
Anakin's insight

With the crisis on Naboo resolved and the Trade Federation routed, Anakin stood with Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan at the Naboo victory celebration. The Jedi Masters had presented their findings to the Council, securing their agreement for Anakin's formal training. But as the boy scanned the assembled dignitaries, his eyes fell on a figure who stirred memories of fury and betrayal.

It was him. Senator Palpatine.

The man who had manipulated the galaxy into chaos and turned Anakin's life into a nightmare. The one who had turned him into Darth Vader.

Anakin stared at Palpatine, his blue eyes narrowing. For a fleeting moment, he allowed himself to draw upon the Force, letting his vast potential ripple outward like a shockwave.

Palpatine's charming smile faltered for a fraction of a second, his eyes darting to the boy. He felt it—the overwhelming presence in the Force, an unyielding tide of power. He quickly recovered, offering a warm expression that belied the sudden chill he felt.

Only Yoda, Qui-Gon, and Anakin noticed the exchange.

"Strong in the Force, the boy is," Yoda murmured, his gaze lingering on Palpatine. "Felt it, did you?"

Qui-Gon nodded. "Indeed. Senator Palpatine appeared... startled."

Anakin gave a faint smirk, whispering to Qui-Gon, "He should be."

Back at the Jedi Temple, the Council convened to discuss Anakin's training. With Yoda and Qui-Gon as his primary mentors, the boy began a rigorous schedule to harness his immense potential.

Anakin's first request shocked the Council.

"I want to master all seven lightsaber forms," he declared confidently during his first training session.

The room fell silent.

Mace Windu, himself a master of Form VII—Vaapad—leaned forward, intrigued. "Do you know what you're asking, boy? Each form takes years to master, even for the most gifted Jedi. To attempt all seven is... ambitious."

Anakin met his gaze without hesitation. "I understand, Master Windu. But each form represents something essential about combat. Together, they're like pieces of a puzzle. I want to see the bigger picture."

Yoda closed his eyes, contemplating the boy's words. "Great insight, you have. Dangerous, it can be, to pursue mastery of all. But unique, your potential is."

Qui-Gon smiled faintly. "The boy's reasoning is sound. Perhaps it is time the Jedi embraced a broader understanding of the Force and its disciplines."

The Council deliberated briefly before Yoda spoke again. "Agree, we do. Begin with Form I, you will. Progress as ready you are."

Under the twin mentorship of Yoda and Qui-Gon, Anakin began his lightsaber training with Form I: Shii-Cho, the foundation of all lightsaber combat. Though simple in its philosophy, Shii-Cho demanded precision, fluidity, and discipline.

Anakin's natural talent was evident from the beginning. Each movement of the training saber flowed seamlessly, his strikes precise and deliberate. Yoda observed closely, occasionally interjecting with pointers.

"Strike not with anger, but with purpose," the small Jedi Master instructed.

Qui-Gon added, "Remember, Anakin, Shii-Cho is about control and simplicity. Overcome the temptation to complicate it."

Anakin nodded, pushing himself to internalize every principle. Despite the simplicity of Form I, he treated it with the same intensity he would afford more advanced techniques.

Outside of lightsaber practice, Yoda and Qui-Gon trained Anakin in the Light Side of the Force. They emphasized balance, discipline, and restraint—concepts Anakin struggled with but strove to master.

During one session, Yoda sat cross-legged, observing as Anakin levitated several large boulders.

"Focus, young Skywalker," Yoda urged. "Feel the Force flow through you. Push, do not. Allow it to guide."

Anakin furrowed his brow but obeyed, his breathing steadying as the boulders began to move in perfect synchrony.

Qui-Gon smiled. "You're improving. But remember, balance is key—not just with the Force, but within yourself. Your power must serve your will, not the other way around."

The Jedi Council's Growing Curiosity

As weeks turned into months, Anakin's progress became the talk of the Temple. His dedication to mastering both lightsaber forms and the Force itself was unparalleled. Jedi Masters who initially doubted his potential began to view him with cautious optimism.

Mace Windu himself took a moment to observe one of Anakin's sparring sessions. The boy's movements were swift and deliberate, blending the basics of Shii-Cho with an intuitive sense of timing and strategy.

"He learns quickly," Mace admitted. "Too quickly, perhaps. Keep an eye on him, we must."

Anakin's training was exhausting, but he welcomed the challenge. Each day, he pushed himself to the limit, driven by a desire to not only meet the Jedi's expectations but to surpass them.

He often thought of Padmé during moments of reflection, her presence a source of comfort and motivation. He remembered her kind words, her belief in his abilities. He wanted to become the kind of person she could depend on—a protector, a guardian.

But beneath his determination lay a simmering rage, a lingering shadow from his past. Anakin knew that mastering both the Light and Dark sides of the Force would be his ultimate challenge. Only then could he truly bring balance.

As he stood on the training grounds, lightsaber in hand, Anakin gazed at the distant spires of Coruscant. He was just beginning his journey, but he knew one thing for certain: he would not fail.

AN: Gonna flesh this out real good, just wait till he gets the hang of all seven and so much more.