
Amazon Part 4

I don't own anything here except story idea.

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Hippolyta pov.

Female Gaurd : My Queen, Princess Diana and that man starting to get closer. Should we allowed it.

Me : If he pass the test. I don't have any objection between them if they really love eachother. But first he has to prove himself by passing the test. Only worthy people can pass this test.

Female Gaurd : As you wish my queen.

Diana pov.

I open my eyes find myself sleeping on peter chest and cuddling him. I don't know how we sleep in this position. He quite warm. Feeling being hugged and cuddle by him very amazing. I got up and look up at his face. Now, I looked carefully He is quite good looking and cute.

Without realising my face is very closed to his face just little bit further and our lips get touch with eachother.

What is this feeling. But whatever this feeling is I love it very much.

I feel him moving little bit. I immediately get away from him.

Peter pov.

I open my eyes as I feel some hot breathe on my face. When I woke up. I see Diana sitting little bit away from me and her face has little bit red. Looks like she blushing. I joint two pieces together that hot breathe on my face and her blushing face. I understand situation. My heart is beating very fast. Person who I have crush. And there might be also chance that she have same feeling towards me. But how should I explain 2 mates situation. My thoughts are conflicting.

Then suddenly she breaks silence.

Diana (Shuttering) : Oh,  yo.. you awake. Let's get fresh up and start daily routine.

Me (Shuttering) : O.. Okay, Let's get up.

We both got up goes in may house. She get first to bathroom for bath. I shitting on my chair. Shaking my head I district my thoughts to somewhere else.

Me : System, Login it

[Login successful]

[Login reward : 100 million $]

Me : I don't think, I ever need to earn money again.

I hear voice from bathroom. As Diana gets out from bathroom. I get ready to for bath.

Diana pov.

I thinking what happened today's morning while bathing. I almost kiss him. Am I really in love with him. Did he feel same way towards me?

Me :- I need to get ready.

I distracted myself. And finished my shower.

Me :- I need time to think about this feeling.

Peter pov.

We both get ready for today training after I finish my shower.

We started out our training. But This time Queen Hippolyta also joine our training session. There also some Female Gaurds with her.

Whole pass without any other strange situation Queen and her Guards also join as for lunch and dinner. To say atleast she and others are very impressed by my cooking skill.

Hippolyta : Now, I understand why my daughter stop coming at home for lunch and dinner. And now it's look like she also getting breakfast here.

Diana : I already tell you before Peter's cooking is best.

Hippolyta (Teasing) : How cute, You sound like newly wed couple.

Both Me and Diana blushing madly at her comment.

Diana (Embarrassed) : MOM!!

Queen Hippolyta start laughing. Her Guards also joined her teasing.

We share some time together after some time Hippolyta talked to me.

Hippolyta : Peter, I need to talked you about something.

Me : Okay, What is it??

Hippolyta : Not, like this but privately.

Me : Okay.

Hippolyta : Not, Now I'll talk to you in morning.

Me : As you wish.

Hippolyta : okay, now go to sleep. We will talk tomorrow.

We all went to sleep. Leaving Hippolyta and Diana alone.

3rd person pov.

Diana : What do you want to talk about him in private, Mother?

Hippolyta : It's called private for some reason dear.

Diana : Oh, Come on please tell me.

Hippolyta : No, And you don't have to worry about that I'll not steal him from you, Dear.

Diana (Embarrassed) : MOTHER!!!

Peter pov.

I wake up and went to on my routine.

While taking shower I decided to login.

Peter : System, login.

[Login successful]

[Login reward : Unhackable A.I.]

[This A.I. is self improving A.I., as time passes This A.I. get stronger and stronger. No matter how much it will upgrade. It will always stay loyal to Host. This A.I. can't be hacked]

[Current Host only have Single electronic device. If host wants you can install A.I. in your smartphone.]

As system instruction. I installed This A.I. in my smartphone. And i name it as Alice.

Me : Okay, Alice you can connect your self to internet and starts to learn as much as possible.

Alice : As you wish master. Right now there is no network connection I'll wait until some network detected and I start to get work.

I come out from bath and saw Diana waiting for me.

Me : Hey, Diana Good morning

I greet her with smile on my face.

Diana : Hey, Good morning. Who are you talking to in bathroom?

Me : Oh, I was talking to my A.I.. Her name is Alice.

I showed her my phone.

Alice : Hello, Miss. Diana Good morning. Hope you have good day ahead of you.

Diana : Wow, What is that? Talking object?

Alice : Ouch!!

Me :- Diana, your hurting her feelings. She is Artificial intelligence. Talking through my phone. It is simulation of human intelligence process by machine or i say computer system.

Diana : Can't say I understand a bit. But it's okay if you say so. Let's eat breakfast and mother wants to talk to you. You are not forget about that. Right?

Me : .....

Me (Shuttering) : Of.. Of course n.. not.

Diana : You absolutely forget it. (Sigh) Let's just eat breakfast and go over there.

We both starting make breakfast. I'm cooking and Diana helping me with other things like cutting vegetables.

After we both start to eat breakfast while I was wondering what Hippolyta wants to talk to me.

Me : What do you think what is your mother want to talk me.

Diana : I tried to ask her yesterday but she didn't tell me. So only one way to find out.

After finishing our breakfast we both went to the villages and head to castle.

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So how it's guys please give me review on this one if there is any grammar mistakes plz ignore it. If there is any problem or suggestions plz give via comments. And If you like plz give some power stone.