
Spiderman with Ultimate login System

After fight with sinister six. Peter got poisoned and lose his life. At same time person from another world died and his soul take over body of peter. watch journey of different peter parker with different personality become strongest hero in whole multiverse with system by his side. I don't own any character used in this story except some oc I might use. I don't own marvel, dc, and any friction i use in this story.

Spider33 · Komik
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61 Chs

Amazon Part 5

I don't own anything here except story idea.

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Peter pov.

I arrive at castle with Diana. Waiting for Hippolyta come. After some time Hippolyta come take a sit.

Hippolyta : Dear, Diana can you alone for some time.

Diana : Okay, Mother.

She looked at me.

Diana : We meet after this meeting.

Me : Okay.

After That Diana left leave me and Hippolyta alone in the room.

Hippolyta : Let's get to the point Peter.  Do you love Diana.

Me : Wow, what a straight question. Well here goes.

Me : Yes

I said with determine gaze.

Hippolyta : I see, But why you still didn't confess your love to her. What's on mind peter. Surely you notice the way she looked at you. She also in love with you.

Me : Yeah, I noticed but.

I steeled myself for decided to tell her

Me : Do you ever heard of Dragon Slayer.

Hippolyta : No.

Me : Figures.

Me : It is lost magic art which used for either defeat, slay dragon or even become one.

Me : This art give you quality of dragon like dragon scale gives you defence of dragon. Dragon claws can give you ability to attack like dragon. It even allowed you to turn half or fully dragon.

Hippolyta : Dear Hera, What a strong art. So your telling me this because you use this art?

Me : Yes, I'm Using Lighting Dragon king Slayer magic. It is more powerful than normal Lighting Dragon Slayer magic. Cause it consider royalty.

Hippolyta : So, Your Royal?

Me : At Dragon point of view. Yes.

Hippolyta : Did you tell this to Diana?

Me : Yes.

Hippolyta : So what's your point.

Me : Every Dragon Slayer has one mate which is He/She committed and never betrayed his/him mate and always remain loyal to her/him.

Hippolyta : That is very noble quality dragon Slayer has.

Me : But problem is I'm not regular dragon Slayer. I'm Dragon king Slayer.  I'm royalty.

Hippolyta : Let me gauss you have to choose more than one mate.

Me : Yes. That's Some rule I have to follow as royalty Dragon. I have to get minimum 2 mate no matter what.

Hippolyta : So, That's your problem?

Me : Yes. I don't know what to do and how to explain this to Diana.

Hippolyta : I have a solution. But first let me ask you a question with using my lasso on you.

Me : Yes. Go ahead.

Hippolyta tied me with her lasso.

Hippolyta : If you have more than 2 mates. Will you treat them equally?

Me : Absolutely, I swear on my dragon heritage.

Hippolyta : Good.

She released me from ber lasso.

Hippolyta : I have another question if your train to slay dragon why you respecting them.

Me : I'm dragon Slayer it's not mean i have to slay them. This type of magic more powerful  when dragon teach you.

Hippolyta : What!!

Me : Yep, being dragon Slayer means you respect tradition of dragon and consider your self part of them. Up until now I never slay any dragon. I would never slay any innocent dragon only some one who is evil.

Hippolyta : Wow, I never that kind of tradition ever exists.

Me : Well, It exists. So please can you tell me solution.

Hippolyta : Okay, Okay so impatient.

Me : ....

Hippolyta : Fine, You Don't have to worry about that thing. Cause Strong male normally have more than one wife.

Me : What!!

Hippolyta : Yes, but we don't have men here so, you have to tell Diana your self.

Me : Ok.

Hippolyta : So, when are going to tell her.

Me : I'm gonna tell her after the test.

Hippolyta : Good idea.

After Hippolyta asked me about my dragon Slaying magic and i tried my best to satisfy her curiosity.

Me : Thanks Hippolyta.

Hippolyta : Hush, Call me mother.

Me (embarrassed) : Mo..the..r.

Hippolyta (teasing) : What i didn't hear you.

Me (blushing) : Mother.

Hippolyta : Oh so cute.

After enough of teasing me. Me and Hippolyta both comes out the room and joined other.

Diana : What you guys talked about?

Me : I tell you after the test.

Diana : Fine, Don't tell me.

Me : Don't be such cry baby let's go and start our training.

I starting go ahead and head to training ground.

Diana : Hey, Whose cry baby.

As she follow me from behind.

Other who watching us as they smiling to our antics.

Time passes by quickly whole week pass and time for test is tomorrow.

In this week I get very good rewards.

1. 500 year worth solar radiation.

2. 20 Billion $

3. Blacklight viras

4. Ben 10's Brainstorm's  intelligence.

5. Chakra Circuit

This week pretty reward for me.

From First reward My body becomes very strong. Because of my mana circuit depends on physics so my mana increase by very large margin. My body maybe as strong as uru metal. My speed is might be Faster than flash himself. My body already absorb more than 600 years worth of solar radiation. So as you can imagine my body limits.

Well, Because of my Second reward My Bank balance already high as Tony himself. I have to be careful by adding this to my account. Even if this is totally legal. But It will break economy some starts to be suspicious of wealth. So I don't have to worry about money anymore.

As for my third reward you might know from famous game Prototype. I really like this game. With this you becomes basically immortal. I can turn my body part in weapons and even synthesis cloth. I don't have to worry changing clothes from normal cloths to Spiderman costume. And shape shifting power and other extra powers.

As a intelligence of Brainstorm's from Ben 10 Alien force. His Iq is around 10^30 very high from many geniuses.

And as last reward is Chakra Circuit from Naruto anime. And Because of my very high level physics it's a very large amount.

So overall this week is pretty rewarding for me.

All I have to do is be prepared for tomorrow's test.

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So how it's guys please give me review on this one if there is any grammar mistakes plz ignore it. If there is any problem or suggestions plz give via comments. And If you like please drop some power stones.