
Interval Thirty-Eight: Knights of the Pazaak Table

I don't own Star wars.

Sometimes, late I night, I really just want to sit on the couch and have a beer. Not plow my twi'leks into the various cushions and floors of my home and restaurant. And one-time Moona on the beach… it was only slightly worth it, we got sand everywhere and Moona got such a rash on her money maker that I promised I wouldn't do it again. Good thing it wasn't obvious thanks to her red skin.

But I'm getting off topic. As I sat on the couch, watching the news as Babayaga declared herself queen of someplace called New Nar Shaddaa I was interrupted by Goldie, "Ozzy. We got a problem."

I was suddenly off the couch, "Is it time?! Did your water break!? I'll get the speeder!"

I tried to dash away but she grabbed my hand and dragged me back, "Not a me problem. A… potentially Knights problem."

"Oh." I said seriously, "…What's the problem?"

"Chy-Mae has an older sister, Lee-Mai." She said, I scratched my scruffy beard: clearly, I was going to have to hear more before I put in my input. "Lee-Mai was sold to slavers when Chy-Mae was young, she's been using her credits to track her down."

I nodded, crossing my arms, "…And I take it she's found her?"

"Some rich asshole by the name of Grimp is parading her around." Goldie said coolly, "And he's been living the dream here on Spira banging her as much as he wants, she offered to buy her sister off him and he charged her a huge price. Thanks to you Ozzy she got the money but now he's added interest." She frowned, "In other words, twice the price or he can play with her as much as he wants… essentially he's going to enslave her until she works it off."

I rolled my eyes, "I'll get my blasters." I said, making my way to my armory as she grabbed my hand again.

"Ozzy you can't just go in blasting the guy." she said exasperatedly

"Yes I can." I replied as a matter of fact "I'm Ozjin Knights. Also known as Ozjin 'Oh-god-please-don't-kill-us' Knights." she rolled her pretty eyes at this but I ignored it. "The law asks for my permission before they even set foot near my restaurant." She rolled her eyes.

"I know you can, but if you just go in, shoot the guy, and steal his slave they're going to have to arrest you. And my baby daddy is NOT going to prison." She said firmly. I sighed reluctantly again, it'll be much easier if she let me shoot him.

"FINE. So if I can't blast him why do you need me?"

"He likes Pazaak." She said flatly with a smile, and I returned it. I rather liked Pazaak myself.

Of the few casinos there were on Spira most were owned by Tulba the hutt, but I still had enough pull to find out when and where the guy liked to play. he liked the Lucky Star near the beach, where if you get bored with the various games you can always look outside and enjoy the scantily cladded view. So, I got all dressed up and took some arm candy just in case. Teeta on one arm and Chy-Mae on the other, both very distracting in matching tight green shorts and tighter tops, showing off their slender waists and soft tempting skin. And to top it all off, a pair of golden lekku rings, both placed carefully on their right lekku, usually, they were just for decoration, but they were to symbolize something minor later on in the evening if everything went to plan.

The crowd, most of whom recognized me by my armor and reputation, parted reverently as I made my way to the VIP tables in the back. They whispered in awe and envy as they eyed my 'accessories.'

"…Mr Knights, you don't have to do this…" Chy-Mae whispered, pressing her breasts against my chest as I squeezed her close.

"Course I do…" I replied flatly, as the doors were opened by the guards, politely inviting me in as Teeta flashed them a friendly smile. "… It's going to be fun." I replied smugly, rubbing her ass as she cooed softly. "Now. Do you see him?"

She looked around, blushing slightly as my hand continued to grope her ass through her shorts. "…There. In the corner with the tall twi'lek standing behind him." She said bitterly.

The twi'lek caught my attention first, wearing little more than a mesh bikini, her breasts and crotch almost visible in the right light as she looked away in shame, but obediently stood beside her 'current' owner. A collar tight around her neck and attached to a chain that led to his hand as he played pazaak at the table. She had obviously been altered to his tastes; her breasts enlarged, her ass nipped, tucked, and stuffed too big Nal Hutta booty levels of jiggle, her face had signs of slight plastic surgery enhancing her exotic northern continent look, and her bee-stung lips pouted sadly as she stood like a piece of meat on display.

Her 'owner' Grimp wasn't necessarily an ugly man for a human, but he was a distinctly slimy-looking like a hutt. In his late forties at least and overweight, he was also wearing a black toupee as his remaining hair was greying slightly and it didn't match. He cheered slightly scooping his winnings as the other gamblers cursed slightly. He grinned smugly, squeezing his Lee-Mai's modified ass cheek before smacking it hard and returning to his game.

"…That mother fucker." Chy-Mae hissed angrily as I shushed her.

"Its alright. I want him comfortable." I said softly, she swooned slightly as I led her and Teeta towards the table, taking the empty seat as they fawned over me. Grimp looked at me almost jealously as I tapped the table to be dealt in.

"…I can appreciate a man with good taste." He said, smiling smugly as he eyed Teeta's big firm breasts, his eyes following them as she jiggled with each little movement she made. Just like I told her. She smiled sweetly at him, her hand running along her curves as he viewed her, but his attention immediately went to Chy-Mae and he frowned. Her sister's face twisted into a look of surprise, then shame again as she looked away. "And… what are you doing here my dear?" he said smarmily, undressing her with his eyes as we played.

"She works for me…" I replied firmly, "Don't you?" I said coolly, like we planned, Chy-Mae leaned against me, rubbing against me affectionately as I smiled, "And she told me you gave her an offer… I don't appreciate men trying to take what's mine." I glared at him, my cybernetic eye whirling dangerously as it glowed, my hand groping Chy-Mae's ass as she moaned sensually at my touch, and not all of it was acting.

I lost the game as he cleared his throat nervously, it was fine. I needed to lose once or twice to prove I was fallible, that the great Ozjin Knights had a flaw. So, I lost, again, and again. And I won a few, just to kick out the other players. I wanted some alone time with him, get him sloppy so his betting gets a little more personal…

I had a cybernetic implant that gave me an edge when it came to winning Pazaak. Believe it or not, this sort of thing has come up once or twice in my career, and while I didn't use it when I play for real, cheating a mark was always fair game. I smirked as the last player cashed out, leaving the table with just me and him…

Then it was time. I lost, big. A huge chunk of my credits just went away as he smiled, scooping his winnings and grinning at me as I put on my game face: scowling angrily as I slammed the table with my real arm.

"Would you like to purchase more Credits sir?" the dealer asked and I frowned.

"No. That won't be necessary." I replied, groping Teeta's ass, "I'll bet her." I said firmly as Grimp's eyes widened with intense interest. "She's worth all I lost and more. She's collateral. Aren't you Teeta?"

"Yes master." She cooed, playing her role perfectly as she kissed my cheek and the game began.

"She seems…" he said uncomfortably, "…Fairly opened to being wagered away…"

"She used to walk streets on Nar Shaddaa before I found her." I said, smacking her ass gently, but pointedly as she cooed happily. Although Lee-Mai watched in silent disgust, "Now she does whatever I tell her too, don't you Teeta?"

"MMMn Hmmm." She cooed, pushing her breasts against my face as the game turned in my favor. Then, I won back my credits… smirking proudly as Teeta sat on my lap, rubbing her lekku fondly against me as Grimp watched on jealously. Apparently, actual affection was something his twi'lek didn't give him. "Thank you for keeping me Master…" she moaned as my credits poured in. Grimp frowned, he lost quite a lot in that bet, he had to match Teeta's worth after all.

He eyed me, then he eyed the girls… "Well…" he said with a smug grin, "How's about you and I have a more private game? Were we bet a little more than credits…" he said.

"Oh?" I replied, knowing he took the bait, groping Teeta almost dismissively as he watched her moan. "What did you have in mind?"

He yanked Lee-Mai forwards so hard she fell forwards, her big fake breasts resting on the table as he crudely groped her big round ass, pushing it so it bounced up and down as he pinned her to the table. "I'll bet my slave. If you bet yours… of course, we'll have to change the game to something more challenging. Just to stay fair of course…

"Of course." I replied, knowing he was obviously going to rig the game, but I eyed Lee-Mai with interest, making it obvious so he knew he 'had me on the hook'. "In fact, I insist, name the place…"

"Top floor in one hour…" he said, standing up and yanking Lee-Mai's leash as she grunted in slight pain. I subtly held Chy-Mae back. "And have your slaves wear something sexy…" he said, tugging Lee-Mai as she followed.

"Did I do good Daddy?" Teeta cooed as I continued to play pazaak, easily winning but losing just enough to keep the owners off my back.

"Don't you always?" I replied proudly, giving her a kiss on the cheek as she giggled.

"Now what?" CHy-Mae asked, watching as her sister's jiggling ass disappeared into an elevator.

"Now we get him to bet your sister after I double down with you two." I said, ordering a few drinks.

"And what if you lose?" she said nervously downing her drink to steady her nerves.

"Then I make a call to Babayaga and I owe her a favor." I replied dismissively, "But if we do this 'legally' then its no problem. Now come here and give me some 'good luck'… I grinned, pulling them close as I won at Pazaak, Teeta kissing me with every victory as Chy-Mae moaned affectionately into my groping hands.

I gave him an hour and up to the top floor we went, the elevator doors opened into a foyer and a pair of very expensive looking battledroids stood side by side at the entrance. One of them saluted and opened the door as we entered. Grimp sat at a Pazaak table in the middle of the luxury top floor suite usually reserved for senators and other extremely rich individuals. Beneath the table, which was clearly meant to put her on display was Lee-Mai, obviously giving him a blowjob as he grinned smugly at me. Her ass bounced noticeably as she moved her head up and down his length.

"Come in! Come in I was just enjoying the moment." he said, shooting Chy-Mae a grin as she restrained her fury. "Don't mind her…" he said, grabbing Lee-Mai's head, between her lekku, and speeding her up, "She was just entertaining me before you arrived…" his face twitched, and he sighed pulling Lee-Mai down his length as he released, her body shook as she whimpered, "Don't embarrass me-" he snarled quietly but my audio picked it up, "-in front of my guest." He said as she went still. She gasped as he let her off, obviously finished and she adjusted his pants before crawling on all fours and sitting on her legs. Head down, not meeting our eyes as a small trace of cum dribbled down her lips.

"Now!" he grinned, as the droid dealer began to deal. "…Let's play." I sat across from him, and my eye quickly did a scan of the apartment. There were three other battledroids. That meant a total of five…. I was insulted. Five is not nearly enough… but regardless, we began to play. Just a few warm ups, he let me win a 'let' him win… but then… I started to lose, I let the obvious disappointment cross my face as he stroked Lee-Mai's lekku smugly… she flinched slightly at his touch, bracing herself. He's probably yanked her into many blowjobs over the years. She wasn't even safe in front of company.

"Did you know…" he said suddenly, as my credits dwindled, "That your slave there tried to buy mine?" he said proudly, "She was very cheeky about it."

"I told her too." I said, lying through my teeth as I folded. "I like having a complete set you see. So when she told me she had a sister how could I resist? Teeta here…" I praised, dragging a cheerful Teeta towards me and letting me grope her ass as she leaned on the table, her heavy breasts pulling his gaze as her talented hands switched out my cards. "Has three sisters…" I smiled smugly as his face contorted with obvious jealousy. "…So…" I said, folding again and waiting. "…Let's just skip the appetizers and get straight to the meat." I pushed what was left of my credits into the pot and taking the lekku rings around Chy-Mae's and Teeta's lekku I tossed them onto the pile. "I got shit to do tonight…" I said, "I bet my girls… for yours." I said coolly, watching his face as he greedily eyed Teeta and Chy-Mae…

"…I'd like a 'complete set' to…" he said, eyeing Chy-Mae particularly, "…The things I could make these sisters do to each other…" I grinned, I had him. And I've already hacked the game, it was over before he tossed Lee-Mai's leash onto the pile of credits. Smiling confidently as the cards were laid out.

Then I played the card Teeta had switched for me… and he was furious. Lee-Mai looked utterly shocked as I took her leash from the table, handing it to Chy-Mae as the sisters hesitantly embraced.

"You cheating son of a bitch!!" he roared as the rest of his droids swarmed in, even the dealer drew a blaster.

I just laughed as the girls took cover behind me, "Oh don't be a little shit. I knew you were cheating…" I groaned slightly, getting off my seat and stretching, "The second I saw your dealer. I was just leveling the playing field." Heavily in my favor mind you. I took the Lekku rings from the pot, tossing them to Teeta and Chy-Mae but as said before they were meaningless, and left the credits on the table. "You can keep that." I replied, brushing the girls towards the door as the guard droids raised their blasters warningly.

"You're going to give me my slave back." He said firmly, "…And then you can leave." He added, "This night never happened."

I sighed, smiling at Teeta as she carefully put her hands on the sisters' shoulders, she knew the routine. "Story of my life." I said, and my hidden blaster shot from my leg as Teeta grabbed the girls and ducked. Quickly locking on with my eye my cybernetics responded faster than any well-trained skill. My cybernetic arm grabbed my blaster and destroyed the droids before they could even pull the trigger, the head of the dealer droid exploded as Grimp fidgeted nervously, staring in shock.

I loved it when my enemies surrounded me. It was far more impressive looking when I destroyed them. Holstering my blaster back in my leg, I smiled almost encouraging him to try and attack me. "…Are we done?" I asked as he nervously looked around the room, noting the destroyed Droids more intently as he eyed the credits on the table in disappointment.

"…We're done." He said reluctantly as I turned and left him to ponder who he was going to buy with that money.

"Well that was my good deed for the decade." I replied, driving home as the sister happily hugged each other Teeta smiled at me as she sat in the passenger's seat.

"You do more than one good deed a decade daddy…" she cooed, then leaning over, she unzipped my pants. Taking me into her mouth as I drove… a little more slowly, getting high into the air as I viewed the night sky. I stroked her head, smiling smugly as her tongue worked its magic on my length. She stroked me with her hand as she held my cockhead with her mouth, eagerly trying to pull my cum from my balls with her lips. The sisters behind me were strangely quiet, looking in the mirror I saw they were watching Teeta intently. Lee-Mai looked unsurprised at Teeta's affectionate works.

"Cum for me daddy…" she cooed lovingly, licking my length rapidly before taking my cock back into her mouth and moaning as I shot a load between her lips. She let it fill her mouth, her cheeks puffing slightly as it filled her, my hand stroking her lekku fondly as she pulled off. She sloshed her tongue around my cum, letting it churn it in her mouth as she played with it, then eyeing Lee-Mai notably, she gulped it hungrily down. Rubbing her exposed stomach delightedly as she licked her lips like a proper cum guzzling slut. "Daddy you taste so good…" she moaned in orgasmic bliss, licking her fingers seductively as she began to stroke me with her slick hands, "I want some more…" she whined, leaning back down and stroking my cock back into her mouth as she massaged my length with her lips.

"You better hurry." I replied, stroking her lekku as she played with herself, "We're almost home…" I added groaning slightly as she increased her efforts, slurping noisily over the wind as we descended to my island. "We're almost there…" I teased as she slurped and gagged, "Goldie could've done it…" I teased as she moved her head like a piston, vacuum sealing her lips around my cock desperately at being compared to her sister. Then we landed… but I still won.

Gripping her head with both hands as the sisters watched I pounded into Teeta's throat as she squealed in delight. "You wanted to lose." I groaned, ramming her throat as I slid my hand down her pants and between her ass cheeks, slipping my cybernetic fingers up her tight little ass hole as I turned it up high, she squealed as the constant assault of my cock, her fingers between her legs, and my vibrating fingers ripped and orgasm, her legs kicking widely as she became dizzy with my thrusts. "You wanted this…" I declared as her eyes rolled up into her head as I slammed her down, sending a load straight into her throat as she coughed, a small amount shooting from her nose as her body twitched. She moaned contentedly as I stroked her lekku, draining every drop into her eagerly gulping throat as I pulled her slowly off my cock.

"Aaahhh…. Yummy." She whimpered, her tongue licking up trace drops of cum as I leaned back in my chair, petting her lovingly as she moaned on her seat.

"…Mr Knights…" Chy-Mae said suddenly as I looked in the mirror at her, she and her sister were blushing, trying politely not to watch as Teeta lovingly worshiped her Daddy. "…Could you… fly us home please?" she said.

"Oh!" I said suddenly remembering that she doesn't live with me. "That's right. Sorry. Yes. I'll fly you home." I smacked Teeta's rear and she yelped, glaring at me as she came out of her cock induced trance. "Go on inside and tell the others I will be right back." I said, she frowned but kissed my cock head, and exited the car, her face still a slight mess but she wore it proudly like a medal.

I grunted in satisfaction as she walked funny back inside the house and I took off, driving the sisters to Chy-Mae's cheap apartment close to my restaurant. Parking in the parking lot, Chy-Mae and her sister exited the speeder… they took a few steps away, when Chy-Mae paused and turned to me.

"…Mr. Knights… thank you for helping me." She said sincerely, bowing politely to me as her sister did the same. Although both were blushing, apparently, I forgot to put my dick back in my pants, which I promptly did.

"You are welcome." I said, "Normally I get paid for that sort of thing, but Goldie asked me to help." I added with a kind smile. "So now that you got your sister back I assume you won't be working at my restaurant anymore?"

The sisters looked at each other for a moment, and Chy-Mae approached reaching through the window and grabbing my arm, "Actually Mr. Knights… I was wondering if you'd like to hire Lee-Mai as well?" she said, slowly licking her lips, "She would also like to help me sell 'off menu'…"

I shot a look at Lee-Mai who, to her credit, apparently knew EXACTLY what her sister was talking about. They must have talked about it while Teeta was distracting me. Because Lee-Mai, a vision when she was actually smiling, took her big round tits in her hands, pushed them up, and pressed them tightly together, rubbing them alternately up and down, twisting her big supple thighs together as if she was quickly becoming aroused. And she certainly looked the part.

"I don't know…" I teased, getting out of my speeder and locking it, taking Chy-Mae's ass in my hand as I took her sister's in the other, gently vibrating my cybernetic hand as Lee-Mai cooed. "…I'm going to have to give her a few tests first…"

"Yes sir." Chy-Mae replied knowingly, "Leading me to her apartment, "In fact you should give me a refresher as well, so she has a good idea of how to make sure you're satisfied with her work…" she said seductively, knowing darn well how to push a man's buttons, especially a man who frequently partook in her services."

I pinned her against her door as she put in her lock code, I suckled her lekku as she whimpered, groping her sister's big beautiful ass in my vibrating hand as she panted eagerly. Apparently, as long as it wasn't Grimp, she was more than happy to enjoy herself.

"Mr. Knights." Chy-Mae moaned as the door slipped open to reveal her one-room apartment, she gasped erotically as I slipped my fingers down her shorts and into her ass, fingering her roughly as she shook in my grip. "You're so rough… ah!" I tore away her shorts, revealing no underwear as I smacked my hand on her ass, she moaned as I caressed it.

Then I turned her attention to her sister, who swooned as I kissed her, my tongue ramming deep into her mouth as she wrapped her arms around me. My hand vibrating like a massager all along her body, making her shiver in unknown pleasure as I quickly imprinted my skill into her flesh… then teasingly I shoved her into a chair, groping Chy-Mae from behind as she fidgeted in my grip.

"Watch and pay attention." I told her as her hands went between her legs, eagerly watching as CHy-Mae dropped my pants and I pulled off her top, letting her blue breasts bounce free. "Your sister's going to demonstrate. I leaned her forward, grabbed her wrists, and shoved deep into her pussy as she gasped, her tongue lolling erotically as her body shook with my thrusts. She gasped and panted, spurring on my cock as she twitched, a small orgasming rocketing through her body as her sister spread her legs, letting me watch her play with her wet pussy. Her eyes firmly locked on Chy-Mae's pleasure-filled face.

"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! GODS!!" Chy-Mae grunted as I rigorously pounded into her pussy, her arousal dripping down her legs as her bouncy chest bounced wildly with each thrust. Her lekku and body shaking as she came again, squeezing my cock in intense pleasure as I enjoyed her wet insides. "Aarrroooo!!!" she came again, leaning far forward as I fucked her back up into position, pulling on her arms as she shrieked in pleasure.

I grabbed her neck, and pulled her back, grunting my primal release deep into her body as she twitched. My cock pulsed my load into her warm little tunnel as she shivered in delight. Lee-Mai, her pussy wet and ready watched as I fucked her sister silly, she bit her bottom lip, spreading her legs wider in offering, more than ready to give me exactly what I earned.

I rubbed Chy-Mae's stomach affectionately as she moaned, nibbling her lekku as her pussy squeezed what was left of my seed out of my cock in response, her womb filled with hot cum, warming her insides in instinctive content. I gripped her lekku, she shuddered. I pulled my cock from her body, taking some cum with me as it splattered on the floor, she moaned. Her legs drooped ever so slightly in exaustion, I rammed my cock up her ass as she shrieked an immediate orgasm, letting me tug her lekku as her pleasurable headtails contributed to that climax. Then I rode her hard as she went limp, moaning a constant stream of pleasure as I gently tugged at her lekku.

"This is why I love Twi'leks." I growled in her hearing organs, even though I knew she wasn't listening, "So many erogenous zones…" she squirted pussy juice and cum onto the floor as another climax hit, I stretched out her ass as he sister watched in eager anticipation, rigorously fondling her big breasts as she watched me anally FUCK her little sister. I kept pushing, and pulling, riding her ass hard as I felt her cum… then I had an idea, walking her forward towards her sister and letting her drop against her body.

Their faces were inches apart as Chy-Mae screamed pleasure into her face, my hands gripping her hips tightly as I relentlessly pounded into her, "It feels so good!" she cried, screaming another orgasm as I lifted her by the lekku and pushed her against a briefly surprised Lee-Mai's lips…

…They slobbered over each other, Lee-Mai's puffed up lips drooling love and affection on her lost sister as they swapped spit, groping each other as I roared my release, pushing a screaming Chy-Mae into her sister's lips as I filled her ass…

I drained my cock quickly pulling out and smacking Chy-Mae's ass as they continued to kiss… it was a fun idea at first but now it was getting weird. I pulled Chy-Mae away, and without my support she collapsed in exhausted contentment on the ground, panting exhaustedly as I carefully pulled Lee-Mai to her feet, leading her to the bed.

"…Let me explain how selling 'off-menu' works in my restaurant." I said casually, turning her around and groping those big fake tits from behind. "Only after work, and you only sell ONE THING." I said firmly, "Your tits…" I squeezed harder and she moaned, "Your pussy, or ass…" I prodded both holes at the same time with both hands, she wiggled her hips back and forth, squeezing me eagerly. "Or blowjobs." I said, pulling out my real hand from her pussy and shoving my fingers between her lips as she obediently licked them clean, carefully working her obviously skilled tongue. "You pick something and stick with it. You sell more than one and you're done." I said firmly, "I'm not running a brothel. And most importantly. I turned her to face me, shoving my tongue into her mouth as her big lips sucked me in, her skilled soft hands already tending to my erection as I did. "I get to sample everything whenever I want. Do you understand?"

Then, in a thick huttese accent, she nodded. "I understand Mr. Knights…" she cooed seductively, and I pressed her tits firmly together, she was my height, and that was a nice treat consider I was taller than all my other girls.

"I'd like a sample now Ms Lee-Mai." I said, bouncing her breasts together for emphasis.

"Yes Sir." She said obediently as I sat on the bed, she knelt before me cupping her firm round breasts together and wrapping them tightly around me before beginning to move… she was dead even with Teeta's titfuck… so she was off to a good start, and as she slurped up my cock head, bouncing her breasts firmly together as she tugged them up I felt that this was a darn good start. I stroked her lekku carefully as she moaned, obviously not used to a gentler touch as I encouraged her on. Her breasts worked majestically around my length as I throbbed eagerly between those big firm breasts.

"I'm cumming." I declared, and expertly she looked up at me. Holding my cockhead between her lips and not breaking eye contact she expertly squeezed her tits firmly together and pulled, releasing the damn as my seed flooded into her mouth, and she still didn't look away, audibly gulping down every drop before I filled her too much. She pulled off with a pop as I finished, licking up the last traces on my cock head before sitting up straighter, her big heavy breasts bouncing down as they held firm. Obediently waiting her next order…

"Oh, I'm going to have fun with you." I said with a smile as she returned it slightly, obviously not really used to it. I lifted her off her feet as she yelped in surprise and I lay her on the bed, spreading her legs as I gently spread her dripping pussy. She gripped her legs, pulling them up and apart to free up my hands. What a good girl.

My cyber fingers slipped gently into her ass, she shivered then moaned as I vibrated them, letting my tongue slowly lick her hairless blue pussy as she shrieked in unexpected delight, I loved slave girls who never got head. They broke so quickly. She shrieked in sudden pleasure, squirting on the sheets as I buried my tongue inside her, pushing forward as I licked and suckled her pussy like no onehas ever before. Her fingers bit deeply into her legs, her bouncy breasts shaking on her chest as she fidgeted under my tongue, gasping in delight as she tried to hold back the oncoming orgasm, and failing.

"Ahhhh!!!" she trembled wildly, her hands slipping from her legs as she curled tightly together in a ball, unsure of how to deal with the sudden pleasure. But before she could recover I was spreading her apart again, pushing immediately to the root as her pussy tightened instinctively around me, screaming in pleasure as she scrapped the sheets of the bed.

"I'm going to fuck you like you're Violet…" I smirked at my little joke, she looked confused for a moment, but she'll get it later. Then I went at her hard. I pinned her to the bed as she yelped and gasped, my cock ravaging her tight little body like never before as she orgasmed soon enough, shrieking my name as I raised her hips higher, pounding down into her as her tight pussy squeezed me eagerly for more. Pushing her legs to her head I pointed her holes to the ceiling, and pounded firmly down into her as she gazed devotedly up at me… then she came hard trembling wildly as I decided to finish up. Roaring my own release as I forced my cum deep into her body. I leaned forward gazing into her eyes as I stroked her lekku… she twitched, her face contorting in pleasure as she eagerly took my cum.

"You're going to fit in fine…" I said proudly, pulling out of her as she flopped onto the bed… before I could get away however her hands reached up to pull my face to her lips. I chuckled as I kissed her, "Naughty girl…" I teased, squeezing those huge tits with my hands. "They'll be plenty of time to play when you start work." She grinned sweetly at me as I got off the bed, carefully lifting her sister from the floor and lying them both down together.

As if to please me Lee-Mai wrapped her arms lovingly around her, hugging her tightly as she began to kiss her tenderly, Chy-Mae eagerly returned it in her dreams. But Lee-Mai watched me eagerly, obviously inviting me back to bed.

But, I had to get home. they'll start to wonder. "Another time. You two catch up…" I gently stroke her leg, giving it a squeeze and retrieving my clothes I left them to bond. Getting back into my speeder and heading home…

Another job well done…

End of Chapter