
Sorrow and Rage

In midst of the night, a cloaked figure could be seen in a dark cave, with a circular communicator in his hand.

This was Palpatine, or in other words Darth Sidious as he was about to contact Count Dooku for his report on the Battle of Geonosis.

The communicator suddenly lit up as Count Dooku's kneeling figure could be seen.

"Master, unfortunately The Battle of Geonosis did not bode well for our forces." Dooku remarked with his head pointed downward.

Palpatine cackled lightly, "Do not fret, this is simply the beginning of the end for the Jedi... How proceeds Grievous, has he fallen?"

"No Master, but he was defeated by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker... It seems I was too lax in his training, I shall make sure to turn him into something much more deadlier."

"I see... What has happened to your shoulder?"

Count Dooku then did a recount of the events that occurred with his battle against General Raven and Windu.

Under the cloak Palpatine's smiled, "As expected, it seems General Raven's combat prowess is something to be wary of, Count Dooku."

Dooku nodded, "Yes Master, I shall not underestimate him like I did before."

He seemed to want to ask something but seemed hesitant.

Palpatine noticed this as he calmly said, "Speak your mind, my apprentice."

"It seems as if you're familiar with this General Raven, may I ask how?"

Palpatine had an amused smile, "He is a person of interest, so I have kept a watchful eye on him."

"I see, but for a soldier of the Republic, he feels rather...,

Familiar with the Dark Side." Dooku finished with a curious tone, wondering if his Master knows anything.

"Indeed, unlike the Jedi, he is one who taps into both sides of the force rather than one."

Dooku's eyes slightly narrowed, "How is such a thing possible? Shouldn't ones mind collapse under such power?"

"An interesting query I yet do not know the answer of..." Palpatine replied, even he himself didn't quite fully understand how Raven's mind handled such a burden, but he was sure it would soon be revealed.

"Are you setting up the proper battlefronts we discussed of for the war?"

Dooku firmly nodded, "Yes, while it will take some time to move all the droids into position, everything is going as planned, soon we shall be able to battle the Jedi on equal grounds."

"Good, good, I will be observing your progress, my apprentice."

The feed abruptly cut off as Palaptine turned around to exit the dark cave with a sadistic smile.

'Two wildcards with untapped potential in the palm of my hands, Anakin and Silas shall prove useful for my plans...'

Disappearing into the abyss of darkness, Palpatine's figure vanished.

[Silas POV]

It's the next day early in the morning, as the sunrise was visible in the distance, and Silas in his golden armor could be seen on top of the roof, sitting at the edge lost in his thoughts.

Sometimes it felt like he had the entirety of the galaxy on his shoulders.

No one else knew of the future events he knew of, nevertheless he never really planned on telling anyone anyways, except maybe an emotionally mature Anakin since he seemed to be the only person he could trust.

He didn't even consider Ahsoka as he definitely wasn't going to tell her, regardless if she is an adult or not. He remembers vividly of how she abandoned Anakin and didn't even think twice of how her actions would make him feel.

Of course she was but a child and had valid reasons for leaving, because of the Jedi betraying her trust.

But at the end of the day, she left the one person who stuck in her corner, the least she could have done was stay in contact or even be kind to him when she came back for the Siege of Mandalore, but no, she gave him the cold shoulder.

Silas believed her being betrayed by the Jedi was an inevitable event, that one would call a canon event that has to happen, so he knew one day she was bound to leave.

Sighing in exhaustion.

He looked down at the speeding vehicles, and couldn't help but wonder, what if he just fell right now?

Would the world follow the original plotline?

Could he even make a difference regardless?

He couldn't help but slowly release his hands, inch by inch his fingers were slipping on the railing, as his body lowered dangerously.

Seemingly about to fall down thousands of feet, but at the last second he pulled back up and stood on the roof.

"Time for some training."

As if nothing happened, he turned around and walked through the only door on the roof, and went down as he traversed the hallways before finding himself inside the enormous hangar that held all the executive ships.

He swiftly hopped in one random Gunship, before flipping a few switches on, promptly turning the ship on.

Silas glanced to his left as he noticed a few clones rushing toward him.

"Wait General!"

"That's our ship!"

"Take the day off!" He snidely remarked, before increasing in altitude and boosting toward the exit.

The clones that were left behind calmed down as they weirdly looked at each other.

"We can take the day off?" One of them questioningly muttered.

"I think that's what he said." Another one added.

"Anyone want drinks mate?"

"I could go for one!"

A happy group of clones laughed as they went of their way to a bar.

Back with Silas, he flew for a few minutes before landing inside at the Jedi Temple.

He was given permission earlier to use their library to learn more, so that's exactly what he was going to do.

Traversing the hallways, people would look at him curiously because of his armor, while others would recognize him.

Silas finally arrived at library as he read a plethora of a books on Jedi techniques.

The few visitors in the morning looked weirdly at him for being in his full battle attire, but he remained focused on his books.

As some talked about rare techniques such as, [Battle of Meditation], [Force Phasing], [Force Blinding], [Precognition], and much more.

Their were probably more offensive abilities if he looked, but his main focus currently were abilities meant to support the troops in battle, things such as, [Battle of Meditation], which is a technique that allows you to embolden your troops morale, endurance and stamina.

Or [Force Blinding], which could be used to selectively blind the enemy and not your allies, allowing the troops to take them out.

Silas wondered why the Jedi never used or learned the multitude of abilities they had, but just concluded that the Jedi could be very ignorant sometimes.

He knew he didn't have much time to master much abilities, but he was confident he could at least master these two before he heads back out.

So for a few hours, he learns the formulas meant to apply such techniques so that he could train it later.

Once finished with his readings, Silas found himself inside the Jedi training room in a meditative position, he temporarily changed out of his armor, into a white shirt with a trench coat and black pants.

And he was currently waiting for Anakin to show up, as they were meant to train.

The training room was a medium sized circular chamber surrounded by glass with pillars all around, and Silas was in the center.

After a few minutes Anakin finally entered, "Your early."

Silas ignored his comment as he suddenly extended his hand forward.

Anakin's lightsaber on his waist flew out from it, as it zoomed into Silas's hand.

"Hey! What was that for?" Anakin asked in an annoyed tone at his saber being taken without permission.

Silas had a small smile as he stood up and approached Anakin, "Fighting you with a lightsaber would be annoying to deal with."

Anakin furrowed his brows in confusion, until Silas suddenly grabs both sides of his head.

Anakin attempted to grab Silas's hand's but his eyes rolled up as he wasn't prepared by the powerful force invading his mind, visions continuously assaulting his brain.

Memories of just a few days ago before the battle of Geonosis, showing the atrocity he committed.

Anakin's eyes snapped open as he abruptly appeared in a dome-like tent back on Tatooine, and his eyes widened as he sees his supposedly deceased mother in his hands, all battered up, showing signs of torture that lasted weeks.

"Ani?" She could barely open her bruised eyes as she whispered.

"Is it you?"

Anakin's hurriedly pulled her into his arms and grabbed her hand gently.

"I'm here mom. Your safe." Tears were threatening to fall as Anakin realized her deadly predicament.

She stroked his cheek as a smile came on to her cut lip, "You look so handsome."

Anakin sadly gazed upon her as he leaned his face into her hand.

"My son."

Her voice was hoarse while she quietly spoke.

"My grown-up son."

"I'm so proud of you Ani."

Anakin knitted his brows in pain, he was trying so hard to keep the tears in, he knew where this was going as his hands frighteningly shook.

"Please don't go. Please.. I'm begging you..." He pleaded as his shaking hands, firmly held on to his mother.

She had a sorrowful look as she continued speaking in broken words, "I love y..."

Shimi struggled to speak as she felt her throat closing up from the lack of water.

Anakin attempted to smile, as it continued to falter, "Stay with me mom. Everything-"

She continued to try as her eyes slowly closed, "I love.. I lov..."

But before she could even finish, her body abruptly went limp as her breath faded away.

Anakin just stared at her, his eyes filled with a multitude of emotions.

He unconsciously closed her eyes with his hand, as he carefully put her body on the ground.

His eyes darkened as if he was in a trance, and rage was laced in his tone, "I'll kill all of them... They'll pay for what they've done."

Anakin then stepped out of the tent and looked around with dead eyes at the bandits walking around as if it's just another day.

He didn't hesitate as he violently slashed his lightsaber all over the place, his eyes becoming a darker red by the moment.


"Stop! Please-!"

"Have mercy!-"

Screams filled his ears as he continued to cleave people into pieces.




The elderly....

None were spared from his wrath.

He mercilessly slaughtered the entire group of bandits for killing his mom.

And after killing them, he stood in the center of their corpses, his eyes cold with fury.

Until suddenly everything reset, as he was back in his original position with his mom in his arms.

He watched as his mother smiled at him and struggled to speak just like a few minutes ago.

He glanced around in confusion, wondering what had just happened...

After a few seconds, Silas could be seen in the real world, still holding Anakin's head as his voice reverberated around Anakin in his mindscape, "Listen Anakin, in order for you to become truly powerful, you need to have control over your emotions, or at least partial control."

Silas's initial plan was to teach Anakin control, by making him repeat this memory until he finally realized to at least spare the kids.

But Silas seemed to look at Anakin's unconscious standing figure, somberly.

'I'm a fool...'

He realized he didn't truly fathom what had happened with Anakin's mother's death, all he knew was that his mother was killed by bandits.

But after watching the memory, she showed signs of being tortured for weeks, being beaten by a stick, mutilated with blood all over her, signs of malnourishment of being starved and more.

He instantly decided to change his training method, as he realized even in memory, mercy was not something they deserved regardless of the children as they would turn out the same, and Silas knew Anakin would never give any of them mercy, which he agreed with.

So he decided to switch to something much more cruel, but necessary.

At first he was planning on Anakin killing a select few, but now he's going to force Anakin to relive this memory in order to put him in a rage of frenzy to enact his new teaching method.

He strengthened the force that was invading Anakin's mind and remembered all the training he did to master this technique.

As there were only two force techniques that Silas was confident in, and that was the basic telekinesis and mind manipulation that he practiced on clones with permission.

And currently he created this test in order for Anakin to control his emotions to a certain extent, so that he could be aware of his actions and wouldn't just go on a killing spree like he did with the bandits or in Order 66, but it seems thing have changed.

Back with Anakin, he was still in his time loop as he exited the tent after his mother's death and stepped on to the sandy ground of Tatooine, approaching the bandits and slaughtering them ruthlessly once again.

This continued, again and again, until Anakin had enough.

"SILAS! RAAAAA!" Anakin suddenly did a deafening battle cry as a powerful force exerted from him and toward the sky, cracking the air around him.

Abruptly everything around Anakin shattered, as he found himself back in the real world with Silas standing in front of him with a nosebleed.

"As expected, you broke out…" Silas bitterly chuckled, he anticipated this happening, but it nonetheless slightly injured him.

Anakin growled, "What.Is.Your.Problem."

Each word he said had an intense rage behind it.


Let me know yall thoughts!