
Star Wars: Empires rise and fall

Waking up on a strange ship? Understandable. Waking up to robotic entities defining me as their supreme commander? Explainable. Waking up only to find that said ship is about to pass the event horizon of a monstrous black hole? Bullshit! ____ This story will be about our MC (Marcus O’Neal) finding himself in a universe once thought fictional. Starting with only a Harrower-class dreadnought, read as Marcus will build an empire within the unknown regions and once again show the galaxy the strength of the technology produced during the Great Galactic War! ____ I clearly don't own Star Wars, The cover does not belong to me and if the owner wishes for me to change it then let me know. ——— So I guess I need to inform you guys that Marcus will not like aliens, he will view himself and humans in general are better. You will see aliens enslaved, killed, and so on. (This message was brought by haters who want to describe Marcus as hitler for simply thinking Humans are better than aliens. Fictional aliens, aliens who are not real…)

Harbinger9901 · Filem
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23 Chs


Marcus was currently wearing a protective suit that could often be found within hazardous environments. He however was not the only one wearing such a suit as other humans also had them on.

"Archon, why must we wear these hazmat suits? The soldiers who detained the intruders have been thoroughly examined and no viruses have been identified within." Marcus remained silent for a short moment before answering.

"The suits themselves are rather pointless as you and everyone else in this galaxy are already infected. The reason I want them worn is that the Jedi are highly infected with the parasite." Those around Marcus we're completely stunned. They were infected with a parasite? When? How?

"Archon but how could this be possible? We are perfectly healthy and we are regularly scheduled for medical examinations." Marcus only shook his head.

"That's because the parasite-infected you when you were first born into this galaxy. Midi-chlorians are in fact a parasite believes it or not." Those around indeed know of the Midi-chlorians but could not understand why their Archon described them as such.

"Midi-chlorians are intelligent microscopic life-forms that lived symbiotically inside the cells of all living things. When present in sufficient numbers, they could allow their host to detect the pervasive energy field known as the Force. Midi-chlorian counts were linked to potential in the Force, ranging from normal Human levels of 2,500 per cell to the much higher levels of Jedi. Hence being a Parasite, without a host they perish, and those highly infected gained abilities." Marcus paused for a brief moment before continuing.

"The entity that is known as 'The Force' causes war annually, Jedi vs Sith. Light vs Dark. Light side vs Dark Side. It claims it wishes for balance but in truth, it wishes for a grand war. My goal is to cure humanity of such a parasite and truly bring peace to our Galaxy. Do you know of the story of the Jedi vs the Sith?" Marcus wanted to give a short story of occurrences the two sides with one another.

"I'm afraid I'm not aware of many stories relating to the Jedi." one of the men wearing hazmat suits spoke up causing Marcus in return to explain the 'truth'.

"Many, many years ago the Jedi experience a Civil war which broke the order into two. One side wished to fight against the Mandalorians who were on a conquest and harming innocent lives while the other side ignored such a development." Everyone could not help but think deeply on his words as they continued their path towards the brig.

"One Jedi named Revan disobey the Jedi high council and rallied other Jedi to stop the threat but once they saved the galaxy they were charged with treason causing many to fall to the dark side."

(A/N: I know it's not how it went but Marcus wants the people to think it did.)

"The 'rouge' Jedi then left and created a new Order. The Sith Order. They happily study the side of the force which the Jedi disowned. One thing led to another and we have a War impacting the entire Galaxy. The Sith Empire fighting against the Old Republic, this war waged on for a while until the Sith were supposedly defeated but in truth, they went into hiding." those listening were confused as to why such heroes would be condemned for their action but Marcus continued.

"The Sith grew stronger while the Jedi grew weaker during the thousand years of 'peace' but I plan to end this permanently. A war to end all future wars to be exact." Those around understood his goal. If the Archon eliminated the Jedi and Sith then the odds of another galactic war involving the two sides will likely never happen again.

"Naturally I would need to destroy all of the related teachings to prevent others from learning their ways. It won't instantly quell the existence in general but would make it more difficult for anyone wanting to learn. Then again I plan to bring the galaxy under my banner by then." Soon the convey reached an open room leading to doorways blocks by a transparent red field.

Beyond those fields in separate rooms sat two figures. One specifically being a Human while the other being a Wookiee, Marcus could not remember seeing such Jedi appearing within the movies or even TV shows so he assumed it was one of the unknown ones.

The Wookiee had a younger body frame and has yet to reach adulthood so he assumed it to be the Padawan.

Outside of the red force fields stood SN-21 who waited patiently as she was in no need of a hazmat suit and therefore was required to change.

She held a box within her hands and soon present it.

"Commander, I've acquired the 'lightsabers' as instructed." Marcus watched as she opened the box allowing those within the room to see two separate weapons.

The first lightsaber was a plain silver design with groves embedded for added grip further signifying the owner was a 'mob character' unlike the second lightsaber which appeared to be made out of wood.

The wooden handle gave home to elegant tribal carvings which Marcus easily assumed belong to the young Wookiee.

Suddenly the Human Jedi spoke up.

"Am I to assume you are the person in charge of this vessel? Seeing how the droid identified you as a commander I'm led to believe so. I am Jedi Knight Kall Avon and I'd like to discuss my Padawan and I potential freedom and inquiry of your affiliation." Those within the room remained silent as Marcus examined the silver lightsaber.

With a push of a button, a blue blade formed and quickly retracted as Marcus pressed the button multiple times. He slightly laughed inside as the blade moved up and down at random intervals.

However, on the outside, Marcus adopted a bored look and finally spoke.

"I may never understand why you would use such a primitive weapon so stupidly. Press of a button and you have an exaggerated blowtorch, what would happen when another force-sensitive individual used the force to press the button?" Marcus was honestly confused about this. What would happen when you are clashing two lightsabers together and your opponent suddenly turns your weapon off?

Soon enough Marcus placed the lightsaber down and examined the human.

"Please do not mock our tools 'commander' but I'm must request are release under this unlawful arrest." The Jedi spoke up but Marcus smirked and leaned forwards.

"This was not unlawful as we are not even in Republic space 'Jedi'. In actuality, you have invaded Imperium space and already broke multiple laws resulting in your arrest, even if I ignored this fact, you have brought a parasitic life form into our space." Suddenly one of Marcus's followers walked forwards with a datapad and began reading out loud.

"You and the Xeno are accused and charged with Section 1-A of Imperium law classified as Invading Imperium space." Both Jedi then knew that this was no holding cell. This was a courtroom…

"In addition you are charged with Heresy, Collaborating with Xeno's, traveling within Imperium space without a passport, traveling within restricted space, unlawful possession of weaponry not provided by the Empire under section C-2-4, use of unidentified Starship without Imperium transponder codes, spying, believed terrorism, Not informing law enforcement of force sensitivity, and bringing false religion into Imperium space. You have been sentenced to death vita Public Execution." Marcus knew that this would likely start a war but he knew that one would come one way or another.

Then the man who read out loud stood in front of the Wookiee with visible disgust written on his face and listed many, many crimes related to simply being 'alien'.

Not feeling well.

Random words.

Hit that Subscribe button.

Check out the internet.

We are all robots.

The world ended in 2012.

The color green is fake.

Magic is real.

Spider-Man shoots candy webs.

I’m a bored god.

I have a system.

It’s Covid-20 not 19

The world is a square.

What am I doing…

Anyways hope you enjoyed, I’m going to sleep and hope to feel better when I wake up.

Harbinger9901creators' thoughts