
spellborn: age of shadows unleashed

This is the world of Valusa, a world with magic. If you are born with magic you are known as a spellborn, if you are born with no magic power or even skill at all you are known as a norborne. A spell plagued is someone cursed by magic. Yes they are born with magic but it acts more as a curse the reason is unknown but its tragic because a spell plagued person has more potential then a spellborn person but their magic is actually killing them as they use it. A warborn is a person born with no magic but that's ok because they have other powers they are unbelievably strong their strength is enhanced by 100 percent and their reflexes as well, most of them are soldiers they are even better with weapon combat. God touched is someone enhanced by a god they are chosen by one of the 14 gods. God born is someone who is half god. Spiritoborn is someone whos magic is passed down from their family. They also have more than one type of magic as well, they are very strong. Now the last info you will need is the 14 gods of this realm they are. Hades the god of the underworld, and the hellflame, he is the first born of Cronos. Cronos the god of time, he is known for being the first god. Rieka, goddess of the wolves, is known as the wolf goddess. And or the wolf Queen. Thor a hammer wielding god, associated with thunder and lighting, he is also the son of Odin and freyja, which makes him even stronger since he's a second generation god Zeus is the sky and thunder god, he is the son of Cronos and the current ruler of Mount Olympus that hails above the sky. Poseidon the god over the sea, storms and earthquakes he is also one of the sons of Cronos. Loki is known as the trickster god, he is also a son of Odin and Freyja, other than that not much is known about him. Athena is the goddess of wisdom, and warfare, she is the shared god of war along with her twin brother Aries. Her father is zeus. Aries is one of the gods of war along with his twin sister Athena, his father is also Zeus, Aries is known to cause war wherever he goes. Aphrodite is the goddess of sex and love and beauty; her father is also zeus. Anubis is the protector of the underworld and the guide of the underworld. Horus is the third and final god of war, he also protects the skies Odin is known as the god of runes and wisdom and also the god of gods. Freyja is known as the god over magic as she is one of the main gods who allowed humans to use magic she is also said to be the most beautiful woman of all.

Dylan_Langford_7958 · Fantasi
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20 Chs

12, Bryn vs Mark

After some time passed Ryon would get ready to make an announcement.

"Ok everyone the matches have been decided keep in mind, just because you lose doesn't mean you can't join a mage squad, now without further ado the first match will be Mark vs Bryn" Ryon said as Mark was surprised and very fearful, Bryn would sigh as he stood up and headed over to the area Mark would also head over as the first match would start. Ryon went back and sat down.

"So you're the guy who stopped everyone at the start huh" Mark said as he looked away as he held his black blade sword placing the tip of the sword onto the ground stabbing it into the ground. As the bell would whistle as everything fell silent Bryn would push his shadows forward as they would surround Mark as they stopped Mark from moving, as Mark's hair starts to flow back as he slowly sniffs the air as Bryn rushes him, Mark would shift his weight and doge out the way as the black blade was able to cut up and cancel the magic as Mark would roll back and kick towards Bryn, he would rotate the wind as he started to spin with his kick as he did so so his hair would blast backwards as he landed to the ground and slammed his feet into the ground as he pushed back with his jacket going in the wind.

The kick pushed into Bryn as the shadows blocked the kick as Bryn smirks and grabs his blades as he first pulls out his Cutlass, it was a sharp blade with a silver trim it seemed to be a regular blade as it was rather hard to get a legendary weapon, but Bryn did have one he just didn't like using it, as it took a lot of power to use, plus he wanted to see if his foes were worth its usage.

"Huh i won't lie i didn't think much of you, but you are strong, you are just able to hide it well" Bryn said as he extended his blade and dash towards Markas the shadows would stay close

"Well it's easy, i wanted to fight you, i heard the rumor on how the matchmaking would work, so i could get to fight you, so i didn't try, and i used a masking stone to hide my mana level" Mark said as he removed the stone as an intense amount of power would blast out.

"I see you're from the Rune kingdom, how unique, so what's your goal here?" Bryn asked as he shaked his head.

"Ah no sorry if that felt scary, and no not with the Rune kingdom i left years ago i have a private sponsor, well not Private, just a smaller kingdom, they go by the farm village Vilo, and i shall make them proud after they took me in!" Mark said. As he tightened his grip on his blade, excitement sparks within his eyes.

"Oh i love that village, haha now you even got me going, ok let's give it our all" Bryn said as he jumped up and used his shadows to throw himself upward, Bryn would then cut forward with his cutlass, the blade would collide with Mark's black Blade as the hit would spark and sizzle as smoke starts to enter the area as Mark would headbutt Bryn blood would pour and blind both Bryn and Mark as the collision would pop as both Mark and Bryn jump back and wipe the blood from their foreheads. Mark then takes a step forward as the print fades Mark holds his blade as he jumped upland slashed the air once, twice, and repeated as he cut the air four times sending the air flying at Bryn, instead of magic he used a sword technique to cut into the air and separate the the magic within the air that is naturally around in this world Mark the sweeps to the left as he pushed back to avoid the shadow claw that Bryn created to slam into Mark.

"Haha Air cutter its a cool technique requires no magic, meaning it saves mana" Mark said as he turns and grips his blade as he would jump into the air and started to spin as he starts to cut the air back and forth as he does the sounds starts to burst as Mark starts to slice even faster then sound. The slices and air cutter from before weren't strong enough to break Bryn's shadows as they just bounced off but these were stronger as Bryn brought up his shadows to just block like before, but the air cutter just cut right through the shadow as the compacted wind slightly cuts Bryn's right arm.

"You see, i enhanced it with wind magic making it able to cut though your magic" Mark said

"I see, your fighting style is interesting" Bryn said as he shifts his body and claps his hands together as seal markings start to release around his finger tips "devil mark 25% awaken" Bryn said as the shadows pushed out of his body covering it Bryn would then dash toward Mark as he whips his cutlass around like a crackling whip with a sound of popping thunder as Bryn slammed his blade down Mark's quick reaction kicked his senses into motion, and even had an overdrive type state as Mark's blade flips upward blocking the hits as sparks smoke up the area as the collision sends Mark flying into the ground creating a crater as it was painted into the ground due to the intense energy that Bryn and Mark fought with.

Bryn sighs as he holds out his blade, he then shifts his hands back and forth as he kicks himself up and twists himself like a silk shadow as he slashes into the shadow of Mark, sticking his cutlass into the side of Mark.

As the blade ran though Mark he cut it short as he prevented it from going on the way in as he used his wind magic to push back.

Bryn sighs as he twist back and starting to spend his blade he held it tightly firmly as he pushed himself forward lunging at Mark as he slashed with his cutlass slicing an X into the chest of Mark, as Bryn used a sword technique cutting edge, a unique sword style and technique that lets the user cut the air within the area dealing close damage, and marking the opponent, allowing the mage who used the attack to keep an close eye on the opponent and slowly drain them unless it's canceled out.

"Damn you that was a strong attack, well I'm far from out!" Mark said as he pushes his hands together and pushes out magic energy as a sharp blade appears above him, it was made of high concentrated wind that was sharpened. The blade starts to shift and spin around Bryn as Mark rolls back and slams his hands into the ground, as the earth starts to shake and rumble as wind bursts through the ground, as it starts to form into wind based tendros that slash into Bryn. Cutting into him but with the help of the shadows Bryn is able to reduce the damage.

Bryn then sighs as he turns and sticks his blade out and infuses it with his shadows.

"Ok I'll push the devil mark to 50% and use shadow blade"

Bryn said.

"Oh devil marks are pretty dangerous, but I heard all shadow magic uses have one, and it's easier for them to control," Mark said.

"Yes of course I had to get permission to be able to obtain mine since they are very dangerous, as they are directly connected to a demon and you have to make a bond with one and chain one up in your soul mine was pretty hard to do that but I got it done and I'm not complaining now let's settle this"

Bryn said as his body turns and starts to twist itself and turn into something else as the shadows cover his body as small horns develop on his body and his arms turn into claws as his blade shapes into a sharper weapon spectacular view to see as Bryn dashes into mark he slams his blade down the Cutlass is easily reflected by the black blade that Mark holds tightly The blades start to clash making all kinds of sound as the metals bash into each other however the black sword is starting to cut off some of the shadows that are connected to the shadow blade, Bryns shadows shake and crash around as he creates Shadow spikes that launch into the body of Mark they crash violently and vividly as Mark pushes himself back with the wind avoiding massive damage as he swipes down with his black blade back and forth cutting off the shadows and getting again pushing himself forward now he goes to stab into Bryn.

Mark was able to cut through the shadows if his blade as he dodges the coming attacks that would critically wound him He's getting scrapes and cuts here and there as he's pushing himself into the fold so he can land a hit he shakes for a minute as he's trying to hold his blade tightly to get land even one hit it would be exciting to just be able to land a hit the black blade it could cause a destruction of the magic.

Mark swipes and swerves as he's cutting the shadows down with his blade He's able to get close enough as he points his sword forward He's able to push it and push himself with his wind magic to stab into Bryn as he's able to get the stab in The shadows start to fade away as Bryn sighs and pushes Mark away.

Bryn smiles and nods

"Honestly truly impressive it really truly is your effort is amazing I respect that I love strong fighters like you fight should continue even longer down I didn't expect you to be this strong truly but I'm glad you are this is going to be one legendary fight I hope so and I hope you can take this next attack if you cannot that I am sorry but here we go dark void shadow bomb" Bryn said as he charges his mana into him releasing it quickly and with extreme speed it was unexpected everybody started gasping as they couldn't believe how fast and scary his magic was they couldn't even see him channeling it The energy collapsed so fast it was so fierce and vicious as the attack pulsed to Mark it looked evil as it had so much energy around it it seemed dark this attack was dangerous.

"Wah" Mark yelled as he looked towards the attack he was shaking as he stood tall trying to not be afraid he held out his blade The blade shined and shined bright it did it sparked with hope the black blade shined it started to turn it started to rotate the black blade was strong but was it strong enough to destroy an attack like this. As the attack gets closer and closer Mark starts to think and he thinks to himself how he can get out of his situation that is a strong attack, but thinking was over the attack would land creating a crater in the land dark energy would blast and spatter out looking evil with matter destructed all about however Mark stood tall shaking as he cut straight through the attack with the black blade intact he held it out and shook his head as he fell to one knee he felt like this would be the end of him he grabbed at his side noticing he was grazed by the attack with his side being black it was red with despair and darkness painted, but he stood nonetheless an ex on his chest his hair barely there it seemed as he shook the attack hit his hair making it thin and short this attack was truly dangerous but he was stood and stands in the end as he holds the blade tightly he walks over to Bryn

"I'm very impressed that was a strong attack you cut in half I'm not going to lie you are strong You're making me go all out aren't you I still haven't used my full potential I do not want to hurt you"

Bryn said as he looked down as Mark smiled and took out a second blade.

It was covered in a shiny metal as it was also black but it was different. The blade would shift and change as it became sharper.

As Mark holds both blades tightly as he sharpens them against each other The clinging of the metal shakes in screeches in the area as Mark pushes himself forward as the wind starts to charge around him the wind covers his body and shapes his movement as the wind blows in and out his breathing becomes light and heavy at the same time.

Mark then claws and stabs into Bryn with the wind as his blades get sharp with help of the wind He's able to cut through almost anything he slashes left right left right across and continues with the blade as many slashes appear on the chest of Bryn as Bryn flips back trying to regroup his shadow magic as he needs to recharge it completely now after using that massive attack and having it separated for a second.

This is Mark's time to shine. He's going fully on the offense now as he needs a comeback somehow he's been bashed, battered , beaten down and now it's his time to push forward and find a way to get this win.

He's able to push his blades in the air and not need to hold them as the wind is able to hold the blades for him he is using master of the wind a special technique to where he doesn't need to hold his blades to fight he fights one as the wind and the wind is him it's a strong technique and very unique and unpredictable as he's attacking rapidly quickly and without any meaning there's no pattern to predict the attacks are too wild to understand the cuts and scrapes and scratches scatter about the face the chest and the body of Bryn.

"I have to end this right here and right now, you see I've been connected with the wind dragon I made the connection with it not too long ago I'm able to use its power I've been holding it off because I thought it was too dangerous but I might have to use everything I have I will activate wind dragon mode and I will go past my limits to obtain my victory here"

Mark said as the energy and mana around him starts to twist as his body spins with the air and it looks more dragon like with the wind The right side of his body is turned into a dragonborn with the wind braising and bashing off it as he holds out his arm he smiles as he's going to try his best to win this fight.

"I see now we both really want to win we both really want to find a way to push past our limits Don't make me go beyond, the energy I have will destroy you" Bryn said has his shadows start to reshape on his body and he was able to refurbish the abandoned shadows into new that combined on his body and twisted around him The darkness would shake his body as it was held tightly onto him.

"You can try"

Mark said sharpy as he starts to create air blades with sharpened wind channeling it and pushing it around as they start to cut into Bryn they slash and dash making blood poor rashly quickly without any sound it seemed as the blades quickly fly they cut and sieve The pain is unbearable for regular person for somebody like Bryn He's able to just take the attack.

As the attacks were coming down the plan was simple stabbing with the black blade as much as he can stop his shadows however Bryns eyes were sharp they watched everything they watch the movement of the wind they saw the slow pacing of how Mark, moved there was some kind of plan he seemed to notice he watched the black blade closely it's peculiar in unique movement came to a hole as it pushed it so forward and it seemed to come out and was going to stab Bryn but it was just sharpened air and Bryn saw it as you just straight up uses his Cutlass slamming down on the wind and then it comes again another fake out he cuts it down and then once more fake out but then out of nowhere from behind came the black blade however Bryn foresaw this as he pulled out his a legendary weapon a

saber like blade made out condensed mana this was a legendary weapon a unique one it had a unique hilt that was plastered with all kinds of metal that could be changed out it had black steel metal that cut through mana it had reflective metal the metal could be swapped out as all One had to do to use it was to put their model into it and it could change it was made to mold with the user such a unique weapon.

Bryn cuts the black blade in half The blade then shatters into pieces, destroyed and unable to be used as he was forced to use his legendary weapon for the first time in a long time.

"What no way you destroyed my blade, that is a legendary weapon holy shit that is a strong weapon then it shattered black steel how did you do that, you are a strong opponent but stop holding back gold all out!!!"

Mark yelled.

"You don't understand the difference between me and you. There's not a power difference, there's a difference in personality, I know who you are Mark" Bryn said.

"What do you mean by that you are shredding a tight line, by saying that one more saying like that and I'll have to do something personal"

Mark said.

"Mark you're a good man In fact all 300 people were good I scouted everybody I knew everybody's power level, I know everybody and how they act, you're a good man sacrifice so much giving it your all you lost many people you lost your brother, you lost your mother I'm sorry you even lost the only person you ever loved you visit their graves everyday at 3:00 p.m., same time same flowers You're devastated that you cannot bring them flowers today over the next couple of days it hurts you emotionally, you already good person but that's the difference between me and you You're a true resemblance of a hero you are going to be a mage, but you're never be able to surpass me or other people because you are that type of hero, you will sacrifice three people leaving one person to save a dozen or hundreds, the difference for me is I will sacrifice everything to save the person I care about it doesn't matter what I do I will protect the people I care about and to do that to help I must show true dominance and to do that I must beat you I didn't want to have to not hold back but all right let's go" Bryn said as he dropped magic holding chains that weighed 100 lb they fell to the ground shaking the floor as he also kicked off 200 lb leg weights that he was training with to a stand anything to hold himself back then he took off chest weights and back weights that weighed 50 lb each so he could restrain himself and not go all out in this battle it's been doing it for a while he hates going all out but he's not going on out yet still he's holding back and not using 100% of the devil mark or his magic.

"How do you know all this, what are you why are you You're a scary individual" Mark said as he was generally shooken up he was spooked beyond his understanding he was taken for so much. He couldn't even react as Bryn blitzes him and kicks right towards the head landing it into the ground The attack lands slamming back into the ground but it does not hit Mark this attack missed on purpose, as the kick landed down it creates a medium sized crater with how much force was used.

"You are possibly beyond my limits to beat but I can't give up I need your help when dragon give me all your strength I don't care if it kills me I need to find a way to win give me dragon's magic 100% please" Mark said as his body starts to shake and he transforms into a dragon right in front of Bryn.

"So this is 100% of the power of a dragon marked." Bryn said.

Bryn smiles as this battle is very exciting to him he hasn't had an opportunity to fight like this in a long time everybody he fights doesn't push him to his limit he gets nowhere close so we has to fake it he has to act so fake he hates it he hates being fake he wants to go all out but he is scared everybody's acted like he's an abomination some kind of freak he wants to go all out right here right now if he does that people probably will die his dark matter energy and his shadow magic is strong it's scary strong it is frightening he is a menacing fellow to go against no matter who you are as everybody sees this even with him only using 50% of his magic of the devil mark people are shaking in the stands that they are terrified and now there's a dragon this might be getting a tad bit out of hand that fights going crazy but people are enjoying it they're laughing they're crying they're going crazy.

Ryon is somewhat shaken up but he's holding himself tightly he knows that this might go out of hand but the people are enjoying it and he's enjoying it look at this magic look how cool this magic is devil marks are surprisingly cool and now there's a freaking dragon he's absolutely geeking out but at the same time he does truly care about the people and he will put this to a stop if this fight goes out of hand he does not want to but if it needs to happen it shall happen he does not want anybody to die or anybody to get hurt besides the people fighting in which they can truly get healed after the match but even he is a little bit scared of Bryn.

The dragon starts to claw and slam down into the ground if it's mighty flame that blast as powerful as sharpened wind crushes and sweeps down the area and then the dragon flies up and blasts down a powerful beam The clash would destroy anybody if they were to get hit as the beam seems to go towards the stands somehow Bryn is able to stop it he uses his shadow magic to prevent the attack he doesn't want anybody to get hurt so he's actively protecting the people with the stands as his fights getting a tad bit out of hand but nobody's getting hurt just yet The dragons going a bit crazy.

"Hey I saw that attack leave them out of it!" Bryn said

"A very simple accident. I am strong to contain my power. I may be even stronger to defeat you" Mark said.

"Nobody like you can defeat me"

Bryn said as Mark starts to charge his energy and slam down his mighty claw as Bryn tries to roll out of the way he avoids the claw but is hit by a tail that swipes into him slamming into his body with a mighty force breaking some ribs as he crashes backwards landing up down flipping into the ground crashing blood spilling about as he's grabbed and clawed into as the blood starts to spill up and crush around as Bryn is being grappled is there a possibly a way out of this perhaps there is but the blood is collapsing his lungs it's hard for him to breathe as his eyes go down he looks towards the sky his memory start to fade in him Ryon pushes himself forward but Chum grabs him and nods The light that is within Bryn fade for a few seconds as his memories fade into his head he starts to think about a few things.

He can hear crying he can see her feeling sad he cannot believe what has happened here he was just a young night probably 12 he was just an apprentice in fact, learning how to fight he was so young he was so scared yet he was faced with this challenge he was young but he had to change he saw her crying he saw them coming they approached faster and faster as they already took her brother she cried and she cried and she looked as they did not stop they got closer and closer they went to lay one finger on her but he was there to prevent it with an easy layer that pushed them back shadow spark he did not stop his fist that battered in bashed into their brains left them nothing but blood on the floor as he did not stop he wanted to protect you here's her crying he felt her crying All he's ever wanted to be is a protector he didn't really know his parents and the only person who's ever raised them Chum always seems cold to him, but her , Lisa she's always so warm she's a bright spark and a dark life she brings in a hope when there's nothing in the darkness she helps him breathe when he cannot, he thinks of her every time he's pushed past his limit they dragon is a very strong creature but he does not back down as his eyes were closed they opened as fast as they closed it seemed he was not going to give up he thought about her as he faded but he got brought back screaming and fighting even more as the shadows come around him and form the devil Mark 100% his body twists and turns as she has large horns that start to shape like the devil himself they push forward as his body looks dark and evil, as the shadows fade and twist he turns his arms into blades as he shapes his weapon into his arms transforming it completely as he slashes into one of Bryns claws he slashes not once not twice not three times not four but over and over again until the limb flies off the claw clashes into the ground as Bryn jumps back and nods.

"There is one thing I heard about dragon marks they can regrow limbs so you should be okay" Bryn said as Mark cried out in pain

"How do you go beyond I had you how do you come back I'm a dragon I'm stronger but how how do you find a way to dig deep Even I didn't think I could beat you I still think I can now because I have this form this dragon power but now you're shaking my belief that I can beat you aren't you just a man how can you even stand here and face a dragon how do you even still stand with a attack like that I broke your bones"

Mark said

"I said it before you will save a hundred people over one person, I only want to save one person maybe two Tyson's a good kid, however all I do is think about her, you want to know how I still stand here going to know why I still fight it's because I love Lisa! She's all I think about, she's the reason I breathe. You'll never be able to defeat me. That's the reason" Bryn said as he shaped his arms into sharper Shadow blades.

"Damn you, I had somebody like that once, how dare you use that against me" Mark said.

"Even now you lie, Mark you are a good person, but I told you the difference between me and you is that you know, I know you're girl you loved and I know you loved her or her name Jess or something like that, I'm not using it against you I'm telling you why I'm just stronger than you you did love her and I saw that The thing is at the end of the day you let her go off, the reason she died right she got caught up in some kind of war because she went into villages and she would heal people, you could have stopped her you could have went with her but you had other things to do and with you doing those other things you saved hundreds of people and she saved hundreds of people The reason you didn't stop her is because you knew she would save people and you thought she would be okay but everybody is so fragile I'm sorry for your loss kid" Bryn said softly.

Even as a dragon Mark would cry he was broken by the words because he knew it to be true he knew down he was a hero but he lost everybody he ever cared about because he didn't protect them personally he protected everybody else but the people he cared about because he thought they could handle it, but he hears the words Bryn says he knows them to be true, the words shake his body as he starts to breathe fire he slams down again slamming his tail right into Bryn.

The attack was powerful. The mighty dragon bashed his entire body into Bryn, however the shadows would start to hold it down and hold the dragon down as Bryn jumped upwards and started to beat Mark with the shadow claws.

"I think what hurts the most is that you're correct, I couldn't protect her but I can protect everybody else why is that I don't understand what makes me so different from you we are both powerful and strong what makes you stronger why do you care so much how are you able to protect the people you love so much I don't get it!"

Mark yelled out. As The dragon that was marked now would slam into the ground as it was missing one arm The one arm would start to regrow however very fast as Mark would slam down and breathe fire quickly as Bryn would doge the attack.

Bryn lays his hands on the ground as he smiles as his energy and mana would feel the area darkness would collapse in on itself as shadows would turn and twist around the room you could see figures walking around they were from the other side they started to shake about as they watched and laughed as Bryn used a forbidden technique that only strong individuals could learn.

"Forbidden technique Shadow trapping, masking seal"

Bryn said as figures would twist and shape as a mysterious goat like man would nod and smile at Bryn

"Damn kid it's been a hot ass minute why haven't you called on me I missed fighting you ever had a good fight at a hot minute good God Almighty, is that a fucking dragon how the hell are you fighting a dragon why do you only call me for the most insane shit kid ok I'll Handle it, but remember now you owe me better come to my daughter's wedding and bring a good present" the goat shadow figure said as it smirks and the world starts to twist around The world would distort and turn around.

"How long do you need me to hold it off?" Bryn said.

"Not too long," the goat figure said.

Bryn nods as dashes forward and jumps onto Mark as he starts to slash and cut into Mark with multiple attacks that cut into the beast however Mark in this form is extremely strong as he's able to simply shake it off as he slams down his claws landing multiple strikes into Bryn again and again each time he gets hit his bones start to crack and they start to twist and break every hit that lands onto him he passes out but every time he does he starts to think about Lisa and he wakes back up refusing to give up.

"How are you still able to fight stand the fuck down" Mark said as he slowly starts to breathe fire down on Bryn his shadows cover him and protect him as he starts to cut into the claw of Mark, slowly freeing himself.

"I told you, I can't stop thinking about her she's the only reason I even breathe"

Bryn said as he kicks himself up as a second shadow jumps onto him

"You see you should have broke my hands honestly watch this I've already used one form of shadow summoning this is shadow summoning, Shadow whispers"

Bryn said as small shadows would shape and form as they start to attack Mark, with another small one would jump onto Bryn and start to heal him his bones would collapse back together and reform as his body feels brand new he feels fully healed up.

"Shadow something's pretty strong now my shadows come back to me"

Bryn said as the shadows push into Bryn is a form back to his body now is devil mark form shapes into something crazier with enhanced shadows it sharpens as the goat like shadow demon nods

"Ok it's ready" the goat figure said as it jumped onto the dragon and drains Mark's energy Mark can feel his body collapsing back as the dragon form falls apart and the shadow figure disappears.

"Shadow magic form sealing" Bryn said as he nods and pushes himself into Mark as the claws turn into sharper blades they tear into Mark and bash into his body brutally critically instant tries to withstand it he stands up and does all he can but it's simply not enough to try to push himself beyond his limit but he cannot he cannot do anything in this state he's giving it his all he's pushed beyond his limits, it's hard for him to move at this point he used all that energy in his dragon form transforming into that was too much on his body as he's taking blow after blow he falls down in defeat, Mark would then pass out as his vision closes and fades.

Bryn then sits down as the shadows vanish and the people start cheering and clapping as healer mages would teleport and start healing Mark and Bryn as Ryon would jump down.

"I wanted to congratulate both of you to fought so boldly"

Ryon said as the squad leaders would also clap as a couple of them stood up.

"Now now, who wants to add Mark or Bryn to their squad" Ryon said as the squad Captain's started whispering and speaking to each other they started to think about it The decision would be made immediately as Hana Kiro steps forward and nods

"After seeing all of this, the sun Dragons have selected Bryn, his power seems to be bright" Hana said as she sat back down.

"Ah i see thank you miss Hana, it means a lot to me, Thanks everyone for watching" Bryn said as he fell over.

After a few more minutes They would be able to wake up Mark.

"Ok now has the squad leaders decided on Mark" Ryon said as their was small whispering

As a thin man would stand up he had left during the time Mark was passed out, this was the vice leader of the dark rams.

"Ok i spoke to Kenji, he's ok with you joining Mark, so welcome in" the vice leader said.

Mark would stand up and nod

"Thank you so much" Mark said as he passed back out.

After some cleaning up Ryon would sigh and look over at Chum

"Your grandson was pretty impressive. I thought I was going to have to step in but he handled it" Ryon said.

"Taught by the best, truly he'll be the best of us all one day his potential is limitless" Chum said as he looked away.

"That devil mark is impressive. He's able to tame multiple devils impressively. Truly, the kid amazes me. He'll probably end up replacing me one day with his power" Ryon said.

"Well, we shall see how the rest of this goes, anyway you enjoy yourself old friend" Ryon said as he walked away and Chum laid his head back and looked at Henry.

With that the first match was over a lot happened over this match but now it's time to continue.