A mutant clone whose experiment has gone awry, was given the ability to use the force and also became the 1st clone to have the position of General! Given that he is a reincarnate, he possesses information of the future... What will he do!? __________________ Plot directly starts at the beginning of the Clone Wars! Also, I don’t know all the Star War’s lore, so if I miss some crucial details or something, I don’t mind constructive criticism! This is a rewrite of my previous Star Wars fanfic that I wrote before taking a break. Well enjoy!, Luxuriant~
A few hours had passed as Silas's body was already feeling better by the mysterious healing methods of the medical droids.
All the Republic ships had already departed and were currently in space, other then the ones that had to remain on Geonosis, in order to make sure it's defended.
But Silas made sure that he would allow them to have fair rotates into Coruscant so that they weren't stuck there.
He himself was currently laying on a medical chair as he was resting, letting his body repair itself without too much strain.
Ahsoka was sitting down beside him looking at him weirdly.
"Why are you even wearing your helmet? It's not like your in battle, I even saw the other clones not wearing their helmets."
Silas had his helmet back on as he sat there with an expression that cannot be read.
"Well, for one, a mysterious leader instills a more commanding force as compared to a normal one. And if we add to the fact that the clones might feel estranged toward me because of my looks, which could very well be detrimental in battle."
Ahsoka scoffed at his explanation, "No offense master, but it sounds to me as if your scared to see how they'll react to your appearance."
Silas didn't much react to her words as he chuckled, "Maybe your right..."
Before Ahsoka could continue, Anakin entered the room with a smile, "Well if it isn't my friend General Raven, I heard you were injured, so I came to check on you."
"Come on now, call me Silas." Silas raised his uninjured hand in a fist bumping motion.
Anakin smirked as he fist bumped him back, "Well then Anakin's fine for me."
They both were smiling at each other for a few seconds, causing Ahsoka to feel uncomfortable.
"Can't you guys get a room..."
Anakin raised a brow as he glanced down toward the sitting Ahsoka, "And who might you be?"
"Didn't Master Yoda tell you, I'm your apprentice, well I'm both of your apprentices." She explained with a shrug, but was smiling inwardly, Ahsoka had heard many rumors of the so-called Chosen One and was excited to finally meet him.
Anakin backed up with a dumbfounded expression, "What? I think there's some sort of mistake, I never asked for a Padawan."
Ahsoka thoughtfully touched her chin with a smile, "I remember Master Yoda specifically telling me that I had both General Raven and Master Skywalker as masters."
Before Anakin could even process the information, Silas did a shooing motion toward Ahsoka, "Get out of here, leave the adults to speak."
Ahsoka stood up as she approached the exit, but right before leaving, she turned back with her tongue out and soon disappeared behind the closed door.
"Why that little shit..." Silas cursed with a small smile.
Anakin was simply flabbergasted at the situation, but helplessly shook his head as he sat in front of Silas.
"Do you know what she's talking about?"
Silas just calmly put a hand on his shoulder, "I've already accepted my fate, you should too."
Anakin once again shook his head with a sigh, "Whatever, anyways I came to talk to you about something else."
Silas waited expectantly as Anakin seemed hesitant.
Until he finally spoke in a quiet voice.
"I want you to attend my wedding."
Silas for the first time in a long time, was stunned as he stared wide eyed at Anakin's slightly nervous figure.
"I know we just met, but I wanted someone I knew to be able to witness such an important moment and I knew none of the other Jedi would support this... So I thought maybe you'd come." He then looked up apprehensively as Silas's emerald green eyes were vibrant with surprise, before curving upward as he smiled.
"Why the hell not!" Silas suddenly exclaimed.
Anakin seemed startled at how easily he had answered before breaking out into a small smile.
"Great, but even though you probably already know this, don't forget to not tell anyone." He reminded.
Silas just lightly laughed, before whispering his words as he extended his hand, "Haha! To this flourishing brotherhood."
There was no more hesitation in Anakin's eyes as he repeated the words, "To brotherhood." He then clasped Silas's hand firmly, both smirking at each other.
After being in battle and risking there lives for each other, it felt as if they've been friends for years, causing both of them to trust each other.
Soon after, Anakin explained that the wedding would be shortly after they land back in Coruscant after a few days, and after some more small talk, he went on his way.
As Silas lay in bed boredly, he thought of a sudden idea which should waste some time.
Pressing the comlink on his injured wrist, he tapped into a specific frequency channel, "All Commander Level Clones who are flying in the Venator ship with me, meet me in the storage room, numbered, E520, bring some of your friends if you want."
He then got up and hanged his arm with a fabric like cast that hung from his neck.
Stepping out into the hallway, he would do a friendly nod toward fellow soldiers, before finally entering a storage room.
He noticed over a dozen clones, some were blue striped, gray striped and yellow striped, they all had there helmets off as they looked toward their General.
"General." One blue striped clone stepped up as the others also gazed toward Silas, ready for orders.
Silas immediately noticed the blue striped clone as Rex, and while he wasn't supposed to participate in this war yet, Silas coincidently found him as he put up a roster for the most skilled clones and added him to the war roster.
"You must be Rex, It's nice to finally meet you." He nodded toward him.
Rex brought out his hand for a handshake as he said, "I heard you were the one who got me promoted to Commander Rank, I wanted to thank you sir."
Silas shook his hand as he replied, "You deserved it... You all did." He glanced around to the others as he recognized many familiar clones from the anime that weren't supposed to be deployed, but he personally chose them since each one of them could be very useful during the battle.
Commander Wolffe with gray striped armor, Commander Fox had red striped armor, Rex even brought some from the 501st, Kix, Fives, etc, and there was Cody too.
"Well I brought you guys here to have some drinks."
All the clones looked in surprise toward Silas, and Commander Fox approached him with an apprehensive look.
"With all due respect sir, should we really be drinking now?"
Silas glanced toward Fox and remembered how he killed Fives, promptly stopping him from spreading information about Palpatine's grand plan.
But he didn't really hate him for it, he was simply doing his job, from his perspective Five's was a traitor, and while the argument that he could have stunned him stands, maybe he didn't have time or simply was ordered by Palpatine to kill him, no one knows.
Silas wasn't happy with Five's death, but he didn't hate Commander Fox for it, "Fox, lighten up a bit, I'm your commanding superior and I'm telling you it's alright."
He then popped open a crate filled with liquor that he snuck in before leaving for Geonosis and smiled.
"Shall we try some drinking games?"
The others couldn't help but smile.
"I like your thinking sir." Rex was the first one to come up, as a few other 501st clones followed behind him as they picked up some drinks.
"To our victory!" Cody exclaimed as he raised a bottle.
"To victory!"
"To victory!"
The others did the same as they had a fun night of drinking together, Silas himself never took off his helmet, which was a disappointment to the drunk clones, but he nonetheless made the night enjoyable for them regardless.
And just like that, hours had gone by, and Silas could be seen back in his medical room laying on his bed as they were about to land.
Even though he was out and about, his body seemed to have practically healed fully after being treated by the Medical Droids.
"That was a fun night out... Was it even night?" He just shook his head, not wanting to wonder whether it was night or day time in space.
Just a few seconds later Ahsoka enters the room with a tray of food.
"I brought some food."
Silas nods in appreciation, "Thanks."
"Oh and have you talked to Anakin more about the Padawan thing?"
Ahsoka sighed as she sat down beside his bed, "Yeah, but he keeps on making the excuse that he's still a Padawan and doesn't even want a Padawan of his own."
He chuckled, "Don't worry, he'll come around, and if I'm right, they'll probably promote him to a Jedi Knight as soon as we land, so he'll have no choice but to accept."
Her gloomy expression disappeared as she said, "I'll make sure he accepts me!"
Just like that, an hour passed as they talked and relaxed, before the Venator started to decrease in altitude, before promptly landing.
Ahsoka was about to help Silas get up, until he abruptly hopped out of bed and took off the cast while doing some stretches.
Putting back on his golden helmet, he glanced toward the shocked Ahsoka, "Aren't you coming, let's go."
"You made me bring you your food, when you were completley fine." She grumbled.
Silas ignored her as he then stepped outside as he traversed the metal hallways with Ahsoka behind him.
They found themselves in the hangar as they saw a multitude of Gunships leaving it as they carried clones down to the ground.
Silas saw Anakin and Obi-Wan entering one Gunship so he and Ahsoka followed as they swiftly entered behind them, it then quickly increased in altitude as it took off.
"How's it going Silas?" Anakin glanced beside him once noticing Silas's presence in the shuddering Gunship.
"Can't wait to finally see Coruscant." He responded interestedly.
"I'll be sure to show you around, don't worry about it."
Silas knew that he probably meant that he would tour him around Coruscant and then take him to wherever his wedding was.
Obi-Wan raised a curious brow, "Since when were you two so close?"
Anakin shrugged as the Gunship's altitude lowered and they landed infront of the Coruscant's main military base.
Thousands of clones could be seen standing in formation as Silas and the rest walked through the middle of them.
"Well anyways, we have a meeting to attend." Obi-Wan remarked.
Anakin rolled his eyes, "Can't we get a break, we just came back."
Obi-Wan shook his head, "It concerns you and General Raven, so it's best you show up."
Anakin groaned inwardly, and Silas himself already had an idea of what it was about, but he decided to stay silent as they walked.
Let me know yall thoughts!