
The ride home

For the first time, I had someone to talk to in school. Feeling excited I walked with Jimmy to the gate whilst conversing. To the wonderment of everyone we boarded the school bus together with me taking the lead, we went straight to the back seat. I did not even mind the eyes watching me or their little gossip, nothing else mattered at the moment.

Who could have thought that having a friend would be this overwhelming and intoxicating?

We continued from where we stopped at the library and the one thought that came to my head was where he had been all these while and why he showed up only now. Perhaps my life in school would have been eventful if he had been here.

He told me quite a lot about himself. He wasn't as bad as I thought. Maybe because it was only his name I could recall from my recent dreams or probably because I was used to be a loner and preferred to keep to myself. Somehow I now wondered how I managed to survive school all this while. No wonder they tagged me the school nerd.

Although we have only met and known each other for barely a day, it felt as if I had always known him. Why so I don't know. All I wanted was to make the best of this moment.

While we talked and laughed to his silly jokes the other students kept giving me stirs but I didn't care. I could tell by the look on their faces how surprised they were that I could actually talk and laugh with someone and a guy for that matter. It was live-series I must say.

The bus came to a stop and the students made their way out of the bus. The fifteen minutes ride felt like fifteen seconds. The time just wasn't enough. I could only wish the bus took a long time to arrive at my bus stop and our chatting did not have to end.

Unfortunately, there was nothing I could do. I said my goodbyes to Jimmy then walk off the bus. To my surprise, I saw Jimmy got off the bus too. I was about to ask him why but he was quick to speak. He's quite a tease with lots of jokes off his sleeves. Fear not Keira, am not trying to stalk you, he tried explaining.

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