
Star Wars: Silver Angel

Follow James silver in his journey across the Star Wars Universe I am writing this for Fun, I understand that I will make errors and mistakes. I hope you enjoy and if you don't then you can stop reading at any time. if you think the story should have gone in another direction please create your own and I would love to read it. (Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars or any of their intellectual property, just my own character) (Disclaimer: I do not own the image it's just something that I found on google)

James_fanfic · Filem
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14 Chs

Chapter 4: Machine Master

As I gained the new skill 'Pyrokinesis' a flood of information popped into my mind, explaining the basics of the skill and how to perform it. Thinking about it I also have all the basic information on the Mechu-deru skill, but with no machines around I will need to test it later.

I gathered some of the fallen wood and created a small pile of dry wood, I made my first use of the force, I closed my eyes and concentrated to the molecules vibrating and heating up the wood. I tried to feel my connection to the force as I use it.


The sound and smell of burning came along with the heat of the fire, I opened my eyes to see a small flame covering the pile of wood I had just collected.

'Very convenient' I think, smiling.

I made a quick observation of my status, I can see that my FP has gone down 10 points. I was surprised that the consumption was so low but it was a basic skill and I only created a small fire, In less than a minute my FP was back up to 1000.

"Si, can I make the flames bigger?"

[The more FP you put in to your skills the bigger the effects are]

"I see thank you Si" So the more points I put it to a skill while using it the bigger the effect. I wondered how big the flame would be if I used all 1000 points.

I looked back at my inventory and selected the clothing voucher.


[User Received Basic stealth set]

New clothes suddenly wrapped themselves around my body replacing the plain looking clothes that were their before, fitting me as if they were tailor made. I was suddenly wearing a black leather jacket with a hood and mask that covered the bottom half of my face, black pants and walking shoes. At night you would only be able to see me from the lights shinning from my eyes.

After a quick test it seems that my new clothes allow my wings to unfurl without causing any damage to them. I wasn't sure how it worked but I was glad it did, I didn't want to have to take my clothes off every time I wanted to fly.

"Si, what exactly does a skill level voucher do?" looked at my Skill level voucher sitting in my inventory and asked.

[Skills all have 10 levels, the higher your proficiency level the less FP you need to use the skill and the more powerful the skill becomes. Additionally levelling up skills can unlock advanced versions for example Force Telekinesis can be levelled up to unlock Force Choke]

I started to think if I should use the voucher now or wait until I had a more powerful skill to use. It wouldn't be difficult to learn the basic force skills such as telekinesis then use the voucher, but I don't feel that it would be worth it, same with Pyrokinesis, they are basic skills that can level up normally.

I selected the Mechu-deru skill and used the Skill voucher, Mechu-deru is a rare skill that not many people have, Jedi or Sith, from the movies Anakin uses the base level of the skill which is why he is so good with ships and machines, as well as Darth Maul who used it to modify a protocol droid designated C-3PX, transforming it into an assassination droid.


[Level-up Mechu-deru Y/N]


[Mechu-deru has level-up]

[Mechu-deru has level-up]

[Mechu-deru has level-up]

[Mechu-deru has level-up]

[Mechu-deru has level-up]

"Whoa 5 levels at once, guess I lucked out"

"Skills" I said and my skills tab opens in front of me.

I immediately went to my Mechu-deru skill.

[Mechu-Deru - Level 5/10]

[A dark side Force power that bestowed an intuitive understanding of mechanical systems upon the user. Invented by the Sith, the technique allowed its practitioners to exert their influence over inanimate and robotic constructs.]

[New Abilities unlocked - Ability to control anything electronic - remote connection with all technology - full control of ships and droids in range] [Ability can be blocked if connected to another force user]


[Title obtained - Friend of the machines - Evolving....]

[Title obtained - Machine Master - You master machines, allied droids have stats increased by 50%, Enemy droids have a harder time noticing you during combat]

"Looks like I made the right choice, these skills look awesome and I got a title as well" I say with a wide smile.

"So titles can change as well?"

[Titles can evolve depending on how they are obtained and what Level your current skill is at]

"So there's one above Machine Master? That sounds like a max level title?"

[Requesting..... request granted (one time only) Final Title of Mechu-Deru skill is One with machines.]

"Ok, last one" I select the XP voucher in my inventory and suddenly received multiple notifications.


[5,000 XP gained]

[Level-up] [Reward received - Lightsaber forms 1 - 7]

[Level-up] [Reward received - Force Telekinesis skill]

[Level-up] [Reward received - 150,000 Credits]

[Items deposited to inventory]

I Immediately opened my inventory and selected the Lightsaber forms 1 - 7 manual.

[Use Lightsaber forms 1 - 7 manual Y/N]

"Yes" As I answered a familiar flow of information and images appear in my mind, I gained the basic information for all 7 lightsaber forms. Although I have the information without a lightsaber these wouldn't be of much use. 'Maybe I can practise them via meditation'

"Let's start training tomorrow, its been a long day" I snuggled up close to the fire staring up at the stars. "It's beautiful, I wonder how many adventures I will have in this world" With that I closed my eyes and fell asleep for the first time in my new life.


Coruscant, Jedi Temple

The Jedi Council was discussing its responsibilities as the order that maintains the peace in the galaxy. As the others discussed amongst themselves Grand Master Yoda has his eyes closed in meditation.

It was a day just like any other, until a huge ripple in hit him breaking his concentration, Master Yoda opened his eyes wide in shock, his reaction was noticed by the other Jedi Masters, before any of them could ask him what's wrong they also felt the ripple as if something had just been dropped in to the force and it was announcing it's arrival to the galaxy.

Every member of the Council recovered quickly and started to meditate. Trying to understand what had caused such a big reaction from the force.

"Master Yoda, what was that?" Mace Windu, a bald back man asked the small green Alien.

"Hmmm, A powerful connection to the force, someone has awakened. not the dark side, thankfully" Yoda replied.

"Yes, but I didn't sense a connection to the light side either, as if they're an initiate just starting out on the path to being a Jedi" Jedi Master Yarael Poof commented, he was a Quermian, he had a long neck and was white as someone could get.

"Yes, but no initiate has ever had such a connection to the force, they feel as if they are at least master level, we must meet and guide this person in the ways of the Jedi, if he falls to the path of the dark side, I fear for us all" Mace Windu frowned with gleam of worry in his eyes.

"Hmmmm, Vigilant we must be, know not, what the future holds. Meditate on this, I will" Yoda remained seated while the rest of the council rose to leave the chambers.