
Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun

He doesn't know how it happened or why. But before he could understand what was happening he found himself living an entirely new life, in a galaxy far far away. As a member of a prominent force-sensitive family to boot. Which comes with a set of problems all its own. Still, he will not waste this second chance that was given to him. He will rise, and carve his name into the history books. For the Scion of the Sun isn't someone to be taken lightly.

ArifuretaForever · Komik
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148 Chs

Chapter 14: Academy Days Episode XIV

Once Yoda finished speaking the Jedi Initiate Trials commenced.

The council members issued the first test. Which in my opinion is the easiest.

They simply called each initiate forward and had them recite the Jedi Cord word for word.

Which some actually failed to do.

But given they were attempting to recite the code in front of such well-respected and powerful Jedi I could understand why some of them joked or stumbled over their words.

Though none of my friends did.

Then before I knew it, it was my turn.

"Youngling Sunrider, step forward." Mace Windu spoke.

So I did.

I walked right up and stood in front of the current member of the High Council present in front of me.

"Good day to you youngling Sunrider." Master Yaddle said to me.

"Good day to you as well, master Yaddle." I replied to her. "In fact, good day to all of you masters." I said.

They greeted me back in kind.

"Recite the Jedi Code will you." Yoda spoke.

"Yes master Yoda." I said. I then recited the current Jedi Code used by the order.

"There is no emotion, there is peace.

There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.

There is no passion, there is serenity,

There is no chaos, there is harmony,

There is no death, there is the Force."

I spoke.

Which is all bullshit. And why I prefer the original version of the Jedi Code/Mantra.

Emotion, yet peace.

Ignorance, yet knowledge.

Passion, yet serenity.

Chaos, yet harmony.

Death, yet the Force.

In that version that is no 'no' and doesn't deny emotions, death, chaos, and the rest. Which the Jedi of old got right. I liked the way they did things, and what they stood for. Unlike today's order, which follows just an interpretation of the original Jedi Code.

Which I don't even think the person who wrote it, Odan-Urr, intended for it to be used in such a fashion. I mean that guy even encouraged his pupils to lie and use deception when necessary.

He definitely sounds like someone I could've gotten along with.

Too bad he's already gone.

"Thank you youngling Sunrider." Master Yaddle spoke.

After she did so I returned the favor and stepped back over to my friends. Waiting until all the initiates present finished the first trial.

Once they did we moved onto the second of the initiate trials.

"You have all just completed the first test of the initiate trials. Now we getting ready to commence the second trial." Windu spoke. "Which will consist of mock lightsaber duels." He explained.

The moment he did so several droids came in with training lightsabers and handed one to each of us initiates.

Which makes perfect sense. Because if we initiates use our personal lightsabers for this trial and there happens to be an "accident" well...let's just say I am fine with using a training lightsaber for this trial.

The moment the droids finished handing out all the training lightsabers they stepped over to the side.

Once they did Yoda spoke. "Show your lightsaber skills in these mock battles you will. Victory or defeat matters not." He said.

Though that's a damn lie.

Winning these mock battles us our initiates are about to fight will definitely work in our favor in getting selected to become a Padawan.

That's why no matter who my opponent is I will win my match.

When Yoda finished his explanation the trial got underway.

Each of the masters present chose an isolated space in the hall. Then after they did they began calling initiates forward in pairs and having them battle against each other.

While the rest of us simply watched the ongoing matches and waited for our own turns.

Well I did a bit more than that.

I focused on the movements and maneuvers of the various forms of lightsaber combat my fellow initiates were employing. So I could get an accurate account of how my skills measure up to there's and where I need to make imrovekents or correction in my own lightsaber combat skills.

The matches didn't disappoint.

As another matched finished in front of him master Oppo called forth another pair of younglings to judge their mock battle.

"Bultar Swan and Marcellus Antiles, step forward." He said.

Hearing this Marcellus eyes went wide in surprise, but he quickly composed himself.

"You got this buddy." I said. Giving him a pat on his shoulder.

"Yeah, you can do it Marcellus." Serra spoke.

"Belive in your training and the Force." Yennali added.

The others gave him a bit of encouragement as well.

"Thanks guys." Marcellus said.

He then walked forward towards master Rancisis.

Bultar doing the same.

Now I know some people might say this matchup is unfair since Bultar is older, but in the end that doesn't matter.

Rights in real life are rarely fair, so the order tries to simulate similar conditions when training us.

Which is one of its only good qualities in my opinion.

Reaching master Rancisis Bultar and Marcellus bowed to each other in greeting. They then drew their training lightsabers and activated them. Getting into their combat stances after they did.

Bultar took the common 'Jedi Ready' stance.

While Marcellus employed the opening stance to form IV: Ataru.

Which our clan started learning this past year, and the lightsaber combat style I've noticed Marcellus has a sort of natural affinity for.

"This will be a one point match. Whoever claims the first strike wins." Master Rancisis explained.

Which is usually how real lightsaber battles go as well.

"Begin." The Ancient Jedi master spoke.

The moment he did Bultar launched herself forward and sent a wide slash at Marcellus on his left.

Raising up his own lightsaber he blocked it and then used the momentum generated by the clash to put a bit of distance between him and Bultar.

Then immediately after he did so he went on the attack.

Rushing in Marcellus began delivering swift slashes towards Bultar chest.

Though she blocked all of his attacks.

Taking a step back Bultar tried to put some distance between her and Marcellus, but he didn't allow that.

Marcellus pressed his attack on Bultar and kept in her persional space, delivering slash after slash.

Seeing she was in trouble Bultar decided to change tactics.

Instead of moving back she started meeting all of Marcellus's attacks with those of her own.

This ended up putting Marcellus on the defensive.

Since Bultar is older, thus stronger.

Now getting pushed back himself Marcellus looked for an opening to regroup but Bultar wasn't giving it to him.

On his back foot Marcellus footing broke down and he fell back slightly.

Deciding to not waste this chance Bultar came at him with a powerful downward diagonal swing.

But before her blade could make contact with Marcellus he leapt into the air and flipped over her.

Landing Marcellus swung his blade, hitting Bultar across her back.

Giving him the match.

"Match over. Winner, Marcellus Antilles." Master Rancisis spoke.

The moment he did both Marcellus and Bultar deactivated their lightsabers.

He then stood up and came back over to us.

Giving us a smile as he did.

The moment he got close enough I gave him a pat on the back. "Good job. See, I told you there was nothing to worry about."

"Yeah Marcellus, that was awesome." Serra spoke.

"It looks like your skills in Ataru have progressed even further." Yennali said.

"Right. Thanks." Marcellus said. Getting a faint blush on his cheeks.

Just as we finished congratulating him I heard my name called by Yaddle.

"Sardoth and Van Sunrider, step forward." The gremlin-looking Jedi spoke.

Since I have no idea what kriffing species she and Yoda are.

I've asked around, checked the holonet, and even looked through all the records I have access to here at the Jedi temple and the name of their species and even their home planet still eludes me.

I hope one day I can ask either of them directly where they are from.

Though that day won't be today.

Instead I'm about to show Sardoth why he shouldn't kriff with me.

Walking over to master Yaddle I found myself staring at the potential dark Jedi.

All ready to beat his ass.


A/N: So for those who don't know in Star Wars kriff is the equivalet of fuck.

So when I use kriff in this fanfic it's not a made up word.

Also here is an image of Serra Keto for those who've been asking.

[Image Here]