
Stardust Academy


passionfruitjuice · Fantasy
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94 Chs

Ch.14 ۞ Verena ۞ Part II

"You should have let me finish what I started then. At least, I know he'll never recover from what I did!" I grinned viciously, anger flooding my veins again.

"Your sister will be disappointed."

I raised my eyebrows, "She won't. I did it for her. I couldn't let that happen to her. If you ever found yourself in such a situation, you would understand. But you are probably too privileged for that, hm? I can't say that for myself. So, I would never let my sister go through what I did. As her older sister, it's my duty to protect her."

"Just because you hate males doesn't mean your sister does too, Verena. And after all you did to her, all the blood you took from her, you were too possessive of her to let her have fun, even if she has different tastes than you do!" The woman with a deeper voice snapped.

"I won't even waste the time I still have with a dumb bitch like you, Miss. You clearly didn't do you job and learned all the details of the care before coming in my place, kidnapping me, and locking me up. I expected more from the government, seriously."

"How dare you?" She yelled offended.

"How dare you accused me of that?" I countered.

"You really are a insane monster."

Damn she's really unprofessional. "Call me whatever you want. You don't know what happened. You weren't there. You don't understand the situation I was in. If trying to kill that son of a bitch makes of me a insane monster, then so be it. I'm an insane monster," I chuckled bitterly. "People always try to blame others for what they didn't do, and you are clearly like that. You came to this mess of interrogation making me questions. I answered them. And when you weren't satisfied with my truth, you proclaimed that I'm a liar. But when I lie, you believed in it, simply because I said what I knew you wanted to hear, agent."

I played a little bit more with the non gravity space, rolling down. Enjoying the silence as they didn't make me more questions for sometime. But then I felt an intense pain in my chest, a wave of despair hiting me like a bitch. And I stopped.

"What did you do to my sister?" I yelled. "What did you do to her? Why is she in pain?" My anger took the best of me again. "Where's she?"

But before I could ask another question, I felt as the oxygen in the space began to be sucked out of here. Are they trying to kill me asphyxiated? I gasped, covering my mouth to hold the oxygen I had in me, as pain began to burn in my chest.

Nevertheless, it happened again. I felt the call of a higher being and my body froze again. And as my vision began to turn red, and blood tears began to roll down my eyes, it all turned black.


I saw myself being held by a big dude in a beach, in my front was the most crystalline water I've ever seen in my life and it had no end. The water went on forever like an ocean, and that spread goosebumps down my spine.

As I focused my vision on what was happening, I found myself surrounded by a bunch of weird tall people. They were similar to the ones in Emma's painting, all with pointy ears and elongated canines, with eyes in colors I've never imagine someone could have in their iris, not to mention the different hair colors and physical characteristics. Everyone looked otherworldly and I could feel an immense power emanating from them.

Not just from them, as from me too. And from the water. The water seemed to be imbued in liquid magical power, I knew it in my bones.

But what scared me was that more than 10 meters into the sea, I spotted a glass long canoe with five people on it. And in the middle, was Emmaline, and I could feel her terror from where I was. The same kind of terror that evaded me when I had the vision of her.

To my further shock, my sister also had pointy ears and elongated canines, which was absurd, and her eyes glowed more silver than grey. Her hands were handcuffed in some kind of black thick handcuffs. And the people with her in the boat, all looked excited by my sister fear.

It's her biggest fear. Deep water. We both fear deep water, but that's not my biggest fear, however, it's hers. Since we were babies, we have nightmares where we are drowning, and she told me that she experienced that in more than a handful of her visions, so she's terrified of it.

I could see her fear in her eyes. In her entire body. I could feel it flooding inside of me through our connection.

My gaze went to the four people on the boat, holding her, and I saw a two girls and two boys, both with vicious wolfish grins on, enjoying my sister's terror. And as my eyes traveled through them, I tattooed each of their features in my brain.

One of the boys had pale skin and fluffy ice blue curly hair, with big black eyes. He was a more than a head taller than Emma, with a slander body, full of slim muscles, and a Scorpio tattoo on his right shoulder blade.

The girl on his side looked just like her but with long hair around her waist, and her eyes were is a deep shade of turquoise, and she had small breasts and a curvy hip, but as slim as the other boy, who I think might be her brother.

While the other boy was taller than the cotton-candy blue-haired, and was build in a wide and bread body full of muscles, his skin was in a deep and rich shade of olive, short curly black hair, and with big emerald eyes. And he definitely felt more powerful than the first two.

Lastly, the girl who was with his, was also taller than Emma, by a little more than half a head, and she had a slander but toned body, with abs on displays and curvy long legs showing how tall she was. And he breasts were bigger than the other girl, but smaller than Emma's. Her waist-length crimson red straight hair falling over her shoulders, as her pale skin looked ivory under the son, and her big amber-ish orange eyes flickered with amusement as she stared viciously at my sweet sister.

And as Emma's eyes fell to me, I felt my knees weak. However, the two big boys holding me by each of my arms held me still. As I let my eyes roam over them, I engraved their features in my soul.

Both were a head taller than me, with big and muscled bodies, and the pointy eyes and elongated canines present in everyone else around me.

The boy in the right had golden wavy hair, white skin, wrinkles in his cheeks, his muscles toned so well that his body looked sculpted, with a thin but big nose, a dark mole in the middle of his left cheekbones and big amethyst eyes.

Whereas the one in my left was even taller than the blonde, with shoulder length dark brown wavy hair, tan skin, and bug light blue eyes. Not to mention that his abs were the most toned out of all the shirtless males present.

I felt someone else behind me, but I couldn't turn around to see who it was and focus on his features. And as I looked at Emma again, her eyes were on me and my heart ached as I saw tears of terror in her angelic face.

"Let's see if you will enjoy meeting your parents and your fallen Kingdom, Zephyra Asphodel," the blue-haired guy yelled, making my sister shiver and everyone laugh.

"My name isn't Zephyra," she snapped at him, and when she glared at him, there was no fear on her eyes. "It's Emmaline, you son of a bitch."

The red-haired girl chuckled bitterly, catching my sister by her hair, "That's the name the humans gave you. It doesn't change the fact that you are from Asphodel and have the blood of monsters in your veins." Then she pressed her near the end of the canoe and she let out a terrified scream.

"Let go of her!" I caught myself screaming.

"You are next, Asteria Asphodel," the brunette holding me on my left scowled. "Now just shut your fucking mouth for once and watch as your sweet sister go meet your parents first!" My parents?

How is she going to meet our parents in the sea? I don't understand what's going on. Neither do I understand how are we in this place, surrounded by this weird people, and how my sister is with those freakish ears and those feral teeth. Is she using a costume?

"Let go off me, you son of a bitch!" I yelled.

"If you curse me one more time," he tightened his grip on my arm, "I'll break your ribs again, little creep!" Again?

"Emma!" I cried.

"Veevy!" She cried back.

But before she could say anything else, the four bastards in the canoe threw her inside the sea and she screamed terrified as she fell down. I felt her terror flooding me and I screamed, trying to make those son of a bitch release my arm.

"Emmaline!" I yelled. "Sister!"

I felt something building up inside of me, something like fire and I felt the temperature of my body rising to an extreme level, which made the two guys drop their grip on me and jump away cursing me and all of my ancestors.

"Don't let her get to her sister!" Someone yelled.

Not even thinking twice, I ran desperately and jumped on the water, and as I swam with my eyes open, saw something terrifying inside the waters, like a drowned Kingdom deep down, and my sister was falling deeper and deeper thanks to those handcuffs.

Desperation flooded my entire soul as I used all of my strength to swam faster and even though I was running out of oxygen, I did my best. And when I finally caught her, I used the fire that was burning inside of me to melt the handcuffs, and I did my all to push her to the surface.

However, the waters were furious and I felt something gripping my ankles the second I managed to throw my sister out of the water, somehow conjuring some kind of force that made her float above the water. But it was too late for me.

The sea water burned my body as it took the place of the oxygen inside of me, and as those creatures took me by the ankles and brought me deeper and deeper, I felt the pressure of the water crushing my bones. But there was no cry left in me.

And as I closed my eyes, giving in for death to claim me, I felt like there was someone giving me a warm hug. The type of hug I always dreamed of getting from my parents who abandoned me so long ago.

At least, Emmaline was safe.


As the vision ended, I felt my body convulsing, and I threw up water. So much water. And as all the water left my body, I gasped for oxygen again.

Only when I was inhaled deeply, I realized I wasn't on the non-gravity glass structure anymore, I was in a light white room, handcuffed to a bed. Blood all over my face, chin, neck, and collarbones, from the tears than fell as I was lost in the vision of an unsure future.

This time I was unable to stay awake.