
Star Wars: The Deprived Sith

Broken from the beginning, deprived of the most basic, but also most important thing. Deprived of emotions since childhood, no trauma, no feelings, nothing! What happens when that “monster” gets power to take things into its own hands and thrown out to the wider galaxy? Will it learn the basics that it has been deprived of, or will it end up as a tool for someone or something? Vast powers and empires loom over the galaxy, and it’s never safe. Will that be the fall or the rise of the “monster”? P/a t.r.e.o.n(dot)com/Valancey Disclaimer: Star Wars and its expanded universe are the intellectual property of Disney, yes Disney… we know it seems crazy but it's the truth. I don't own any of the characters or settings.

Valancy · Derivasi dari game
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23 Chs

Troubled Sith [Edited]

In the middle of the vast desert on Tatooine, two bloodied corpses lay on the sand.

Slowly but surely, the sand was being painted red.

Three broken speeders were in debris around the bodies.

Only two things could be seen moving.

One was the raging fire from the speeders. And the second was a person with three holes in his chest, crawling towards a huge bloodied bag.

His arms collapsed, and he didn't have the strength to move any longer.

He was going to die within a couple of minutes, but his consciousness was still there.

Right now, he was in a state of shock at what had happened.

Everything was going smoothly with their mission to dump the boy somewhere.

But suddenly his subordinates attacked him whilst smiling maniacally.

Why did they attack him? Did he do something, or was there something he didn't know?

As he was not a force sensitive, everything was a big question mark for him.

If an experienced force sensitive were around, they would run away as fast as they could. That is, if they are a master, as nothing under masters of the force could perceive anything happening now.

Any normal force sensitive within a kilometer would have gone insane and died, whether it be a dark side user or a light side user.

The dark side of the force was gathering at a terrifying speed with quality unknown to man right where the bloodied bag was laying.

The lone pirate survivor's mind was collapsing by the terrifying gathering of the dark side of the force present.

Just before the pirate's brain was completely gone, he saw something that made his eyes widen to the absolute limit.

The bloodied bag with the body inside was moving.

Not much, but a small constant movement.

Which turned into a constant shaking. Like someone having a seizure.

Just after that, the pirate was no more.


Darth Marr was having some issues with his search.

The problem was his company.

Even though they were the absolute elite of elites in the Sith Empire.

They are still normal people, no matter if they could destroy a force sensitive in a fight.

Captain Fora was also starting to show signs of corruption and insanity.

And the guards were having huge troubles with containing their instinct and emotions.

"Go back to the ship and wait for me."

Darth Marr was looking at the distant desert.

He started walking after leaving those words to his captain.

He really didn't care for them. If they didn't leave, they would probably go insane or die.

Then he would need to find a new captain and elite soldiers.

When he started walking through the small city in search of a speeder to use, he was interrupted by some people.

"That armor looks expensive! Give it or you will feel worse than death!"

A random bounty hunter yelled at Darth Marr, pointing his blaster at him.

Darth Marr didn't even glance at him and continued walking.

After just a few seconds when the bounty hunter was going to fire.

Huge amount of Force Lighting left his hand that was clasped behind his back.

The corrupted bounty hunter turned to ash in just a matter of seconds.

Darth Marr didn't even spare him a glance and kept walking.

The disturbance in the force at Tatooine was so huge that Darth Marr could barely feel anything else with the force.

He got a message on his comlink right after.

The message was pretty disturbing for him.

"Darth Jadus is here, My Lord."

When he heard this message, Darth Marr got irritated.

Someone else wants to steal what he found first.

"The Galactic Republic is also here with a fleet…"

'Fucking shit'

Darth Marr muttered as he started sprinting at a speed not visible to the eye.

He was so fast that it looked like he was teleporting.

Darth Marr knew it was an emergency to get this and leave.

They stood no chance against an entire fleet. Even with Darth Jadus here.

"Leave and I will meet you at Dromund Kaas."

He left those words, then started sprinting towards the spot where the dark side of the force was the densest.


'Everything is black.'

'There is no one here.'

'I crawl out of the bag, and the two suns shine in my eyes.'

'I kept staring at them for some time as I got lost in the shine.'

'I should probably check my injuries.'

'Why is there no blood and why are all my scars healed?'

'Ok then, it reduces the problem with moving.'

'I look around and see a couple of bodies and broken speeders.'

'They are dead.'

'Well, too bad, what should I do now?'

'Let's find Mallan and Miss.'

'I walk in a random direction after taking a quick look at the corpses.'


'What is this warm feeling?'

'It feels like someone is talking to me, but I can't hear the voice.'

'It feels like a man. I see a vague image of him.'

'He is staring at me with pure red eyes.'

'I have never seen that man before. He looks strange.'