
Star Wars: A New Life

A human reincarnates into the world of Star wars as Ahsoka Tano's older brother. May the force be with you.

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8 Chs

Chapter 1: Kohsaka Tano

Welcome to a new fanfic yet again! I've been wanting to create a Star Wars fic for a while.

This story will not contain many chapter notes. I want readers to be immersive when reading this story.

You will see ***** at times, signaling a scene change.

Story is third-person.

If you like the story, make sure to add it to your collection!


Thirty-six years before the fall of the galactic empire.

Expansion Region. A section in-between the Inner Rim and Mid Rim.

Planet Shili.

A rather beautiful planet. Bountiful water. Grassy plains and pine forests scattered everywhere, perfect for housing the foundations of life. White-cap mountain regions could be seen at far reaches of the planet, capable of providing both shelter and a sense of excitement of exploring the unknown.

A perfect planet to allow sentient life to flourish, and actually, it did. Planet Shili housed several different types of beasts and creatures not found anywhere else, making it an excellent hunting ground for rare resources.

In fact, over the years, this planet eventually became hospitable, bringing in an alien race, one of many of this unexplored cosmos. The Togruta.

Nighttime. Undisclosed location inside the heart of one of its many forests. A small village could be seen, mostly made up of stone and brick houses. Illuminated lights housed in fancy-designed balls could be seen acting as torches. It's not like this village was completely in the dark ages, they could self-sustain themselves by having access to both the galaxy's vast technologies and resources.

It was well into the night. The passage of time continued onward, which let the night sky hang high, revealing the endless starry landscape up above. Before long, one of the door's houses opened up. A sole Togruta male sporting blue-purple skin came running out, shouting out in ancient Togruti tongue, almost as if he was chanting something. On the contrary, an excited look could be seen in his eyes as he dashed out into the starry and clear night.

"Hahaha! They're here. They're finally here!", The Togruta male happily exclaimed. It didn't take long before other Togruta villagers came out of their houses, wondering what this disturbance was. A crowd soon formed, and the gentle silent night was interrupted. Murmurs of other Togruta tribe folk chatted away, watching the sole man shout in ancient Togruti tongue in excitement.

"Come, all of you, come, come!", The man said to the other members of the Togruta tribe. It was clear as night that his eyes radiated happiness. After all, tonight was a cause for celebration. 

Amongst this mixture of confusion and happiness, a faint echo of a crying voice could be heard. It wasn't just one crying voice, but two.

After letting the members of the tribe gather, the Togruta man entered a dash, arriving back at the house that had its door open just moments before, urging the rest of the village to follow him. The look of excitement didn't vanish from his eyes as he entered the stone hut.

As the man went inside, he passed by a much older Togruta woman. An elder, and the only elder that this village had. It was likely this elder was the village matriarch. Unlike other societies, the Togruta had a structure, ruled by females. Only one female could lead the Togrutas at a given time.

Further inside the house, the man quietly stepped inside to not disturb the ongoing scene. A gentle-looking orange skinned Togruta woman could be seen propped up. Her eyes showed both happiness and tiredness after having gone through a difficult delivery. The Togruta handmaiden next to her approached, holding what appeared to be two small baby Togrutas, each tightly wrapped in their own cloth. One of the two babies was cooing happily, while the other remained silent after going through an initial bout of crying. Still, the handmaiden passed the two babies to the presumed mother, and she took the two into her own embrace, gently holding them.

Other Togrutas gathered around the door and a large open window to peer inside, wanting to see what was going on, and saw the woman gently caressing the two newborns.

Before long, each villager began to part ways, making way for the elder who the man passed by just moments ago. Unlike the other Togrutas, the elder directly walked inside the house. Tiredness remained, those within quickly changed their looks to that of respect, welcoming the elder inside.

A smile also appeared on the elder's face, and took a moment to directly approach the orange-skinned Togruta woman who had just given birth not too long ago.

The woman couldn't stand up due to her weakened present state, and proceeded to gently bow her head to the elder.

"Have you decided a name for the two?", The elder asked, after taking a good look at the two Togruta infants being cradled by the mother's arms. One was orange-skinned just like her mother, the other newborn had azure-blue skin, as if one was staring right into the vast ocean beyond. A rarity among the Togruta tribe. When placed together, it was almost as if the two newborns were the complete opposite to each other. One girl, one boy. The newborn girl was happily cooing, while the newborn boy remained silent, watching with his big eyes of what his mother was currently doing.

The woman gently nodded her head at the elder.

"Yes. From today forth, these two will be named Ahsoka and Kohsaka Tano.", The woman declared, causing the elder to smile.


One year later.

One of the local Togruta tribes, unknown distance away from the capital of Planet Shili.

A bright and sunny day befell the Togruta tribe, bringing in rays of sunshine, allowing the Togrutas to go about their daily work. A cacophony of hammers tinkering and droids beeping could be heard in the distance. In the same hut that was previously shown, an orange-skinned Togruta woman walked out, wearing a light-blue hood over her face, possibly to protect herself from the harsh rays of the sun. She wasn't alone, either. A small carrier could be seen over the woman's frontside. Inside it had a now one-year old Togruta girl and a one-year old Togruta boy. These two received the names, Ahsoka and Kohsaka.

A gentle smile appeared on the woman's lips. It was clear that she was a caring and loving mother to these two newborns. Enough to say that an entire year had passed uneventfully. She had long gotten used to being both a mother to the tribe, and how to care for them. As for the infant Ahsoka, her eyes were currently observing the blue-skinned baby Togruta before her. He had the same markings as she did, but she just watched on, cooing with large eyes.

The Togruta man from before could be seen hammering away at their house, seemingly repairing, or adding fortifications to their current roof. An assist droid could be seen with him, carrying a tray of various tools. Seeing the woman come out of the hut, the man paused his ongoing work. He found a stable position on the ladder he was currently standing on, and looked toward the woman.

Hearing a voice call out to her, the woman turned her head, and spotted him.

"Are you sure the two are ready?", The man asked with a hint of worry in his eyes.

"Nak-il, it is customary. You know that.", The woman said, calling out to the father named Nak-il. 

"Perhaps in the old days. Old ways are for the old. It isn't ready for you yet, Pav-ti. Not yet.", Nak-il responded, urging the woman to stop what she was planning on doing.

"Do not make fun of it, Nak-il. You will insult the spirits.", Pav-ti said, who was the mother of the two children.

"You mean the trees around us?", Nak-il asked, causing irritation to appear in Pav-ti's eyes.

"Not the trees. The ancestors.", Pav-ti retorted the man.

"Alright, alright. I mean no offense, Pav-ti. If that is the case, may you be blessed by the spirits.", Nak-il said, trying to ease the woman's annoyance.

"Mmm.", Pav-ti responded back at him. She then wandered back into their house, and retrieved something that didn't appear to belong to this tribe, a long-barrel rifle. It almost stretched to Pav-ti's figure with how tall it was. Seeing the woman now armed with her rifle, the man spoke out to her again.

"I wish you good luck in the hunt, Pav-ti.", Nak-il said, wishing her good luck. His head then turned to the two infants resting inside her large carrier. "Oh, and you two, Ahsoka, Kohsaka.", Pav-ti continued. Ashoka cooed at the man who had a gentle smile over his lips, while the Togruta boy just stared at him with his large eyes. The boy almost acted as if he was trying to analyze Nak-il. A hint of worry appeared in his eyes seeing no reaction from the boy who came from his own flesh and blood.

A sigh escaped Nak-il's lips before he continued to hammer away at the roof he was straddled to.

As other villagers began to go about their tasks for the day, Pav-ti could be seen walking along the main street with her carrier still on her body. A large hunting rifle could now be seen hoisted over her back, carrying it with ease.

While walking through the street, Pav-ti soon came across another hunt, which belonged to the same elder that came inside her home when the two infants were born. After giving some feed to the local wildlife, the elder called out to her.

"Pav-ti, off to the hunt?", The elder asked her. "Has it already been a year?", The elder continued to ask.

"It indeed has, Gantika.", Pav-ti answered. The elder named Gantika took this time to approach Pav-ti. As she approached, Ahsoka's attention was drawn to her, as was Kohsaka's attention.

"Is that so?", Gantika replied, taking a moment to observe the two infants. Gantika then proceeded to open a fancy-looking pouch tied to her waist. Inside it contained a special mixture of herbs that was unique to the Togruta tribe. Placing her thumb inside the pouch, Gantika's thumb soon turned blue. It appeared to be a paste of sorts. 

"Then for good luck with the hunt, I shall bless you.", Gantika said. Kohsaka saw Gantika start chanting in ancient Tongruti, which drew his attention. Gantika first started with Ahsoka, placing her thumb over the ridge of her forehead. Her thumb gently moved downward, creating a blue marking on her head.

Gantika proceeded to do the same, marking Kohsaka's forehead and Pav-ti's forehead with the same blue marking.

"Thank you, Gantika, for your blessing.", Pav-ti said, bowing her head.

With a single swing of her rifle, Pav-ti parted from Gantika, and she watched on as Pav-ti's figure retreated with Ahsoka and Kohsaka in her embrace. The boy's eyes stood motionless, trying to observe everything that was happening before him. Even Gantika took notice of this stare. She stayed silent until Pav-ti's figure completely vanished from sight.

"Kohsaka...those are eyes a child should not have.", Gantika uttered to herself. It was right to be worried of what was to come for both Pav-ti's family, and of the hunt.

Gantika only stood there for a moment lost in her thoughts, before she walked back inside her hut.

Don't forget to drop some power stones!

Ahtcreators' thoughts