
Spider-Verse: The Superior Velocity (AU)

[ The Flash x Spiderman (MCU) Fanfic ] Barry Parker, a young cheerful boy living with his loving parents until one faithful day... Disaster struck!! His mother, Nora Parker died and his father, Henry Parker was blamed for her death. With no parents there for him, he was left all alone with no relatives wanting him when two family members from his father's side, Uncle Ben and Aunt May decided to take care of him. And this was where his story started... Bitten by a radioactive spider, gaining superhuman strengths and other abilities. But he wasn't just any normal Spiderman... He was a Spiderman who could move fast like a flash... no, he was the Superior Velocity. A/N: The story is slow-paced, so be warned. =============================== Disclaimer: All characters and the cover do not belong to me, they belong to their respective creators. And to warn the readers, I have very little knowledge of Marvel comics and whatnot. Everything I know comes from the Movies (MCU). So, I apologize in advance if there are mistakes regarding the plot and characters. ===============================

ChronosXx · Filem
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20 Chs

Chapter 3: Run, Barry, Run!


Barry, gazing upwards, was flooded with a sense of relief at the sight of his father, Henry, standing tall with fists raised as he confronted the assailant. The broad back of Henry became a reassuring shield, offering a glimmer of hope in this despairing situation.

"Who are you?"

Henry narrowed his eyes, maintaining a vigilant and cautious stance as he observed the assailant, preparing to react instantly to any suspicious movement.

But the assailant remained motionless and silent, fixating a cold and emotionless gaze on Henry, displaying no intention to speak or make a move at all as the eerie stillness in the room heightened the tension, leaving an unsettling atmosphere hanging in the air.


Receiving no response only heightened Henry's unease, prompting him to take the initiative. With a frown, he swiftly executed a high kick, directing it towards the assailant's head in a decisive move.


Remaining nonchalant, the assailant effortlessly sidestepped Henry's high kick, narrowly avoiding impact. Undeterred, Henry quickly followed up with a low kick, redirecting his attack towards the assailant's legs in an attempt to restrict movement.

Still, the assailant evaded Henry's kick again by executing a nimble jump over it. Seizing the opportunity, the assailant decided to retaliate with a swift counterattack, delivering a powerful kick directly to Henry's chest. 


Caught off guard by the sudden and swift kick, Henry found himself unable to dodge or block in time as the impact sent him staggering backward, retreating several meters under the force of the blow.


Henry groaned in pain, clutching his chest as he rubbed the affected area in an attempt to alleviate the discomfort. Despite the agony, he felt relief that it wasn't a severe injury—just a few broken ribs, indicating a manageable and relatively minor fracture.

Despite this, Henry's expression shortly turned grave as he looked toward the unknown assailant as if he were confronting a monstrous force, instilling a sense of seriousness in the face of the unknown threat.

After all, a single kick from this person had resulted in a fracture in his chest, even if it was a minor one. This realization underscored the formidable and dangerous nature of the adversary he was facing.

'Unknown origin, incredible strength, and a trained fighter...'

Henry's frustration was evident as he scrunched up his face, racking his brain in thought before briefly casting concerned gazes at both Nora and Barry. 

'Who is this person?'

Despite the pressing worry for his family, Henry refocused his attention on the enigmatic assailant, preparing for the ongoing confrontation with a heightened sense of vigilance.


Recognizing the formidable challenge before him, Henry abandoned the idea of victory. Instead, he opted to find a way to restrain the assailant, creating an opportunity for himself, Nora, and Barry to escape and seek help.

Meanwhile, as Henry engaged the unknown assailant, Barry, despite his weakened state, mustered the strength to force himself up. Limping weakly, making his way toward Nora, his expression etched with deep concern for his mother amidst the ongoing turmoil.


"I'm fine, Barry"

While Nora reassured Barry, the truth was that she was in considerable pain. Despite this, she concealed her discomfort, choosing to downplay her condition to prevent causing panic and nervousness, particularly for Barry, who was already facing a distressing situation.

Barry, having shared a significant amount of time with his mother, discerned the subtle signs that she was concealing her pain.

This realization filled him with frustration and a sense of helplessness, as he gritted his teeth in acknowledgment of his own weakness in the face of the situation.

Despite the frustration lingering within Barry, he recognized the urgency of the situation. Setting aside his emotional turmoil, he assisted his mother in standing up, offering his shoulder as a supportive crutch for her to lean against, ensuring she had some stability in the chaotic scenario.

It was at this moment that a figure flew past them and forcibly collided with a wall.


Barry, turning in surprise, was shocked to witness that it was actually his father who had been propelled past them and now lay embedded in a wall as a stream of blood trickled down from his head, heightening the gravity of the situation and deepening the concern for Henry's well-being.



A sudden shudder ran through both mother and son as a looming shadow cast over them. Turning around, they were met with the sight of the assailant, peering down at them with cold and emotionless eyes. 

The eerie gaze only intensified the already palpable sense of fear and uncertainty in the air.

In a split-second decision, Nora bit her lips and pushed Barry away, throwing herself at the assailant. Despite the assailant's resilience, Nora was undeterred as she latched onto the assailant's legs with determined strength, attempting to create a diversion.

"Barry, go!"


Barry wanting to refute was silenced when the assailant abruptly kicked Nora away, the chilling gaze of the assailant bore deep into Barry's eyes, sending a shiver down his spine and compelling him to remain silent in the face of the ominous presence.

In a turn of events, Henry unexpectedly regained consciousness and charged towards the assailant. With determined force, he tackled the individual, managing to hold the assailant down in place.



"Run, Barry, Run!"

Overwhelmed with emotions, Barry gazed at Nora and Henry with teary eyes. Gritting his teeth in frustration as he made a painful decision to run away without looking back. Tears streamed down his face as he distanced himself from the distressing scene, driven by a mix of fear, helplessness, and the weight of the situation.

"Goodbye, Barry..."

Nora watched Barry's retreating figure with eyes filled with love and a sense of relief as her eyes slowly closed, a peaceful expression settled on her face. Meanwhile, Henry smiled with the reassurance that Barry would live and find safety. 

The complex mix of emotions played out in the quiet aftermath of the intense confrontation.

As for the unknown assailant, he or she remained nonchalant, seemingly unperturbed by the escape of Barry.

And turning his or her gaze toward Nora, a glint appeared in the assailant's eyes suggesting a new focus and a potential shift in their intentions as the enigmatic figure maintained an aura of mystery, leaving the true motive shrouded in uncertainty.

Short Chapter (1000 words)... got busy.

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