
The new boy

I was seated at my usual seat at the back of the class waiting for the subject teacher to come in. Friday is my favorite day of the week since we have only two classes (math and biology) and they happen to be my favorite subjects.

Mr. Patrick came in with a stern look on his face which is his usual style. Knowing how strict he was we dare not offend him. We were nineteen in the class myself included. He was about starting the lesson of the day when he was interrupted by the Principal Mr. Seal. After they exchanged greetings he introduced the new student.

I looked up only to see the face of a charming looking boy. Somehow I felt like I knew him. Something about him was so familiar but I couldn't remember. Usually, the school does not admit new students into graduating classes especially after the resumption date but the principal took an exemption in this case.

I was brought back from my thoughts when the principal said the boy's name was Jimmy that he is a transfer student and we should help him catch up on the lessons he has missed. After that, the principal left. It's just a coincidence I tried convincing myself. Jimmy walked straight to the back and took the seat next to me. He smiled when our eyes met and said hello. I managed to say hello not to look awkward with the eyes of every member of the class watching me.

The look on their faces could tell how upset they were. I could understand the girls were upset that he chose to seat near a nerd like me while the guys were angry with the fact that the girls eyed him hungrily as he took his seat.

Their attention left the back when Mr. Patrick spoke. He continued with the lessons that I managed to focus on. I was saved from the pressure in the class by the bell. We all left the classroom for the Biology lab where Miss Ann was waiting for us. She was already aware of the new student so she went straight to the lesson.

When she pair us in groups I'm always the lone pair. They always reject working with me. This time she said it's a research work on any science-related topic of our choice. She continued by saying there will be seven groups only with each consisting of three members except for the last group that will be consisting of two members only.

I could tell the girls wanted to pair with Jimmy badly but Miss Ann came prepared. She called out the list of names, unfortunately, I was paired with Jimmy. She finished by saying the research will be collected before finals and the best piece will be published in the school's newsletter. She gave few tips before the bell rang indicating lunch break.