
Stardust Academy


passionfruitjuice · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
94 Chs

Ch.10 ۞ Aryan ۞ Part II

ABOUT A WEEK AGO, KIAN AND I HEADED TO Louisiana, on the United States, while Ren and Rose went to London, in the UK; and Jess and Naveen left to Sydney, in Australia. We both felt a stronger pull towards this place. More precisely, to New Orleans, but the city is big and we were starting to get a weaker hold on our magic for being so far away from our world.

But we had to approach it with the biggest delicacy, if our parents happened to be right, they could extremely volatile and possibly dangerous. And as we arrived in New Orleans, we finally found our target, but we decided to keep it for ourselves for now and only call the others when we decided to approach them.

Two twin girls. Going as the names Verena and Emmaline Seraph, and pretty much identical, except that they have total opposite energies. And while Emmaline didn't seem to leave their place usually, Verena went out pretty much everyday and always came back late. Which made both of us believe the painter was Verena and the blood source Emmaline, since should could be too weak from all the blood she gave and had to stay at home. After all, even faes get weaker temporarily if they donate too much blood. Especially when they are in the human world.

We used this time analyzing them to get all the information we could from the two. At least all that we could get on the human system, such as birthday, and records from school, and everything else.

According to it, they were born on June 21 and are 19 years old, which matched the times around the destruction of Asphodel, but we still couldn't be sure of anything. Both have incredible grades, and while Emmaline leaned more towards literary clubs in school, Verena went for the sports. However, both were into artistic extra classes.

Kian leaned towards one of the documents, his jaw clenched, "The Seraph twins were abandoned by their birth parents, in a orphanage in the outskirts of New Orleans, but then they were kidnapped together with some other four kids and sold of to a drug dealer. At three years old they were found again and brought into another orphanage. From that point on, they lived in nine foster families, in five different cities of Louisiana, and were abandoned every time. In all of those 9 times, the parents allegedly reported that they could handle a kid as disastrous as Verena," he gulped and I could feel his agony through our bond.

I took the paper from his hands, "They settle in New Orleans after they turned 16 years old and their last foster family abandoned them as well. Later they went back to the orphanage they spend the longer time on, which is taken cared of by Benjamin Mason Durocher. A philanthropist man who took care of them as if they were his daughters. After graduating from high school at seventeen years old, two years ago, he officially gave them both a job. They work for him since. And their criminal records checks that Emmaline is clean while Verena had been in juvenile jails five times during high school, for fighting in school."

"Sounds horrible," he cringed. "I don't even know what I would do if my family abandoned me so many times. If my pack made me a lone wolf," his the shifter kind of fae, and the Pravin Royal family is all of wolves. That's also why his so emotional with the people he's closer to, like me, since we are more than best friends and all of that. "I would have gone insane."

I scoffed, "Given all the painting with blood shit, I think it's pretty easy to say that at least one of them has definitely gone insane."

"Is there any psychological diagnosis? Humans have psychologists in their schools, don't they?" He leaned closer, touching his arm on mine.

"Yes," I flipped the page. "Emmaline was diagnosed with anxiety, self deprecating tendencies, and some type of… epilepsy. Probably because of what happens when seers have visions. It's just strange that Verena wasn't diagnosed with the same. She's said to have…" I froze. "Shit," I cursed as my eyes passed down the words. "Yes, she's definitely the painter who uses her sister's blood."

He gasped, leaned even closer, "What is it?"

"Kian, she's diagnosed with sociopathy, ADHD, severe anxiety, paranoid disorder, and she's also said to have more than severe anger issues. Now it makes sense why she was always the reason why they were both constantly abandoned. Her sister was probably better without her always dragging her behind," because as an older brother myself, I would never do anything that could hurt my little brother. Never. And this girl seems to do the opposite.

"She's definitely the ticking bomb!"

I nodded, "And with all of this, it makes even more clear why she is the one who used her sister's blood. She does definitely sounds like how out parents described the Asphodel people to us. If she awakens all of her power, it'll be definitely dangerous. And given her irresponsibility, her younger twin sister will be the one in the eyes of the storm."

"We should report this to our parents, Ary. Before we go and face them, we have to report it," he bit his bottom lip, waiting for what I think about it, since we always do things together.

"It's time we send them a word about it. Let's do this, as they will probably part ways, I'll follow Verena, to get in contact with her, and you stay here. Keep an eye on their building, in case Emmaline goes out, than you go after her. If she doesn't leave, stay here and keep watch."

He seemed uneasy, "Don't you want me to come with you? It'll be better if we stay together."

"We are all equally powerful, Kian. And they may have a lot of power, but they are untrained and have no idea of what they actually are. She won't be a threat to me, but to the humans present wherever she goes. And a fae killing a human is strongly against the law. That much I can easily avoid," and I'm not really scared of her. If one thing, I'm slightly worried about what the hell she's doing to her sister. That's beyond fucked up.

"Okay. I'll warn the others. It's better to warn them before we warn our parents, otherwise their parents by get mad at them. And we are doing this together," he's right about that.

Before I could say a word, we heard someone leaving their building and as we ran to see who it was, we could tell it was Verena by the black high-heeled boots which she seemed to be using all the time.

"I'll be going, Kian. You take care of telling the Heirs and our parents. Stay on the phone, I'll reach out as soon as I get in touch with that troublemaker in boots!" I got up and he nodded. "Let's see where is that rat heading to."

"Don't turn your phone off!"

"I won't."


I followed Verena Seraph until the neighboring city, from afar, still unsettled by the fact that she drives motorbikes so well. And as she stopped by a pub, I took some time before going inside. Holding my annoyance given the disgusting scent of so many humans in one so place, and full of so much lust, I went straight to the bar, needing some alcohol to numb my senses even if just a bit, and there was where I found her. She had left her sister alone to come here and flirt with the barman, and to make it worse, they seemed to know each other from before today.

She isn't even in clothes that humans female usually use when they go to pubs like this, she was in a baggy black pant and a baggy matching jacket covering her. The only thing that gave away the feminine side inside that woman was the boots. Female killer boots. But the guy behind the balcony didn't seem to mind that, as he shamelessly flirted with her.

The beast inside of me didn't like that at all. Maybe it was because she emanated power and power types of fae like me always go towards the most powerful source of magic, to claim it for myself. Or maybe it was the viciousness that must lie inside of her, resonating with my interior monster.

I have no idea what was that, but I felt the urge to jump inside the bar and break the male human's spine. She didn't even look at me as I sat near her, and I'm positive that she felt me here. But she had the audacity to ignore me.

It made me so mad that I snapped and used coercion a manipulative power innate to all fae folk, to command the human called Josh to back off and give me my drink, breaking one of the primordial fae rules, but not really giving a damn in the moment, it's not like anyone will know about this. And she even got mad at me for the way I talked to that weakling, as if I had offended her boyfriend. I could smell the anger she was targeting me with, and I got even more annoyed because she ignored me again.