stardust Academy


passionfruitjuice · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
94 Chs

Ch.15 ۞ Kian ۞ Part I

Stardust Academy, Saturn, Fae Free Lands


OUR PARENTS WERE ALL WAITING FOR US as we got to the Academy with Aryan's intimidating parents. I was still holding the twin who went by Emmaline in my arms, just as Ary was with the savage one in his. And I felt a strange pulling to the girl I was holding, especially because the second we arrived in the fae world again, the proof of their nature was laid right in front of our eyes.

"Uh," I gasped, catching their attention, "seems like there was a spell covering their fae features," I muttered still looking at how the girl's ears became pointy like ours and elongated canines appeared on her slightly open mouth.

Uncle Dion clicked his tongue, "Of course," then he shared a look with aunt Alyssa, "it's Celeste's doing."

She nodded, "That's definitely something she would do, before leaving her daughters in the human world." Then her eyes went to Verena who was in her son's arms, "And I can feel her and Solis's power on this one. Way more than in the girl Kian's holding. They probably used their magic all combined to put some kind of locker in theirs."

Uncle seemed to agree with that, "That explains why they weren't noticed before, not even on their 18th birthday. Those two probably tried to be smart and block their daughters for 19 years, thinking we wouldn't find them." He grinned in a way that sent goosebumps down my spine, and I could feel that it caused the same reaction on Aryan. "To think they underestimated their on kids power."

"Your parents are all waiting for us in the dungeon under the academy," then she glared at Verena in a very vicious way that really made it clear to us how much they must loathe the fallen Asphodel rulers. "As she's the ticking bomb, let's put her straight in the non-gravity cell," and I almost flinched when she turned that gaze to me. "Take the other one to the recovery room."

"As the next rulers of Astra," uncle spoke, "the six of you will be the ones making the questions. Let's see how is your judgement." What?

Aunt seemed to enjoy that, "Mm-hm. It'll be good. After all, you will be the ones dealing with them."

"I'll take the ticking bomb," Ren exclaimed and through our bond, I could tell Aryan didn't enjoy that.

"Yes. We'll take her!" Rose joined with a feral grin on her lips. "Jess?"

"Fine. I'll be with you!"

"Yes. That's great," Naveen nodded. "Then I'll be with the other twin, with Aryan and Kian." Why are they deciding that like that?

Aryan definitely didn't like that, but he didn't voiced it out loud. And as Ren stepped closer to him, he thought about punching him, but put Verena on our friend's arms either way. He wouldn't say anything in front of his parents, I know him well enough to know that. "You okay with this?" I asked through our link.

"I just think we should be the ones to interrogate them, since we are the ones who found both. And in all honesty, I don't think they will be able to deal with her. But they said it first, so there's nothing to say about it." He clenched his jaw and stepped near me.

"I kind of agree with you, Ary. But it's not like they will like to lose the fun of all this."

"That's why I'm not saying anything against it!"

His parents looked at him and he kept a poker face as if he didn't think shit about it. He would get into problems if he showed any emotions regarding this. That's just how crazy and ruthless uncle Dion and aunt Alyssa are. Those two are definitely the most volatile out of all our parents, that is for sure. Aryan had the toughest environment growing up out of all of us, although I would say I had the second most complicated one.

"Shall we go inside then?" Aunt asked, her light pink eyes still on her son. And as we all nodded, she snapped her fingers again and teleported us to the infirmary.

As we looked around, there was only me, Ary, Naveen, and Naveen's parents, uncle Madden and aunt Harper, since they are the greatest healers of Astra. King and Queen of the Ceres Kingdom. However, their usual cool energy was gone and we could only see feral excitement in their features.

Yes. Seems like they really all loathed the King and Queen of Asphodel. I know they had some beef from old times, but I had no idea it was like this. At least not for all of them.

"Is this the twin who goes by Emmaline?" Aunt Harper asked licking her canines.

I laid the girl on the bed and sat on the chair at her right, while Ary sat on her left. Naveen and his parents were standing in front of us. But their excitement didn't sit right with me, I felt rather… annoyed by it.

"Yes," I swallowed my true thoughts about it and turned to them. "The others are with the ticking bomb."

"Hm," uncle raised his eyebrows and came closer, his emerald eyes analyzing the girl in a way that made my stomach roll in a unpleasant way. "Did her sister strangle her?"

"What?" Both me and Aryan exclaimed together and shot a look at the girl's throat, only now noticing the purple-ish bruise around her neck.

"It can't be. Her sister's hand's are smaller than this," Aryan muttered. "Maybe she's into some kinky stuff and the guy Verena was trying to kill did this?"

"Ary, I don't know why, but I'm having a terrible feeling about this."

"You are not the only one. But I can't really pinpoint what is it. Guess we'll only understand when they wake up and we interrogate them!"

"Hm, well, maybe," aunt said with a smirk and turned her honey eyes to me. "Kian, dear, you said that in the their psychological diagnosis it also mentioned that Verena's has extreme possessive tendencies regarding her sister, right?"

"Yes, aunt. Just like I send you photos of the papers."

"That must be why the older twin lost control of herself and almost killed the male human," uncle caressed his chin.

And in a snap of Naveen's fingers, two magical strings wrapped around Emmaline's wrists, binding her to the sides of the bed. "She'll probably wake up startled, especially because she has no idea of who we are. So, it's best if we take measures regarding that."

"Are you okay?" Ary asked me through the bond.

"I don't feel so good about this."

"It's not like we have another choice, brother." He turned to our friends' parents. "My parents said they look just like their parents when they were young." It wasn't a question.

They shared a gaze and as they came closer, aunt opened her closed eyes slightly, "She has her mom's eyes, that's for sure."

"And her father's hair," uncle added, taking her hair in his hair. "Her other features is like a mixture of them both. The difference is that Solis had golden eyes and Celeste had snowy white hair."

Aunt agreed with her husband, "Mm-hm. They have they father's tan skin, and," her eyes ran down the girl almost naked body, as she was still on her underwear, "this is definitely how their mom's body looked like." And how does she knows that?

"Brother, shouldn't we, I don't know… cover this girl's body or something?" I asked him.

He pressed his lips, "That would be the best to do, but uncle and aunt will have to treat her either way, and they will need her like this. We can cover her when they are done."

"So, yes, Aryan, your parents are right. They are definitely Solis and Celeste's daughters," then he put up a magical barrier around the girl. "Shall we begin treating this one?"

"Let me scout her body to see if there's any broken bone," aunt muttered and as she drawn her magic, a refreshing feeling flooded the entire infirmary. "No broken bones. She might have healed herself since it's natural to us to heal wounds that don't actually harm or might cause our deaths."

"She didn't have any broken bones when we found her, aunt," I spoke.

"Oh," she giggled. "Okay. So, let's just," she covered Emmaline's neck with a wave of her magic, but the bruise didn't disappear as it should. "What the hell?" She glared at her husband and her son, and they both joined her on it. However, the bruise persisted.