
speedster with ADHD in Naruto!

Ikazuchi Ena was a teenager with a lot of spunk, and when I mean spunk. I’m mean Spunk! He could never sit still always fidgeting with something. Of course his parents took him to a doctor and found out he had ADHD…. So what happens when that boy gets killed gets an insane power and is reincarnated into the Naruto world. And of course his ability just makes his ADHD ten times worse!

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12 Chs


In Dana High school, a boy repeatedly tapped his foot up and down. At the same time, he moved his pencil through his hands at an impressive speed as the students around him stared at the pencil going in and out and through his writing at an unknown rate, as if it was expected and it was for Ikazuchi Ena.

Ikazuchi Ena was currently bored out of his firkin Mind! The teacher was giving a long lecture that never seemed to end! Always rambling about studying this and that and not forgetting homework!

'Hmph, homework this and homework that! Arg! I fuck'n hate school! Tch, I'm going to toilet paper at this teacher's house again. She deserves it! Giving me homework and test?! Why would I waste my time on those when I'm already failing with a negative grade? It's pointless! I should ditch class and do something fun! You know what? That's what I'm doing; I'm leaving!'

Ena then stood up, grabbed his bag, and went to leave, but the teacher stood in the room's doorway "where do you think you are going, mister!" The teacher said, glaring at him.

'Ah shit, not this again…' thought the students simultaneously. "Tch fine, old hag, I'll go back to my seat.."

"Hey! You are not allowed to stand up suddenly like you own the place. This is the fifth time this week! And go to the principal's office for offending your teacher!" The teacher said, practically spitting in his face.

Ena then stood up and went to leave before all of the students had a bad premonition in their heads 'he's not going to do something stupid again, is he….'

Suddenly, Ena took something out of his pocket with the vast word FART written. Everyone's eyes widened at the sight as the teacher was about to yell at him again; he quickly shacked it up and threw it in the classroom. As it was about to explode, he bolted out of the room, sprinting for his life. As he got closer to the school's exit, he saw his favorite janitor.

"Ena! Did you get in trouble again!" Steve said with a smile, putting out his hand for a high five as Ena high-fived him and said, "he'll, yea! Bye, I hope I see you again! Probably getting expelled! Bye, old man!" Ena said as he threw his bag over the school gate and climbed.

"Bye, kid! Try not to get expelled again!" Steve yelled behind the gate, and Ena yelled, "not likely!" As he ran across the street, jay-walking, not paying any attention to the coming truck.

He then turned, hearing the sound of the truck, and had a massive smile. He looked at the car hurling towards him and opened up his arms, looking like he was excited to hug a vast truck racing at him with a left face "truck-Chan!" He screamed as his body got demolished by the massive truck, as organs and blood splattered everywhere.

Steve stood there in total shock with a shocked expression 'did this kid just open his arms out to huge a speeding truck like an old pall?!….. what a Chad!' Steve thought as he ran away from what happened to get help.


In an endless dark void, Ikazuchi Ena finally saw some light and was greeted by a white orb floating in front of him.

[Hello, lucky wandering soul! You have been picked out of an infinite number of souls and have one of the soul lotteries that happens every trillion years! Created by the One above all! (Author) Are you excited?!] the orb beamed in an enthusiastic voice

"Hell yea, I'm excited!" 'Even though I'm probably dead guessing that I can't feel my huge package between my legs and that I look like particles at the moment, I like this guy's Vibe!' Ena thought, looking at the orb and feeling pumped up.

[alright! Now then, let's good the ball rolling! This wheel will spin and land on a random world that you will be reincarnated into!]

'Reincarnated?! Holly shit! That's real! Fuck yeah! Hopefully, I will reincarnate into a world with many hot babes! No, no, no, no! I can't think that only one girl is enough for me! I hate those harem novels my friends used to send me links too! Yea, I will be loyal to one girl and one girl only! I declare on this day!…. But she has to be kind, have some big knockers, and, most importantly, love me for who I am…. Yea, that's my ideal girl. But in all seriousness, I want to find the right one for me! I don't care how she looks. If she loves me wholeheartedly, I will be hers and only hers! When she was alive, my mom always said I was dense when it came to girls! But not this time; I will find the one for me!' Ena said, rambling in his head, not paying attention to the wheel that appeared and then stopped spinning in front of him.

[congratulations! The world you will be reincarnated into is the Shinobi world! Or known as Naruto world! You will be born at the same time as Naruto as well!]

"Shinobi world? Do you mean ninja and Naruto? Does that name sound familiar? My friends used to say how much they liked that show, but I could never watch it as it got boring after the first ten minutes."

[haha, you are a funny soul! Now then time for your one draw at an arbitrary power! Depending on what you get, you could become powerful!]

Another wheel appeared in space. It spun until it landed on "Speed for connection/Meta human Physiology."

[hmm, this universe doesn't have the speed force, so I guess I will create it. But you will be the only one able to access it, and it won't have intelligence like the original one. Oh, and you won't be able to time travel. We don't want you traveling to this time to get another lottery now, do we?! Anyway, you will still have chakra like any other ninja. When you're born, you will be able to access the speed force, but not even a single percent as your body needs to mature a bit, your meta human genes need to kick in, and your connection to the speed force needs to increase. So when you are about 12, you will have an average speedster body and be like an average speedster with average speedster powers. Still, you will be a lot faster as you will be the only speedster in this universe, and maybe your decedents with have different abilities if you pass on your meta human genes. You can improve like any other speedster through hard work and determination like anybody else]

'Hold up, a speedster like a flash. I managed to watch the first season of the flash! That's awesome!' Ena thought, totally exited about his powers! And reincarnation! even though he has like literally no knowledge of where the fuck he was going.

[have fun in your new life!] the orb yelled as Ena blacked out.

He was awakened by screams and people yelling. Ena tried his best to open his eyes, but they wouldn't. He tried again and again and again till they finally opened. He looked around curiously. What he saw shocked him to his core. Corpses were everywhere, people shouting and crying, and a vast orange fox with nine tails in the distance roaring and smashing buildings. He was genuinely horrified and felt like he was going to throw up looking at the surroundings corpse's never seeing such a scene in his entire life. But suddenly, an unknown warmth came from his chest. He looked up at the person holding him and felt very comfortable. He felt at home.

He looked at the beautiful woman with white hair and thought. 'Damn! Why does she have white hair? Is that normal? So is this my mom?! Is she ancient and has white hair because of it? No, she has a beautiful face! Ha, like my mom could ever be some old hag!' Ena thought with unknown pride, thinking about his mom already liking her just on his first feel for her.

Ena let out some tiny cries. He couldn't help it! Dam-it! It's his childish body getting the best of him! And with everything going on. He couldn't help it!

The woman with white hair wearing ordinary civilian clothes looked down at her child, who had similar white hair and pink eyes, with a strained smile "has it been okay, my baby boy? Mommy will get us to safety with all the other people while daddy goes and fights off that big beast." The woman said softly, patting her child's head with love written on her expression as she continued to run with other civilians to set up safe spots around the village the shinobi set up for civilians to stay safe and lessen the casualties.

Ena felt his eyes getting heavier and heavier as his eyes slowly closed, as he finally drifted off to sleep. He's a baby, For god's sake!