
The day of the party

I wake up to my mom screaming as I do basically every morning. After my uncle died and my dad was arrested, this is how she was. She didn't talk to me of course. She blamed me for everything that happening. I lay in my bed and look at my alarm clock.8:30. I got up and did my morning routine in the bathroom. My showers only lasted 15 minutes. But the thing that took up most of my time in the mornings was my hair. It took me about an hour to get my hair perfectly how I wanted. No matter what I tried I could never get the same hairstyle twice. With my unruly hair, something was destined to be messed up. After so much water and Aunt Jackie's, I got them into two perfect space balls. I decided to finally pick out what I was gonna wear to Pizza Hut. After 2 minutes looking, I put together a decent outfit. I don't own any dresses or skirts, so I settle with a red placid shirt, black jeans, and my red old skool Vans.

After I was done getting ready, I quickly grab my cracked up ZTE phone and house keys. Trying to quickly leave to avoid my mom, she spotted me. Her words stung as I walked out of the door. "Yea, you leave you,whore, and never come back. I hate you." As I walked to Pizza Hut, those words constantly replaying in my head.