
Interval Three: Party of Five

I've decided that some Intervals could be a little darker, leaning towards non-consensual but not quite forced, just letting you know if that bothers you. That being said I'll warn you first (this one has traces of it) To be young and cautious again.

Also this chapter takes place during and after 'The Game We Play'


Just like my brother I love to mentally 'break' women. To be more specific, I love to 'break' whores… I have a few girls I hold a special, personal place in my heart. Women I treat with the respect and dignity they deserve unlike my brother who merely sees all women as toys for his pleasure, especially whores… he never heard the word 'No' when we agreed we would split the price on a whore…

If there was 'no anal'; after I had my turn he would take it anyway and reluctantly pay her more later. If she didn't want to swallow he'd force it down anyway and punish her is she didn't. If she didn't want to take us both at the same time he'd merely come in and surprise her as I had my fill…

Yes, I know… my brother is a monster but he had his uses and it's not like we needed to care about the common whores we would pick up on the street… if they didn't like us when we were finished with them we just never bought them again. No matter how good they felt. But the high-priced whores, the ones at the parties the academy threw… oh yes. They were just magnificent…

Your common Qalydon whore wasn't well taken care of; they made themselves pretty and tempting enough, just enough to get your blood boiling and you cum out. But the difference was like comparing trees on tattooine to kashyyyk…

After my brother had left, letting his far baser nature rule his dick as it often did after having his fill. I had looked at his selection of whore and realized that… It was clearly worth it. Releasing himself inside the whore who didn't want him to fill me with a sense of loathing ownership. I had only used her ass, he got to be just a little more personal… If she filled with his child, I had thought, she would be his…

That idea was ridiculous of course. All the whores at the parties, with no exceptions, had to take anti-reproductions pills before the event. They just weren't told about it. The academy, while providing quality whores, had no intention of promoting a scandal of a student knocking up a high-priced whore…

But my dick didn't remember that, even if I did. I wanted to feel her used pussy around me again, I wanted my brother's load out of her and my own in its place. Money is everything to these whores even if they didn't want to admit it… the parties were cutthroat, if a whore got a massive amount of tickets they would be brought back later for more parties. They could potentially earn in a week, what later I would make as an officer in a month…

Most whores at the party naturally never said no to more tickets…

So I gave her more… my enhanced dick all ready to fire inside of her. Our previous agreement was for to me pull out during vaginal penetration… but I came inside her anyway during our one-on-one. The agreement was only for me and my brother while we double penetrated her… but now I had her all to myself, and a new bargain was needed but not arranged.

When I released myself inside her she gave me a look of disgust and anger that only lit my loins more… I wanted more. I had only intended to have what my brother had but now I put more tickets onto the dresser and like a good whore she reluctantly spread her legs again…

My dick hardened painfully at that… more money, more obedience; it was unbelievably arousing… We had to pay extra for the creampies. It was part of the rules, if you ended up doing something your whore didn't want, you paid extra. Usually one or two tickets, but depending on how angry she was or guilty you felt it could be any price. I loved the look on her face as I paid for another creampie in advance…

It was delicious… I could see the conflict in her eyes as her greed beat her morals. Watched her wonderful body quiver in fear and some desire as she realized I was going to spend as much time releasing my fertile and plentiful imperial seed into her. It was a sick joke to me, I knew I could not get her pregnant, but they weren't told what drugs they took before the party it added a certain arousing danger to the event. A horrible and cruel taboo.

Her lips quivered as I added more, and more tickets… my sperm flowing out of her as if she pissed herself in fear and shame. I couldn't have been more aroused…

I broke her… like a brand-new toy that didn't satisfy my unique style of playtime. The rest of my time with her was spent releasing pre-paid load after pre-paid load into her just for tonight, quite sterile womb. After the fifth load, she simply stopped making the aroused noises, lying there with her legs spread and looking out the window as if she wanted to jump through it. She would still cum, I felt her quiver around my dick as each and every orgasm hit after I heard her gasp between attempts to dump my loads inside her… then I would hear her whimper in her throat as I simply got harder again from it and keep thrusting, draining every last imperial drop into her…

Later, once I had finally had my fill and finished for the last time that night inside her I counted. I had paid for her six times, and she was paid for seven creampies. She took ten and just stopped caring… after I showered I sat in the chair wrapped in a towel listening to the party music above us as I looked at her, smoking some bothan weed, it was very relaxing… it was like viewing a masterwork of art to me…

The bed between her legs was stained with dry semen. Her used pussy still leaking load after thick load onto the bed. Her breathing, although steady, was rugged, as if trying to hold back weeping openly from the shame as her pussy lips quivered around my loads… Her pussy looked conflicted, as if it was trying to keep as much of my semen inside as it could but was just too full, vomiting it back up onto the bed…

I never felt like that before… satisfied with my work, and my brother liked to do what he wanted, but me… I just wanted my fill and I got it, I was reasonable enough. But then I realized I might have a problem; if she told anyone about tonight then my days of being invited to the parties were over… no whore would take my tickets if they knew about what I did with her… but rather than going to some extreme, I decided a more lucrative approach. My brother liked to break common street whores so they never took our money again, it was unfortunate considering I had one or two I had liked the feel of.

But now that we had graduated it was inevitable that we would be separated as we moved to continue our training and ascent through the ranks. Officers were allowed to have personal servants or even slaves, but most simply didn't take them to their commands preferring to look more dignified to the higher ups.

But I always preferred to comfort myself.

Letting my towel drop away I approached her. She whimpered as she heard me come closer. "Please, no more tickets… haven't you had enough?"

It only made me harder so, no. "What's your name whore?" I asked climbing on top of her and straddling her stomach, letting my hardened penis slap between her full fake breasts as the pressure of my weight forced out more sperm from her pussy.

She quivered as she felt the thing that had forced so much pleasure onto her… "Starry Night." She said mechanically. All of the party girls took one of three cute holo-girl names when they worked for the party regardless of whether they had a working name or not. Starry Night, Morning Glory, or Afternoon Delight: for no other reason than some officer's idea of a joke.

"Your real name whore…" I said, tightly grabbing her face and making her look at me, examining the tear-stained face that made her make-up run.

"Real names are not allowed…" she said, practically crying and trying to look away.

"Then your whore name…" I said firmly, "I will find out anyway."

"…Sunny Tattooine…" she finally said sniffing slightly and holding back tears, yanking her face from my hand.

"Are you a slave or are you under contract with an agency?" I asked getting off of her and grabbing my pants to pull my personal communicator.

"…Agency contract…" she said pushing up slowly from the bed and still sniffling, "…What are you doing?" she asked as I returned. Pushing her roughly back down onto the bed and straddling her once more. She could have fought me but watched reluctantly as I dialed the number for the agency that provided the girls for our party. There was another hutt that we rented slaves from, we had too as a diplomatic gesture, but we mostly got girls from a high-quality agency.

A huttese-speaking voice arose from the com. "Qalydon Roses." It said.

I looked into her eyes, with a mixture of greed and lust "Sunny Tattooine. How much for her contract?" I asked bluntly. I felt her quiver underneath me as the implication of my question hit her, with my free hand I pressed one large breast against my dick and gestured silently with a nod to her hand to press the other…

Her lips quivered as her life as she knew it was about to change… and she obeyed pressing her breasts together with her hand as I slowly began to thrust between them. They were so big even my dick was well hidden, like it was a giant fleshy pussy. The tip of my head poked out rapidly like a groundhog playing peek-a-boo. She didn't want to look at me, keeping her eyes shut and looking away…

"Please hold." The huttese voice answered before sending cantina music over the com.

"Look at me…" I said taking the opportunity. Slowly she turned her head towards me and with a look of disgust stared up at me as I continued. After a minute more of continuous and pleasured thrusting the music stopped and the voice spoke again.

"Sunny tattooine's contract comes to 87,800 credits."

I stared down at her, impressed but still thrusting between her tits, "…Well aren't you popular." She didn't dignify me with a response. Other contracts were often less than a third of that price. A personal imperial fighter could be purchased for that amount.

"Are you sure you wish to purchase her contract? The huttese voice asked as if this was a common occurrence.

"Yes." I replied quickly as she stared up at me, angry and a little shocked. "Bill it to account 5K7VNT6."

"Understood, please enjoy your purchase." The communicator shut off and tossed it across the room, "I intend to…" pinching her nipples and squeezing her tits harder with both of my hands I increased my thrusts as if it was her pussy all over again.

She yelped in pain and pleasure once more as her sensitive body reacquainted itself with my length. One real problem with an enhanced dick was the increased sensitivity, I tried to counter it with a stamina upgrade but that can only do so much.

"Open your mouth." I commanded, feeling my balls tighten as they demanded release. Regardless of the pleasure and indignantly she felt she tried one last pitiful time to resist me. "Open it!" I commanded again, this time gnashing my teeth at her.

Sunny opened her mouth quickly… and I came between her breasts, slamming against them as if aiming for some invisible womb. Rope after rope of my load crossed her face and she shut her eyes while a small amount of my sperm dripped into her mouth.

"Swallow…" I said, coming down from my high, "Swallow or we do it again…" Realizing that I meant it, she did. Opening her mouth again to show me… "Good." I stoked my dick between her breasts, just to coax what little remained out to drip slowly upon her chest. "Too good. You're worth every credit." Her face was covered in my cum, I had marked her… I claimed every inch of her, her pussy, her ass, and now her mouth. I owned her legally and mentally now.

"I could quit." She said firmly, as I got off her recovering some of her defiance. "I could quit anytime, I'm not a slave. I'm not your slave."

"Hmm." I replied not really taking her seriously, she probably could with that contract price. She could 'cash it out' as it were by taking a third of its worth. But she had thrown an awful lot away today by accepting the tickets…

"Very well…" I said, picking up my holo and taking a picture of her.

"What are you…"

"You can do exactly that" I continued unabated. "But if you cash out before I'm done with you. I'll have you blacklisted." She looked at me confused but I merely shrugged, "I'm rich. The money I paid for you is a tiny fraction of what I'm worth alone… my parents aren't just imperial officers they're influential merchants. She quivered on the bed, not liking where this was going. "You could quit, sure, but this picture?" I fiddled my holo stoically at her, "…No one will hire you. You wouldn't be able to give anonymous blowjobs in a cantina glory hole when we were done with you. How long could you last without a steady income?"

Taking my dirty towel from the floor I wiped her defeated, but still sort of defiant, face of my cum, replacing one of my scents with another. "If it makes you feel any better, I don't intend to share" She spat on my face, landing on my mouth. Without flinching or hesitating a lovingly licked up her angry saliva, causing her to stare in surprise. It tasted like me… "That means no brother, and he's is far less..." I paused as if searching for the word I already knew, "...reasonable than I am when he's emotional, as you have seen…" eyeing the bruising beginning to appear on her neck where he almost strangled her in his lust. "So working for me… it's your best option. So say something now if you're ready to leave my… attentions."

I could see in her amber eyes that she was quickly coming to a decision. Finally, silently, she closed her eyes and accepted her position… and I possessively kissed her. She didn't return it, staying still as a statue. "Good whore... you're all mine…" I whispered huskily.

She shivered… whether in fear, pleasure, shame… or all three… I didn't care either way.



Stupid shitty asshole little brother… thinks he's so goddamn smart just because he gets better marks? Who the fuck was he to tell me that I can't treat a whore like that? I helped pay for her damn it, if she didn't want to take my seed she should've told me to wear a condom. Fucking worthless whore she didn't even feel that good. He thinks he's so clever taking her ass, getting to cum inside… I need an ass, a good one…

I returned to the party, letting my eyes roam the meat presented to me. I could've sworn I saw an enhanced cathar whore earlier. I remembered her seed white ass, I wanted a piece of it now but I couldn't see her. Someone must have obviously taken her already and I didn't feel like sharing anymore tonight.

"Barrion why the face!" came Administrator Coval. He was a fool but he had good taste, and obviously hadn't run a training course in years judging from the bulk of his stomach. He had his arms around a couple of whores, a blonde with shoulder-length hair and a short blue-haired punk with facial piercings on her eyebrow and nose. They giggled whorishly as he approached with them. "Come come this is a party…" then leading the girls away for his private time he added, "Go enjoy yourself boy it's your graduation." I silently watched him go.

I had been enjoying myself… fucking Alystar. Fucking whore… I let my eyes roam again, trying to hunt down a good piece of ass…

There… I spotted her. It was gloriously huge and bouncy, and the color of dark chocolate. I suddenly felt the need for something sweet. I quickly approached, ignoring the other graduates as the moved out of the way. I approached her from behind, "How much?" I asked bluntly getting right to the chase.

She looked over her shoulder briefly, her dyed red hair framing her chocolate-colored face and her genetically modified cathar eyes. "Hold on baby just a second…" she said politely, turning back to the cadet in front of her.

I wasn't sharing again tonight and the look I gave him told him that… he gulped nervously and politely declined her offer of two tickets. She sighed, accepting that he just didn't have the courage. "Oh well…" she said sadly, turning to me with a smile, "Well baby I guess I'm all yours." She had a pretty face, puffy lips and good full tits, and an almost hourglass figure… clearly more than just a good ass.

"How much?" I repeated flatly, I wanted to get on with it. My balls were quickly filling with unreleased lust, I had intended for that whore to take many more loads before my brother fucking ruined it.

She coyly looked me up and down, and still politely smiling said, "Three tickets baby."

"Three tickets?" I asked, rather surprised usually it was one or two.

"Well somebody scared off a client about to give me two." She said, knowing full well what I did, "So its three baby…"

"Don't call me that." I said coolly, grabbing her arm and dragging her to the rooms, she didn't resist, in fact, she looked humored.

"Sure baby." She replied unabashedly defiant, I contained my anger at being disobeyed, there was plenty of time.

I shoved her into a room on the second floor, she didn't even seem bothered, merely bored with my attempts at control. I watched her ass bounce uncontrollably with movement as if it was filled with jello. Seeing where my lust-filled gaze went she smiled sweetly at me and clapped her hands hard on her ass cheeks as I shut the door. Wiggling and jiggling it moved with well-practiced ease as she quickly knelt down and squirmed back up, shaking it erotically for me. Dancing with just her ass as she placed her hand on her head and glanced at me over her shoulder, twisting her hips and shuffling her ass…

This whore knew what she was doing I'll give her that.

I knew I wanted some ass… but she had a mouth on her. Slamming the three tickets on the dresser I approached, "Kneel." I said commandingly, pulling my hardened dick out.

Kneel baby?" she asked huskily, quickly spreading her legs as she knelt down to waist level in a squat, "Like this? Want me to worship you?" she said temptingly licking her painted red lips in practiced anticipation.

"Open your fucking mouth." I said, rubbing my hard-on against her cheek. Slowly she opened her mouth and her long fleshy tongue lolled patiently down her chin. Without waiting for her approval, or permission I rammed my cock into her mouth.

…She didn't gag, or flinch, complain or falsely compliment she just took my dick down her throat and stared patiently up at me as if waiting for more instructions. I wanted a response. I gripped her hair tightly, she didn't even flinch it was like she was frozen. I pulled back, and thrust… I went slowly at first, then quickly sped up, feeling her tongue lap under my shaft. "Fucking whore!" I groaned, as her mouth began to pleasure me unexpectedly. I knew that her throat would be good, I just didn't expect it to feel so good.

I pulled out of her mouth and she gasped as if she had been desperate for air, laughing lightly as she took in a deep breath. "…you feel good baby?" she asked huskily, "Want more?" her tongue gently licked at my dick hole before she opened her mouth wide to take me in her again.

Taking a hand from her hair I began stroking my dick, thoroughly coating it in her saliva, but still holding her in place "Better make sure I'm good and lubed whore." I growled, slamming my dick back into her mouth hard, "I want some ass tonight and you going give it to me…"

"Ummm hmmm…" she said, sounding like she agreed with me. Expected it of me.

Fucking whore was not in control.

"Fucking whore…" I slammed my dick to the root in her mouth, slapping the back of her head, "Come on lube it!" I pulled out and thrust into her more, "Lube it up whore!" I felt the work of her tongue increase and her slurping intensified. But she wasn't choking or gagging, she wasn't desperately trying to get me to pull out of her mouth, she was trying to make sure I was good and lubed…

I didn't want my load down her mouth. I'll wait for that latter, I pulled away and pulled her up by the hair. She didn't even scream as I turned her around and shoved her onto the bed. Her ass stopped moving long after she did, and as she turned her head to look over her shoulder at me…her red hair hid much of her face...

But she was still fucking smiling.

"Come on baby…" she said dreamily, slapping her ass as if to get it shaking again as she kept it moving, trying to keep me motivated "Come on and get this nasty ass…" She was enjoying herself… whores weren't supposed to enjoy themselves. They take your money and then you fuck them… "It wants some big fucking dick, it's hungry."

I gripped her ass cheeks in both hands hard, feeling her flesh mold in my hands while I was trying to get her the squeal in pain. But I only managed to get her to squeal in delight. "Oh yeah baby!" she said excitedly as I moved the thong string out of my way and looked at her winking hole. "Get it! Get it baby!"

I watched her asshole intently; it had clearly been used before and was apparently excited to be used again. It opened and closed as if breathing, and I felt my cock twitch with each eager 'gasp' it made. I took what I wanted.

I slammed my cock to the hilt immediately, not waiting for her to 'adjust' and not waiting for her instructions. She half laughed, half cried as she felt me bury myself in her. Releasing her ass cheeks to let them squeeze tightly around my length as her ass muscles clenched. I pulled out and slammed it back in steadily. She moaned in all the right spots, at just the right time; she was a fine-quality whore.

"Shake this ass!" I commanded, slapping a cheek as hard as I could, and with the immediate obedience, only a fine-quality whore like her could provide she began to shake it.

"Oh yeah baby!" she yelled in satisfaction as she jiggled, "Get that ass baby! Get it! Get it!" she bounced it with expert care.

…Was she actually getting tighter? I slapped her ass again and she yelled once more in delight, encouraging me on. F-fuck! Her ass was suddenly like a vice, painfully tight but satisfyingly good. "Fucking whore!" I groaned, slapping her ass again and again as she yelped delightedly with each hit, tightening up beyond logic. "Get my cum out, whore! Move this fat ass! Make me cum!"

"Cum in my ass baby!" she shouted at me, looking over her shoulder and slowly licking her lips hungrily, "Give me that cum. I want to shit out your dick juice ALL NIGHT baby…"

I grabbed her hair and her shoulder and increased my speed to her repetitive, "Get it. Get it. Get it…" with each thrust and finally I got it… I screamed my release; I unloaded more cum in her ass than I had in that other whore's pussy by far, it had felt so good. I collapsed on her, instinctively still thrusting inside her as I squeezed her hair and rubbed my cheek against her face.

She turned her head, whispering to me as my balls quickly emptied in her, "Get that ass baby…" she said, gently kissing my cheek, "Get that fucking ass…" finally as I finished completely… I was well and truly drained and fully calmed down from my anger. thinking clearly for the first time in... well ever.

"…Feel better baby?" she asked as I lay on top of her.

"Yeah…" I replied, inhaling her scent... why did she smell so good, whores shouldn't smell so good. They should smell like bad choices and deathsticks. Of sperm and tears... but not her, she smelled absolutely amazing...

"Good. No get out of me baby you only paid for one." She said briskly and slipped me easily out of her ass, walking to the door without looking back.

"Wait." I said suddenly, she turned to face me unperturbed, as if amused. She and I both knew what was coming… slowly, hesitantly I reached for my pants… pulling out three more tickets. As if they were the most delicious things in the world to her. Her tongue slowly, agonizingly, exited her lips and slowly traced around them as if tasting them.

It caused my dick to harden immediately... and she smirked cruelly as she saw it. "…You want more baby?" she asked approaching me, taking the tickets carefully, and placing them onto the dresser, obviously accepting them.

"…Yes…" I found myself saying.

"…Then mama is in charge now." She said firmly, as if scolding me, "Got it?"

"Yes…" I said nodding, and she shoved me onto the bed.

"Mama wants some dick juice then, Mama worked up a thirst when her ass got FUCKED by a Real. Big. Dick." she said slowly causing my dick to jump at the words. Then my mind went blank as she knelt down and began her first real blowjob for the night stroking my dick as she teasingly sucked, twisting her head and lips around my length. "Cum down mama's throat baby…" she whispered lovingly once she pulled away, and her expert tongue started licking my head…

…I woke up hours later. Ticketless, naked, exhausted and dangerously dehydrated; the only thing left of her was a business card on the dresser with a message.

'You want mama again baby.' It said in well-practiced, hand written pen ink, 'You call for Imperial Rose.' With a printed number clearly visible.

…I made arrangements for her to meet me later that month… I never called her a whore again. Because she wasn't one. She was a Rose.


It was good to be in charge, you received all the special perks. My taste in entertainment was always the freshest most youthful of girls that the agency sent. And for this party they pleasantly sent me two. I toured them around the party, meeting and greeting my graduating students. I wanted to make sure they were having a good time of course like when I spoke to Barrion, but also I wanted to show off my own personal entertainment for tonight…

I caressed and teased them, pulled just a little faintly at their thongs. Squeezed their asses just a little harder when they were least expecting it. Pulling their bodies against mine just a little tighter as the drugs were taking effect…

You see my girls were special. While all the entertainers were given the standard anti-pregnancy pills to prevent scandal, my girls were also slipped powerful aphrodisiacs by the agency. To make sure that out of everyone at the party I was made sure to have the best time… there were after all many other agencies on the planet alone more than willing to take up the contracts with us. I needed to tease them, present them, display them to activate them… My ministrations finally hit to breaking point after talking with Barrion and I made my way to my personal quarters…

I preferred them young because I had a 'student' fetish. What good girls they were trying to coax better grades from my cock, kind of fetish. I had ordered their hands to be firmly planted onto the floor as I sat on the edge of the bed, my length hardened to attention. "Remember girls you're being 'graded' for this…" I said teasingly at them, holding a handful of tickets that pulled their attention briefly away as I placed them on the bed. "No cheating now… no hands."

The blue haired one was the first to move, catlike her body shifted and squirmed as her tongue slowly moved up my length from balls to tip, causing it to quiver at the sensation of her hot breath, her partner for the evening the blonde embraced my balls tenderly, her long tongue reaching out and scooping into one into her mouth to sloppily suck loudly as her gaze lingered on my eyes as if asking. 'Am I doing a good job Mr. Coval?'

'Yes, yes you are my dear…' I internally replied at my fantasy, stroking her head to encourage her more, and soon I was stroking the both of them at the hair as they were lapping away at me in alternation. Every inch of my length was covered in their saliva as they tried to coax my cum from my balls…

The blue haired one's mouth embraced the head of my dick, slowly moving down the length of my shaft. She clearly wasn't as well practiced with deepthroating but I didn't mind, her first attempts were adorable and dick hardening. As the blonde continued to salivate on and around my balls, I stopped the blue haired one, pressing gently on her forehead She looked up at me confused.

'Don't you want me to do this?' she seemed to silently ask me with her eyes.

"Just lick the tip for now." I told her firmly, "They'll be plenty of time to be inside your mouth later."

Understanding my desire she kept the head of my dick in her mouth as her tongue rapidly swirled around it. She might have had little experience with blowjobs in general but her tongue had clear natural talent…

But like all good blowjobs, this one too had to end. They were both licking my length simultaneously as the first sign of my release hit. My dick throbbed suddenly and the blue haired one pulled away reflexively as if expecting me to explode as the blonde increased the pressure of her tongue. That said an awful lot to me.

"Who wants it?" I asked, groaning as I strained to hold it back until it was the proper time. They both hesitated, the blue and the blonde eyeing each other as if to say 'you take it' regardless of the blonde's continued work licking me. Like all imperials I liked ambition.

"All the tickets." I said coldly, holding up the four I had offered them for the blowjob and adding another, "To the one who swallows all of it…"

Like starving Rakghouls over the last piece of meat they turned on each other. The blue haired one desperately tried to take my dick head back in her mouth but the blond shoved her away as she buried my dick deep into her mouth sucking the head rapidly as she pulled my release.

"Bitch!" the blue haired one shrieked angrily as she tried to pull the blonde away but it was too late, as I had already shot my load into her waiting mouth. I had finished and the blonde released me as the blue haired girl pulled her head away. The blonde stared up at her and showed her her sperm-filled mouth as if to mock her then pointedly swallowed my seed proudly as if to say, 'You snooze you lose…" and liked her lips hungrily at me as if asking 'is there more?'

There certainly was. Holding their angry faces side by side I thrust slowly between their cheeks steadily 'fucking' them as if they were a pussy, their tongues gently licked at my cock although it was already well lubed up… I briefly debated whether or not I wanted to break my self-promise to my wife, no penetration allowed for me. I could use their mouths or breasts or hands, but pussy and ass were off limits. I decided that I could bare to only have their tongues…

"Who wants the next one?" I asked, my member fully stiffening once more. And taking the opportunity the blue haired girl dove down my length, quickly coming to terms with the fact if she didn't satisfy me she wouldn't get tickets. I pulled the blonde up onto the bed to sit beside me as I molested her firm ass both of us watching the blue haired girl strive to pull more of my fresh sperm from my balls. Soon I was coming again and grabbing the back of her head I pulled her down and shot my load, "Swallow…" I commanded, "Swallow or you get nothing…" I was only allowing myself blowjobs from these girls, they could afford to do what I wanted.

But she simply wasn't used to it, either the deepthroat or the taste of seed. She pulled away and gagged out my sperm coughing violently onto the carpet and I sighed disappointedly. I tossed a ticket briskly at her face, it bounced away and into my sperm on the floor. "…Get out." I said finally. She looked at me surprised, "…Out." I repeated firmly, "You're lucky you get anything." Angry and frustrated she scrapped the sullied ticket from the floor and stomped out, slamming the door behind her.

"Now then." I continued as the blonde, smiling with smug pride at me lowered herself back to the floor in front of my dick as I placed another pair of tickets into her ever-expanding pile. "…Where were we miss…?"

"Afternoon Delight." She provided before taking my length wonderfully back into her mouth briefly and pulling away, "And I believe you were about to shoot another thick, tasty load into my empty hungry throat."

"Miss Afternoon." I nodded accurately confirming my desire for it, and she took me in again, and again… and again for the rest of the night… each time she swallowed, each time got cheaper as I requested another round and she complied without complaint… her stomach seemingly bottomless when it came to swallowing sperm. Finally, when I could simply not get hard anymore I pulled my remaining tickets from my pocket and rewarded them to her. I know I didn't have it in me to have another girl, and she had done a wonderfully satisfying job. She clearly was going to have a long and illustrious career in the business…

"Oh, and sir…" she said while counting the tickets and pulling a notepad from the dresser and writing something down. I paused turning to face her as she ripped the paper from it and kissed it leaving a stain of red lipstick and cum. "If you ever want to have more private time at a later date…" then added with a look that told me she firmly meant it "More of anything actually at a later date. Please let me know." and for added effect, she squeezed her breasts.

I read the name and the number and smiled as she returned to adding up her tickets as I folded the note and placed it in the pocket of my uniform for I assure you later use.

Yes. It was indeed good to be in charge…


Darren and Esca

I'm… not one for parties… especially these parties. I'm only here because somebody, anybody, needed to keep my friend Esca from killing someone.

Oh, right let me explain, Esca wouldn't actually physically kill someone… she just tended to go overboard when it came to her own desires. Right now she was finishing up the bartender in the storage shed, and as he stumbled back into the light shambling behind the bar, and finally collapsed to the floor exhausted I knew she had applied her patented blowjob to him… Making sure he was still conscious I looked over the bar, and he groaned feebly with satisfaction.

Esca, a true blonde imperial from Dromund Kaas walked briskly from the bar; licking her fingers and lips of what looked like cream. She spotted me and smirked her usually 'job well done' smirk and joined me at the bar. I looked away from her and directly into a green-skinned twi'lek entertainer who smiled sweetly at me, "Hey sweetie, I'm Morning Glory."

"Uh…" I went red, she was beautiful as all the entertainers were, as all twi'leks are. "Uh… he-hello?" I replied lamely, I have never been with a woman. And while Esca was my best friend and a closet nymphomaniac I didn't want to just throw my first time away with her.

"Ah that's so cute." Glory said her pretty smile displaying a collection of well-cared-for teeth, "…So… do you have your eyes set on anyone?" she asked, gesturing to the slightly diminishing and equally growing crowd as entertainers were selected and walking away, or finishing up and returning to the party.

"Oh… uh…" Esca frowned behind me as I lamely finished, "Uh… no-no thank you…" Ugh I hated myself.

She took it fine enough, "Don't be nervous sweetie… if you change your mind I'll be here…" and slowly, her green breasts shaking temptingly she walked back into the crowd and struck up a conversation with a female graduate. I watch her butt sway as she left and then felt Esca punch me hard in the shoulder.


"What the fuck is wrong with you?" she asked in her Dromund kaas accent, grabbing an expensive bottle of liqueur from over the counter as the exhausted zabrak bartender groaned his protest from the floor, "Did you see her?! She came onto you! You need to tap that!"

"You are in no position to tell me who I should or should not 'tap'!" I hissed back, returning my gaze to the twi'lek as, arm and arm with the female student, she walked out towards the rooms and I sighed in self disappointment. "Or is the guy on the floor not enough of an example?"

The bartender groaned in agreement.

"By the way do you want help?" I asked him over the counter, "She has this effect on guys." He groaned again, but sounding slightly more negative so I accepted it, she has that effect on them too.

"Listen." She said, pouring a large glass and downing it with practiced ease. "Do you like women?"

"Yes. of course." I said vehemently.

"Do you want to get laid?" she asked, watching my empty glass and taking it.

"…I… I…"

"Yes or no." she said taking my glass and pouring a shot of the liquor before handing it back to me. "If it's no. I'll leave and we'll never talk about this again, but you aren't allowed to look at me like you are now after I've had my fun."

"…Yes." I answered her softly, staring into my new glass of hard booze.

"Now. Do you like alien girls?" she asked bluntly. And slowly, silently I nodded. "Figures. I found your holo-girl vid of that twi'lek woman. What's her name again? Twi'light Moons? Seriously those tits are far too big on anyone what could you even do with them?

A lot of things. The recent 'discovery' of Twi'light Moons after top performer Milky Way retired spread quickly across the galaxy holo-net. With breasts as big or bigger than her head she unsurprisingly received a large amount of popularity regardless of her performance on the vids. She didn't quite have Milky Way's natural charisma or her talent on the bedsheets but people were expecting her to quickly improve with time. Not even Milky Way was a natural at first.

But I'm getting off-topic, and she reminded me as she elbowed me. "Look. Those tickets you have are burning a hole in your pocket. And this is probably your last chance to get some alien girl pussy before we get shipped to Dromund Kaas." She looked at me pointedly; the smell of semen on her breath was almost completely masked by the booze. "Do you know what we have here in plentiful supply that we don't on Dromund Kaas? Alien pussy…" she said, eyeing a pair of beautiful entertainers, a pantoran and mirialan, as they passed by us chatting happily with each other like old friends. "Moff Altora is a hard ass about it." she added, sipping her drink. "Get a good look now because if you're even caught eyeing an alien girl in front of her you're practically blacklisted…"

That only really served to depress me further as the pantoran earlier walked by once more arm and arm with a male student heading for the rooms. "…I'm… nervous about it okay."

"Dude it's just fucking." She replied, "With whores, these are good clean girls. They are literally the cream of the crop. She eyed the mirialan girl from earlier thoughtfully, examining her slender busty frame and her triangle line tattoos that accented her very beautiful face, framed wonderfully by her short clean green hair, "Look, give me your tickets." She snatched them from my pockets and said firmly, so demanding that I couldn't refuse her. "Drink your booze and go to the first floor and wait." She walked away and stared pointedly into the glass I drank it down, looking over the counter at the bartender on the floor as I got to my feet.

"What do you think?" I asked him thoughtfully not really expecting an answer.

"Fucking… do… whatever… she… says..." he half groaned half mumbled, well at least I knew now that he was getting better.

I found an empty room on the first floor, nobody ever went to the first floor it was too far away for 'pussy' as it were. Third floor was always full, the second was half empty… people didn't want to wait on their fun. I nervously paced in the room, quickly coming to terms with the fact that I was about to lose my virginity because of the horniest wing-woman in the galaxy. The door slowly opened and Esca entered, she brought the mirialan girl and with their arms on each other's waists they walked in.

The entertainer eyed me with some satisfaction, "Oh, he's much cuter than you described Esca…" she said softly, breathlessly, like she couldn't wait to be acquainted with me, "I expected you were embellishing…"

"I know right?" Esca replied smugly, letting her go and walk towards me, slapping a hand on the mirialan's rear playfully for incentive. I reflexively stepped away, my body not fully agreeing with Esca's plan no matter how much my mind wanted to. "Don't mind that he's fidgety…"

"I like fidgety." She replied lovingly, pressing her lush body against me and wrapping her arms around me so I couldn't get away, "Virgin boys are so attentive…"

"Did you have to tell her that?" I asked Esca disappointingly. Esca shrugged and dropped into the chair in the corner.

"She gave me a discount." She said shrugging, pulling a glass and the liquor bottle from nowhere and pouring a glass. "This is Morning Glory by the way." She added, "She's going to fuck your brains out and loosen you up."

"Why are you…" I began slowly, shivering as the beautiful woman embracing me stroked my back slowly with her hands, smiling up at me as she craved my attention. "…Why are you getting so comfortable?"

"Because I want to watch…" she said bluntly and sipping her glass. "Duh."

"What?! No! I'm not going to have sex with her in front of you!"

"Why not I paid for her I might as well enjoy it." she said smugly drinking her shot

"With my tickets!" I shouted indignantly.

"Potato tomato…" she said ignoring me and pouring herself another glass, "It's not like I haven't seen your dick before.

"It's to-ma-to, to-mA-to and this is different. We were kids and…"

"This is cute…" Morning Glory interrupted patiently, placing a finger on my lips to silence me. "…But I don't mind… just relax honey." I was putty in her hands, Esca was suddenly a world away as she slowly got to her tip toes and kissed me… I went rigid, in more ways than one. I collapsed backward on the bed with her on top of me, laughing as we bounced onto it. "Oh! Honey. You okay?"

"Yeah…" I said blissfully.

"Fuck Darren, she just kissed you…" Esca replied embarrassed for me, placing the bottle onto the table and watching Glory's succulent rear intently. "Wait until she gets to the good parts."

"The good par-?" I groaned suddenly interrupted as Glory's hand caressed my hardened member through my pants, unbuckling my belt.

"The good parts…" Glory said smiling at me, the triangle tattoos stretching across her face as she grinned knowing and slipped her hand into my pants. Her expression suddenly changed, she looked surprised…

Pulling my rapidly hardening penis from my pants she gasped in legitimate shock. Esca joined her, slowly, apparently instinctively spreading her legs in the chair as she watch Glory slowly stroke it. I guess I was a rarity among the males at the academy, my penis was large and all-natural. Thick and long at least nine inches erect… Trust me when a girl sees enough enhanced penises they can tell; kind of like guys and fake breasts.

"Holy shit Darren where were you keeping that?" Esca replied staring at it hungrily and blushing from ideas that I didn't quite want to hear at the moment, "…and how come you haven't had any girls before now?"

Glory starred in awed fascination as if she discovered the perfect planet for colonization and was about the tell the galaxy. Then she smiled happily at me, "Well now honey… somebody needs to be rewarded for such a nice surprise. What should I do-" she said playfully thoughtfully as she continued to stoke my length and not looking away from my eyes, "-for giving me such a rare present?"

"Oh I know…" Esca supplied quickly, her hand quivering on her thigh, desperate to touch herself as she watched. "Why don't you give him a kiss? A long, sloppy, kiss…"

"Yummy…" Glory said seductively, her lips brushing against my penis as she moaned, "…What a good idea…" she gave the head of my penis a peck, and it jumped in response causing her to giggle excitedly, "Oh honey!" she laughed, "If that's how you feel about me… I wonder how you'll react to this?" and she engulfed the head into her mouth.

I don't want to brag, but again I was very thick. She could hardly go a few inches past the head, so she decided to settle on stroking me as she played with the head or my penis. It was utter bliss; I had never felt it before. And I was quickly coming, not used to the foreign pleasure that it was. "Wait… wait slow down or I'll cum…

But she didn't slow down. She sped up, using both hands now she twisted her head quickly left and right on the head of my penis her hands alternating as well, watching me intently for the signs of orgasm on my face. She moaned and groaned desperately as if begging for my release.

"I'm cumming!" I shouted and with one last pull upwards from her hands, and forcing my urethra to open wider with her tongue, my balls tightened and fired a cannon load of my semen into her mouth. Her eyes widened as cum shot from her lips around my penis not expecting such a load. Her eyes rolled slightly as my taste hit her, and she coughed trying to swallow as I fired more… My semen shot from her nose as she gagged. I was worried she would choke and tried to pull her off but she tightened her hands almost painfully on my penis as she refused to pull away sucking pointedly on the tip to make sure she got every last drop out…

Esca had removed her pants sometime during the act and hung them on the arm of the chair, her fingers were furiously stroking her surprisingly well cared for pussy as her other hand groped one of her still-clothed breasts tightly. "Fuck that was hot…" she struggled in the pocket of her pants found another ticket and tossed it into the pile on the nearby table. "Do it again… do it again…" she repeated encouragingly, hypnotically playing with herself…

A bedside table housed a collection of towels for sanitary purposes during a session; there were none on the third floor because they were usually used so quickly. Luckily we were on the first floor. But even before Glory could grab one Esca apparently realized something, "Oh wait!" she approached the cum soaked Glory and… to my utter astonishment, licked Glory slowly clean…

Glory chuckled throatily from the action and because she was probably a little ticklish as Esca hungrily lapped away at her face like a cat to cream. Glory playing along opened her mouth patiently as Esca deposited some of my semen she collected inside and Glory instinctively swallowed. "There you go…" Esca breathed lustfully, giving Glory a peck on the lips before beginning to play with herself again as she sat back down.

She looked at me patiently and smiled as she had for most of the night, "…Want to go again honey?" she asked, knowing the answer.

"…Yes…" I said flatly as she chuckled.

"Alright then…" she took off her heels, dropping them onto the floor, Esca grumbled disappointingly, she liked watching the entertainers perform in heels regardless of the necessity. Then getting to her feet on the bed she let her thong drop to the sheets and before I could brace myself, she lowered herself back down and slid me inside her vagina.

We both announced our satisfaction at this, and Esca on her chair came hard as she watch, before resting for half a second and starting up again, "Fuck yeah! Ride him harder I want to see that green ass shake on it!"

And she did, slowly at first, gyrating her hips as she stared into my eyes, grunting and moaning as she adjusted pleasurably to my length. "Honey does it feel good?" she asked caressing my face, "You need to be having a better time than her and me as a rule!" she laughed. She was clearly enjoying herself as much as I was.

"You feel amazing!" I shouted my praise as Esca roared another crippling orgasm, "I can't hold it for long!" I groaned ashamed, I knew as a virgin I wasn't going to last long or make her orgasm, she was a professional.

"GFE rules, just for you honey…" she said suddenly slowing down and rubbing her clitoris with her hand as she continued to move. "Just let me know when you're ready to let go…" it wasn't long, watching her pleasure herself as she rode me and made my penis throb impatiently inside her.

"It… it's time!" I groaned as for the eighth time in that room Esca roared her release again. It was hard to tell who was enjoying themselves more

"Okay honey!" Glory said, increasing her hand's ministration and rapidly moving again, "Let it go! I'm cuming!"

We came together. Her head flying back as her eyes widened from the massive combination of aroused orgasm. My semen flooded her vagina on instinct desperately trying to fill her womb. My load quickly finished filling her and she laughed breathlessly as she came down from her own high; a look of honest satisfaction clear on her face…

"Oh honey. There's nothing like the real thing…" she said smiling wonderfully down at me and referring to my natural penis. However, before we could bask in the afterglow she was suddenly pulled violently off me and flung on her back onto the bed.

She yelped in surprise and stared as a determined Esca forced the surprised Glory's legs apart and buried her face madly into Glory's cum filled pussy. Crazy with lust she began scrapping up any drop of my sperm that she could reach with her tongue and devouring it.

"Esca!" Glory replied indignantly, "What the fuck, that's my cum!" my dick throbbed at the idea that my seed was so precious to her. She tried pushing's Esca head playfully away but she just wasn't having it, "Get your own load!"

"I will when I'm done with you!" Esca replied coldly with a mouthful of Glory's vagina and my sperm, "Then you can help me get it…" she added eyeing me lustfully from between Glory's legs. "…It's my turn now." She said slapping a ticket hard onto Glory's tits, and continuing to eat out my sperm. "No more 'virgin morals' to hold you back."

"I'm taking this because it's for you, Esca.Glory stated deliberately placing the tickets on the side but looking at me with the same look Esca had on her face, "…Next one is on me." I was in for a very long night.

The sun had risen by the time we finally stopped; I lost count at how many times I had finished in them. All I know is that I woke up in contentment, two beautiful women in my arms and just as naked. I didn't want to leave… I knew once I did I'd never see her again…

However we had to leave, the ugnaught cleaning crews would unavoidably arrive and kick us out as they inevitably prepared the mansion for the next and probably more publicly acceptable party. We dressed slowly, Glory wrapping herself in a bathrobe as she was about to make her way to the entertainer's room to retrieve her clothes.

"So when can I see you two again?" she asked pointedly, smiling seductively as she did.

Depressingly I looked at Esca who shrugged dismissively, unable or unwilling to answer, "…We're being shipped to Dromund Kaas in a week…" I said sadly. if she understood what that meant she didn't show it. Merely tilting her head slightly confused.

"…So when can I see you two again?" she asked again with a dismissive shrug.

"Dromund Kaas doesn't approve of inter-species relationships." Esca replied coolly, approaching her and planting a soft kiss goodbye on her lips, "Professional or personal."

But she didn't look perturbed by it, "So I can't meet you in public… you do understand that there is a 'tourist station' above Dromund Kaas right? It's run by hutts. And funnily enough…" she added with a knowing smile, "My agency has a branch there… if you two wouldn't mind a meet up on shore leave sometimes, I'll transfer to it… all you'll have to ask for is Miri Green."

…We couldn't give her our contact information fast enough…

End of Interval

I was very post happy in my younger days. Still kinda am, but I think I was just so damn happy to start posting something that people were reading, it was just kinda crazy.

Originally my intent was to expand on the ever growing character list, although here only... half of them return later? Little more than? It's fine though they're just here for sexytimes and to spread their genes