
speedster with ADHD in Naruto!

Ikazuchi Ena was a teenager with a lot of spunk, and when I mean spunk. I’m mean Spunk! He could never sit still always fidgeting with something. Of course his parents took him to a doctor and found out he had ADHD…. So what happens when that boy gets killed gets an insane power and is reincarnated into the Naruto world. And of course his ability just makes his ADHD ten times worse!

CookieFromAjar · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Yakiniku Q

It's been four years since Ikazuchi Ena came to this world, and honestly, After his first experience, he had nightmares for a whole month. It traumatized him to see all the bodies, blood, and destruction.

But on a good note, he loves his mom very much! Her name is Ikazuchi Yuna. She's like an angel when she's happy… but that changes when she's mad. She goes from being an angel to the Devil incarnate! Very scary!

A year ago, after Ena turned three years old, Ena's body started to change all the down to the molecular level. His hands would begin to vibrate randomly, and things seemed to slow down from his perspective. Whenever that happens, He faints right after.

His mother took him to kahuna hospital, and they said he awakened naturally, which happens in rare cases. They also found out his body's chakra had an extreme lightning attribute/nature to it. But this could also be a problem for him in the future as his chakra was already changed to a specific attribute meaning that he might not be able to master any other chakra natures except lightning; the doctors theorized he had a new type of bloodline limit. This got the intrigue of some dark forces of Konoha, but they were put in their place by an upset and stubborn third Hokage.

Back to Ena currently. You could see a small kid with a lean skinny figure with a slightly chubby childish face running back and forth in blurs on a small green hill. Ena stopped and flopped on the ground, exhausted, with a smile.

He loved the feeling of running. It was the only thing that made his mind feel calm and relaxed, like he didn't need to do something. He only felt like that when he was with his mom.

He felt free when he ran, even though it wasn't at a very vast speed. Only 30mph. And considering he's a future speedster, it's prolonged even for usual ninja standards.

He heard steps coming up to him. He looked over and saw a kid with sticky hair like a pineapple with a lazy look on his face. "Hey, I'm Shikamaru you mind if I sit under this tree? I want to take a nap, " the boy said lazily, sitting under the tree.

Ena shrugged as he sat up and put on the hoodie his mom knitted for him. It had white, pink, and black patches all over it, with two eyes made with pink and white buttons on the hoodie and white and black dog ears. It made him look pretty quiet when he put it on. He could be considered cute but not handsome, as he looked like a little ball of energy and fluff.

But of course, whenever a little girl would come up to him, he would somehow drive them away by offending them of making fun of them unintentionally. It was his personality, and it earned many glares from his parents.

"Yo pineapple head! Why do you look at the clouds so much?! Aren't Ya bored?!" Ena asked, and pineapple's head scrunched his nose in displeasure at the nickname and ignored him.

"Come on, pineapple head, your so boring! I'm leaving!" Ena said as he began running at fast speeds surprising Shikamaru as he could barely keep his eyes on the fast-moving body of the boy. 'What a weirdo.'

Anyway, back to Ena, he was starving! He felt like he could eat a mountain of food! And he really could! Ever since he was young, he ate a crap ton of food, and it only worsened. 'Ughh, thank God there is a food competition at Yakiniku Q; if I can finish the food, I will get it for free. And if I beat the record, I will get a month of unlimited Barbecue! Hehe, jackpot!'

Walking up to the shop with lots of people, he quickly made it to the shop owner passing by people and asking if he could do the competition.

"Hmm? Are you sure you can finish it? It's 50 slices of spicy barbecue! And you better have the money to pay for it if you can't finish it. And if you don't, I'll have you mop the floor for a month!" The shop owner said sternly as he handed over a huge plate full of meat covered in spicy sauce ready to be grilled.

Ena drooled as Saliva came out of his mouth; looking at the meat, he quickly put slices of meat on the tiny grill and started grilling. He waited till the core got just right and began to gulp it down without even chewing. He put more meat on the grill as he continued stuffing himself.

After 30 minutes of stuffing himself, he had unknowingly finished the challenge, and no more food was left. He looked down at the plate with a sad expression 'fuck! I ate all of my food too fast again! I could barely even taste it! Damn it!'

"Hey, boss, I finished the competition/challenge! Can I try and beat the record?!" Ena said, getting the boss's attention. The boss was amazed by the speed at which he finished and how much of a glutton the kid was. "Hahaha, alright, kid! The record's 125 slices of spicy meat! You get one month of free barbecue if you surpass that amount!"

The owner placed another plate with 76 slices of meat with the 50 he had already finished, so if he ends the heart, he will break the record and get a 1-month free barbecue!

Ena quickly picked up his chopsticks and got to work! It took him longer this time as he started to slow down near the end and barely managed to finish all of the food and had a delighted look on his face as his stomach bulged from the amount of food; he looked pregnant!

Seeing the kid finish it, the shop owner smiled, and Ena Got a free barbecue for a whole month!

He was happy now the burden on his mom wouldn't be as much as it was with him eating so much. They Ran a small bakery where they would sell cakes and different sweets. He always wanted to help his mom, but she refused to say he deserved a wonderful childhood without worry. But she didn't know she was creating fear. His concern for her; he knew that she's been having the shop open for later hours, putting more hours in. They didn't have his father, as he died during the nine tales attack, and he was the principal sum of income for the family as he was a shinobi.

But thanks to his mother and father saving money for a long time, they have been able to live carefreely, but now that money has run out, his mom is working her but off to keep their heads above the water.

After he got home, he looked at his mom, who had tired and droopy eyes with lines under them. She smiled at him and motioned for him to come over. He sat on her lap, and she began talking. "So, how was your day? Did you make any friends?"

Ena ignored her and suddenly stood up angrily "mom! You are working too hard on yourself! Let me help you! I can help you run the shop, you aren't looking well, and it's making me worry! Please let me help!" Ena said as his eyes moistened, and tears threatened to come out of his eyes. Yes, he's been apprehensive about his mom.

Yuna was shocked at her son's angry, childish voice that was pointed at her, but then she smiled at her son, feeling this boy was special. How could he not be? Any child of a mother is exceptional to said mother, no matter what.

She gently patted his head and said, "it's ok. Your mother is fine; sorry for making you worry. You can let out your tears." She said softly as water started to come out of his eyes, and he started sobbing a little.

'Damn baby body! Damn, baby emotions! Ughh! Why can't I firkin control my emotions? This sucks!!! I'm like an open book! This sucks!' As he started to bawl his eyes out, he eventually fell asleep on his mother's lap, tired of all the waterworks.

Yuna's eyes became wet as tears started to form in her eyes from holding it in for so long. 'Gosh, I couldn't hide it from my baby boy. It has been so hard without you. I wish you could see how our boy is growing up.' Yuna thought as she went and put Ena in his room to take a nap.

Eventually, Ena woke up, went to the bakery, and helped his mom close up shop like he usually would. They walked home, and he told her how he had won a food challenge and got one month of free barbecue. And, of course, Yuna praised him, telling him how much of a genius he was for being a glutton. Even though it made no sense, he still loved the praise.

The next day Ena helped out at the bakery; he swept the floor and took customers' orders while also helping get ingredients for his mother to bake. He immensely enjoyed the work. It gave him something to do, and he liked talking to the customers. But it wasn't talking. It was them telling him how quiet he was. And, of course, Ena will not stop them, that's for sure.

Finally, the workday was over. They cleaned the shop and went to Yakiniku Q for a free barbecue!