
Spider-Man's Brother - Night Spider

Eric was reborn as Peter Parker's (Tom Holland) twin brother, he was bitten like his brother by a spider, the first thing he did when he gained his powers was not save the city but use his pheromones to seduce his hot aunt (the timeline will not be the same as the MCU, it will have characters from other spider men, there will be incest obviously)

kingbastard1999 · Filem
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New life, fetish for aunt

Eric was looking through a hole in the wall he'd made, a small hole that led to the shower.

In the shower, your aunt was naked bathing, she is the famous aunt May Parker, extremely hot, medium pink breasts and a beautiful white ass

Yes, Eric is in the Marvel world, he woke up in the body of a boy named Eric Parker, Peter Parker's twin brother, he is 2 years in this world and his new body is 16 years old

Eric has awakened memories of his past life and knows that he is reincarnated in a fantasy world of heroes, so since he woke up his memories he prepared himself.

Unlike his brother Peter, he didn't spend his monthly money on geeky toys, but put it all together in his plan to make a fortune from sports betting.

In his past life, Eric was just an ordinary guy and that's why he doesn't know how to invest in stock exchanges, however he realized that the teams that won the champions league in football and the NBA in basketball, were the same in both worlds.

He then, at age 15, joined and made his first bet, his first fortune of 90 thousand dollars was made, in the last year he secretly manages this money in new sports betting, he wants to have enough money to make a uniform and gadgets technological, after all he also plans to be bitten by the mutant spider

Eric loves his brother Peter but due to different personalities they are not very close, Peter hangs out with his nerdy friends while Eric trains his physical body and spends time after school at a karate dojo.

About Aunt May, Eric loves her, in fact he loves her too much, because he has a second memory, Eric did not have a childish innocence and entered adolescence very early, when he is at home whenever possible he spies his aunt taking a bath, his sexual desire for his aunt has become something he cannot control


Eric looked at himself in the mirror, his face is similar to his brother's but his body is stronger and more trained, he put a lot of effort training karate and his whole body

"brother, stop looking in the mirror, we're going to be late" Peter, he walked into the room and said

"who cares if we're late, our grades are good enough not to worry" Eric

Like Peter, Eric inherited a high level of intelligence, he likes to study about inventions and technology, especially preparing to create his equipment, of course he is not at the level of iron man, after all he is just a teenager studying on the internet

The two went to the kitchen to have breakfast, Aunt May was preparing everything.

Eric looked at his aunt's fat ass and almost got an erection, luckily he managed to control it.

Eric sometimes felt like crap, his aunt took care of him all his life, and he has perverted thoughts with her almost out of control, this is one of Eric's biggest worries, if he gains powers and his pheromones are amplified, he will become a beast of uncontrolled sex ?

"Boys, eat, then go to school, I have to work, I love you" May, she left in a hurry.

finally the 2 went to midtown high school, at the entrance the two split up

Honestly Eric doesn't like his brother's friend, ned, he's just a bunch of cliché in a single character, the personification of nerd, of course Eric doesn't like school bullies either, a bunch of stupid kids who humiliate whoever is more smart than they

That's why Eric found friendship in a small group of martial arts fans.

Roger Ai, a boy who puts on weight on purpose because he is a big fan of sumo, he has a Japanese immigrant father and Jon Texter, an ordinary African American who loves boxing, these are Eric's 2 friends


the 3 boys walked through the halls of the school, honestly for the level of teenagers, the 3 were pretty strong, Roger was tall and fat while Jon was muscular, Eric had a well trained body although his height was short, you can't beat genetics with effort

Some girls looked at Eric, even though they weren't the highest level of beauty, it's still an attention Eric likes, he was wondering if he should have sex with one and lose his virginity, maybe his fetish for his aunt will decrease

"Eric, your talent is too high, shake the useless karate and come to boxing" Jon Texter

"nonsense, even karater is inferior to my sumo, it's obviously better than boxing, after all karater is from asia" Roger

"I like boxing, but karater has always been my passion my friend, thank you but I must refuse again" Eric, total lie, Eric never liked karater, he chose it only because it will amplify his movements after receiving the spider bite

In the classroom, the 3 sat in the back, Eric looked at his brother in the front, Peter looked passionately at a girl named Liz Allen, honestly much prettier than Michelle Jones his future sister-in-law

Eric just regretted that there is no such thing as a gwen stacy, no doubt a hot blonde is Eric's favorite type of girl

"Students, pay attention, next week we will have a school trip to a genetic science fair, everyone is invited to go" teacher

"genetic science ??? has the time finally come?" Eric thought


(author's note = I don't know how this new spiderman gained powers, it will be at a genetics fair)