
Star Wars: The Deprived Sith

Broken from the beginning, deprived of the most basic, but also most important thing. Deprived of emotions since childhood, no trauma, no feelings, nothing! What happens when that “monster” gets power to take things into its own hands and thrown out to the wider galaxy? Will it learn the basics that it has been deprived of, or will it end up as a tool for someone or something? Vast powers and empires loom over the galaxy, and it’s never safe. Will that be the fall or the rise of the “monster”? P/a t.r.e.o.n(dot)com/Valancey Disclaimer: Star Wars and its expanded universe are the intellectual property of Disney, yes Disney… we know it seems crazy but it's the truth. I don't own any of the characters or settings.

Valancy · Derivasi dari game
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It had been about 2 days, and about halfway to Korriban.

"Show me what you have learned." Darth Marr spoke to the boy, who was now standing in the middle of a huge training room.

All around the room there were tons of training droids.

They were the training droids only Sith may use, as they could kill someone if they aren't good enough.

Darth Marr was standing in the doorway and watching the boy.

He looked confused as he stood there and looked around.

His eyes locked on to a weapon rack with tons of different swords, pikes, blasters and shields.

The boy walked up to them and started feeling the weapons.

First, he picked up a blaster and shot it at one of the droids.

The blaster shot hit the droid in the furthest back, straight in the head.

He kept feeling it until he gently placed it back where he took it.

Next, he went straight past the shields and picked up a dual bladed training saber.

The boy swung it a couple times and ran around, then he stopped and looked at Darth Marr.

"Attack the boy at intermediate difficulty." Darth Marr voiced out to the droids.

Intermediate difficulty was usually only used by experienced Sith Warriors, as it would be way too hard for the Acolytes or Crusaders.

Three droids ran at the boy with a sword each at fast speed.

He calmly looked at them and waited for them to arrive.

The first droid jumped high in the air and made an overhead slash, while a second one attacked from the side with a powerful stab aimed at his ribs.

And the third one went around them and charged for a tackle from the back, all in a matter of a second.

The boy calmly looked at them, and when the sword from the first droid was about to split his head in half, he made a quick sidestep as he used his saber to quickly stun the droid behind him.

Right after doing that, he grabbed the droid he stunned by the head and threw it at the stab coming from the side.

Just then, he also jumped high in the air and kicked the first droid in the side as it landed right behind the stunned droid.

Before he could even land again, a loud mechanic screech sounded.

It was the sound of two training droids being stabbed straight through the chest.

He quickly landed and sprinted around the broken droids as he slashed with the backside of his dual bladed training saber at the standing droid's neck as it collapsed with an electric spark.

Darth Marr was confused and happy.

He didn't know what to feel, he has never felt this much emotion since before he became a sith.

Right as he was about to say something, the boy did something he had not expected.

He picked up the broken droids with his bare hands and walked over to the repair station just next door and gave them to the repair droid.

Right after that, he went back to the rack and gently placed the dual bladed training saber back where he took it.

The boy then went and did the same thing with two training sabers, and the results were the same.

He thrashed the droids, handed them to the repair station, then placed the two training sabers back.

Now there were only two more things to try, the pike and a solo training saber.

Something bothered him with the pike.

After he picked it up and swung it, he made a strange face that made Darth Marr almost want to cry in happiness and expectation.

It almost looked like disgust.

The boy crushed it in his hands, then stomped on it as if it was a small bug.

Even though Darth Marr was happy, or as happy as a Sith can be, he was even more confused.

'What is going on with that boy?' He asked himself as he was studying how the boy behaved.

Last up was a single training saber.

He picked it up and did the same routine as the others.

But something was different, he looked at Darth Marr and spoke for the first time without Darth Marr speaking first.


Was all the boy said to him as he pointed at the training droids.

Darth Marr was confused at first but decided to just listen, so he upped the difficulty to Expert.

If anyone were to see this, they would ask if he was stupid.

The only people who fought with this difficulty were incredibly experienced Sith Masters.

'If he is in danger, I will just stop them, but the force will probably do something in case it's an emergency.'

Darth Marr was ready to stop it but decided against it as he did not want to baby the boy, even if he was their hope.

This time, only one training droid walked out.

It had two swords in hand and did not rush things.

as it arrived in front of the boy, it did an insanely fast cross slash with both swords aimed at the boy's chest.

But instead of a scream and blood, what met the droid's sword was a training saber tilted to the side, so it blocked both swords.

Just as it was about to react and attack again, it was hit with a heavy foot in the stomach area and flew back a couple of meters.

It landed on its feet and inspected the area it was hit.

On the stomach area, there was a deep footprint in the metal with cracks along the edges.

The droid had no time to calculate further as the boy ran at him with the saber in hand.

one quick slash from the side that the droid deflected with his swords, turned into a heavy overhead slash that made the mechanic parts in the arms of the droid crack.

It had just blocked it in time, but the force from the saber was so high that it was slowly breaking its arms.

When the boy saw his slash was blocked, he quickly took a step back as a sword slashed right in front of his face.

when the first sword missed, he took a steady step in and slashed at the stabbed at the chest of the droid.

The droid managed to deflect it just in time with its remaining sword, but was immediately countered after.

A heavy blow from a fist struck the shoulder of the droid and then followed a diagonal strike from the shoulder.

With sheer power, the training saber went through the training droid, and it fell into two parts.

The boy then picked up the droid and carried it away, then came back.

'He crushed the training saber handle with pure grip, and also slashed through a Sith training droid with a blunt sword using only sheer power…' Darth Marr was lost in thought as the boy approached him.

"I liked that." The boy said as he held the broken training saber in his hand.

Darth Marr stared at the boy for a couple of seconds, then decided something for himself.

"Good, you can get a new one later. But first, what about I give you a name?"


Author here, I have never written action scenes before, and it probably shows.

But I want you to know that I will try my absolute best to improve them.

Also, if you have any tips about writing my action scenes and feedback for them, please do tell me as it would help a ton.

Next chapter he will get a name, Yay!


Sith Ranks are as following

Sith Acolyte/Initiate

Sith Apprentice

Sith Warrior/Sorcerer/Assassin

Sith Master

Sith Lord

Dark Council
