
A new friend

I increased my pace pretending not to hear him. Keira! Jimmy called out again, but this time he was right beside me. You can contend a Cheetah with this speed of yours he teased. Left with no choice I reduced my pace to match his, walking slowly in defeat.

We walked into the library together and I said a quick hello to Miss Bella the school's librarian. Miss Bella is very friendly I must say and stunning. We deposited our bags and she gave us a ticket each. I could tell she was surprised to see me with a friend. How come I've never met your friend here she asked. Considering how quiet I was, Jimmy hopped in to save the day telling her he's a new student and I'm his tour guide. They shook hands after a brief introduction of names. Miss Bella smiled saying she's at her usual post and we should feel free to ask any question if we have one. Welcome to Imperial High Jimmy she said, before resigning to her post.

Scanning through I confirmed we were the only ones in the library. I walked down to the extreme end of the library with Jimmy following behind, then took a seat at my usual spot and he followed suit seating beside me. I picked up a random book at the bookshelf behind and he did the same. Why is he trying to agitate me? I asked in my head. After a few minutes of awkward silence between us, I turned facing him only to meet his eyes. Is it a mere coincidence or was he staring all along? I shook off the thoughts then closed the book I was reading. What do you want from me? Why do you keep following me? Why won't you leave me alone? I asked him lashing out all the frustration I held in.

To my surprise, he only smiled at me. Is this how you lash out on the people who try to come close? He asked unfazed. In case you forgot we are a team and we are yet to select a topic for our research work he added. Feeling embarrassed with my attitude towards him I apologized to him. We talked for a while and even exchanged phone number and email address.

I did not even realize that we've talked for so long. It was until the bell rang I noticed how long we've spent talking. We returned the books to the bookshelf and gave the tickets back to Miss Bella to claim our bags after which we left for the school gate.