
Star Wars: Lost

A story of an outsider, living in this new World

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I have forgotten who I was before all of this.

3rd POV

In a galaxy far far away, a story that has been written have diverged, a singularity was created, a Human boy who was not supposed to exist was born, an outsider who knows nothing. An observer who was forced into the stage. Someone who will tear the pages of this book and create his own story in this new universe.





Again and again and again, I watched as the rain dropped over and over. Until the sky cleared and the rays of the sun covered the land.

Just like that my life will repeat once more, wake up, shower, dress up, work, sleep and repeat again and again.

How dull has my life become, just a simple cycle of work and repeat. How I longed for the day my life will have colors once more, how I wished that I will return to my past once again; to the fun life I once had.

Never in my life did I thought that i will have more than I asked for…

As one simple visit to a grocery store will mark the end of one life and start of another.

3rd POV

One day a person from our land , whose world have grown dull, visited his local grocery store only to be met with Glock in the face.

Never in his life have he been in such a situation.





I am terrified, I am afraid, my whole body froze as I was faced with a gun pointed at me. I gave the robber everything he asked for my phone, money, accessories, everything. Just as the robber was leaving immediately the door of the store was opened and shots was fired.




I was shot in the stomach, it hurts, am I gonna die? Why? I did everything right, I lived a simple and yet dull life and yet the moment there was action in my life, when there was finally something that took placed in this life, I will result in my death?

Tears began falling from my eyes, I can feel it drop to my chin, everything is getting blurry.

It hurts, I'm afraid, I can feel my life slipping, I'm terrified, what will become of me? I can't move, I can't do anything.

The shootings in the background have grown silent, everything is going silent.

Im afraid, I don't want to die, I want to live.



My eyes are slowly closing, my body is beginning to relax.



I don't feel the pain anymore, my body has grown numb.


"Help…. me…"







My eyes suddenly opened, I can hear crying loud shouts… of a baby?


My eyes was momentarily blinded by a light.

Then I feel myself being carried.

" Mischa is alsnsi a isa qwidwbwn"

What's this gibberish? Then I saw it, I saw her, and I instinctively known who she was.

My mother.


It seems I have been reborn.



I felt my heart beating once more, and felt something inside of me, something I haven't felt in ages.


Once more I felt the colors of my world return.

3rd POV

The Person who's last emotion on his world was fear and now his first emotion in this new world was hope.

The Singularity has began, an outsider has emerged, an observer has been dropped on the stage…


Btw what would you like the MC to be named????