
Stardust Academy


passionfruitjuice · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
94 Chs

Ch.13 ۞ Verena ۞ Part I

Stardust Academy, Saturn, Fae Free Lands


WHEN I OPENED MY EYES AGAIN I FOUND myself in a entirely different place. Even the air seemed different, way more pure than the oxygen in New Orleans. And as I remembered what was happening before I fainted in the arms of an unknown men who invaded our studio, I felt terror invading me all over again.


I tried to get up, to find her, but I found myself floating in a glass room, about six meters of height and length. And it was incredibly dark, but I was able to see just fine, as if there was a light on. But as I tried to walk, I stumbled, and cursed.

"What the fuck?" I yelled, as all the walls beyond the glass shit I was locked in were blank with no windows. "Where the hell am I? Where my sister? Where's Emmaline? Emmaline?" I yelled.

"Try to calm down, Verena," a male voice resounded from everywhere so loud that I cursed covering my ear that were suddenly extremely sensible to it.

"Tone down a bit, bitch. Do you want to pop my ears? I'm not deaf, damn it!" I tried to stay still, but I messed up and found myself floating upside down. "Who are you? What are you doing? Why am I here? Where am I? And why am in this cage like a lab rat?"

Did the government learned about me and Emma?

"What are you, Verena?" What?

I jerked, "Are you FBI? CIA? Am I in Pentagon? Area 51? Fucking hell. You are from the government, aren't you? Bro, I swear I'm clean. Where's my sister?" Did they learned about her visions? It can't be. "Where is Emmaline?"

"She's safe," the male voice spoke again, but I didn't believe it one bit.

"I don't trust you!" I barked.

"Neither do we trust you."

I bit my tongue, trying to steady myself and get on my feet again. "That's fair. So, first thing first, can you please turn this bitch off? I feel like I'm in space and gravity is turned off. I'm not an astronaut neither am I trained for this stuff."

"That's because the gravity in the space you are locked in was indeed turned off, Verena!" A woman spoke and I felt more at ease listening her voice than the other guy.

"You are a woman, right?"

"A female. Yes," she chuckled softly and I felt really at ease. "Why? Does speaking with males stress you?"

"Yes!" I snapped sincerely. "I don't trust man… I mean, males," let's speak like her, maybe she'll be better than the other guy if I do that. "Can I just speak with you, Miss? I'll try behaving if you allow that. I'm not trying to anger the government. Whatever secret agency you are from. Do we have a deal?"

"Hmmm," she ponded and I felt amusement in her voice. "Deal. Do you feel better just speaking with me?"

"I do," I let out a sigh of relief. Since that happened to me when I was 15 years old, I was unable to trust any kind of males again. Even animals. "Where's my sister?" I tried again.

To my shock, she chuckled, "Oh, you really are persistent," she purred and I felt my cheeks hot. "I promise you that your sister is safe. She's safe away from you." What?

I frowned, "I don't understand what you meant by that, but please, don't let any… males get near her."

"Are you possessive over her?"

What kind of stupid question is that? "I'm not possessive. You can use overprotective, that would suit me better. But I'm not possessive. Not like that," I clenched my teeth annoyed.

"Did you enjoy torturing her?"

"What the fuck? Torturing? What the hell do you mean by that? I never tortured my sister. I would never to that. Never. She's everything I have, why would I ever harm her like that?" I gasped. "What is happening here?"

"Why did you cut her?" I did what?

I scoffed, "When did I do that?"

"Why did you use her blood as paint for your arts? Do you understand how barbaric that is?" Wait… what?

I froze.

So, they know about the paintings and they brought us here because of it. I never thought that would cause so much problem, and I willingly gave my blood for her to use. But if doing so might put her is such big problems with the fucking American government, I will gladly take the blame.

"Will you deny again?" Her voice was full of poison and I gulped. "Did you do that? Did you use your sister's blood for your paintings?"

Fuck. They really got us on this. If I manage to get away from this, I'm going to murder Benjamin. I'll murder him because he's the one who made us do that. He made us do it.

"Your levels of anger are rising. Are you angry because we caught you on your barbaric crime, Verena? Don't lie!" I won't let my sister get the blame for it. I fucking won't.

"Yes. I did it," I said firmly as if I honestly believed it so they won't think I'm lying. I saw a conspiracy theory once that said that the government had truth serums on their power. I definitely don't want them to use that shit on me.

"Are you confessing your barbaric crime?" She asked shocked, probably expecting me to deny it further.

I looked at my body and noticed I was still on the clothes from before. My wrists and all the scars on it were all covered, and so were the scars on my inner up thighs. "Yes. I confess. It was me. I won't lie anymore. Just, free my sister. She's the victim on all of this."

"We know. That's why we are taking care of her!" She added. "We won't allow a monster like to get near your sister. We won't allow you to harm her anymore. To use her like a sacrificial goat."

"Okay. But, can you not send her back to the apartment? Otherwise that son of a bitch will try to get her again."

She scoffed, "Who are you talking about?"

I blinked, "As the government, didn't you scout the person who sold all the paintings and tracked us from there? I'm talking about that person. Benjamin Mason Durocher. He's one of the heads of the crime hydra in Louisiana. You can lock me here, I don't mind, as long as you promise to take care of Emmaline."

A long silence followed.

"Hello? Are you there, agent something?" Nothing at all. "I swear I'm not lying. I'm also not-"

"Where did you get inspiration for the paintings, Verena?" It was another woman, with a deeper tone of voice, and I got confused.

How many agents are on this case? "What?"

"Don't play dumb, Verena. We already know everything, but we want to hear it from you. So, if you lie, we'll be able to tell. Now tell us where did you get inspiration for the paintings. Who were the people you draw?" How am I supposed to know that?

My visions are always from the near future and I always suspected Emma's to be from a distant past, or even another world because they were too fantastical. Especially the ears and teeth. She's the one who knows this, not me.

I gulped, "I don't know who they are. I just… saw them. I have no control over it. It just happens. And I'm always waiting in front of the frame to paint whatever I see. When I get back to myself, I've already painted," that's how it happens for Emmaline. With me is different. "I have no idea who they are, neither how I'm able to see them, or to do any of this."

"What's your name?" What the?

"Look, I don't want to be disrespectful towards the American government or anything, but are you on drugs? Your questions don't match. You don't seem to have a line of thoughts. Neither do you ask things that make sense. I'm not trying to gaslight you, don't worry, it's just that it's really unprofessional for an agent of a secret organization, don't you think?" Maybe they are connected to NASA. Because this room is definitely something I could imagine it on NASA.

"Answer my question. What is your name?"

"Verena Seraph. Seriously, didn't you just mentioned my name countless of times?" I mocked. After all, I'm already locked up here and upside down, it can't get worse.

"Don't mock us, Verena!" The first woman who was making me the questions before spoke.

"Don't give me reason to do so," I grinned. "Sorry, I can't help it. You handed me the arguments, I just used them. It's on you, not on me. So, what are you going to do to me?" After getting used to the non gravity room, I used my weight to my advantage and rolled down, getting on a vertical position again. "Hah, I'm getting a hold of this. So, did you finish killing that son of a bitch?"

She gasped, "We don't kill humans!"

"Got it. Humans don't kill humans. That's annoying code that only works to privileged people," I scoffed.