
Who has a teen party at Pizza Hut?

Little did I know my mom wouldn't have to worry about me coming back home. I reached the Pizza Hut after 30 minutes of walking. I bet you are wondering why I would walk for so long to a party for a person that doesn't really care for me. Well since you caught a glance at what my home life is like I will let you answer that. Plus it is better than being stuck in the house all day where the memories and depression creep in. When I walk in, I see balloons, streamers, and a banner that says, "Happy 16th birthday, Molly!!" The song playing in the Pizza Hut was a weird song choice for the occasion in my opinion. It was B.I.T.C.H by Meg the stallion. Before I get even five steps inside, a man with salt and pepper hair and massive arms was in my face excitingly asking, " Hiii, are you here for my baby girl's, Molly, birthday?" I fumbled my words out of being nervous and a tad bit uncomfortable, " uhh yeess sir." He looks me up and down. Then he says," Oh yes I remember you! You are Khloe. You and Molly were great friends in elementary. I'm so sorry about your dad. Well enjoy the party."



He walks over to Molly and Stacy as I follow at a distance behind him. I can hear him cry out as he hugs Molly, " Oh my, where has the time gone? I was just holding you and changing your diapers. In just two years, you will be leaving the nest." Molly looking slightly embarrassed moves him away while saying, " Dad, please stop being emotional right now. It is a party. Can you please just go get the cake and pizza." "Fine, I won't cramp your style." He folds his arms in a "cool guy" way and walks off. Molly shakes her head as Stacy speaks," Your dad is weird as hell in a cool way." She looks and sees me, "Look the freak you invited is here. I'm honestly surprised. Weirdos usually just come out at night for fun." " Stacy, stop being a bitch," Molly whispers," Hey, Khloe, thank you for coming." I nod and say yea, no problem. They walk off to talk to the other four girls that they invited. I just stand there awkwardly putting my hair behind my ear like I'm fucking Kristen Stewart or something. I suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder and I jump. "Oh my, sorry for frightening you. Just wanted to say you can sit. There's a television over there." Molly's dad, Brad, said looking worried. I mutter a thanks and sit there as the party happens. Brad gives me a piece of cake and two slices of pepperoni pizza. I watch as Molly hugs her dad thanking him and thinking how I would never get that type of interaction with my father ever again in life.