
Sound N’ Jack

Did you know sound travels through an earphone jack?

EarphoneSnipa · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

Chapter four: Circle of feelings

She moved toward the gate, took one step, and "HEY" came from the corner. The earphone jack didn't notice it till she got a tap on the shoulder."Hey I said, whatcha got on your mind. you good".The earphone jack finally noticed and turned her head to be met with a Pikachu haired guy.

The earphone jack responded with a "Hey kaminari, I'm great". She was slightly heading the fact that she was very perplexed about the thought she had. Kaminari could see that and said, "Are you sure, you're hiding something".

Kyoka wasn't phased by his response and put up both of her hands in a thumbs up and mimicked what happens when kaminari goes dumb for brains


Kaminari got aggravated at her mimicking the downfall of his quirk when he uses it too much. He walked off but saying "Well come on we have to go".Kyoka followed but still teasing him on the way to class.

The two just arrived at class with everybody else that left the dorms. With everyone talking to one other to each other, Mr.Aizawa walking into class and have everyone quiet down for a very important announcement.

He went to his desk, looked at the class, and began talking."Ok class, we have a new student". The class looked like they were gonna kill someone, not really. The girls were happy about her in class and the guys were unhappy about Izuku getting the girls' attention, some of them at least.

Eraserhead looked at them and continued "Oh great, by the look of your faces, you've already met her. Well, How about we don't feel unwelcoming to her and greet her with smiles". When he said this, Everyone wiped their faces in anger and put on a fake hello, nice to meet you face."Great, you may come in now" he said facing towards the door.

The door slowly opened and a short girl walked in.

She came in just in front of Aizawa's desk and spoke "Hello, my name's Lilith Joricath, I'm 15 years old and I do have a quirk but you're gonna have to find out".

The girl got a grunt out of the students. Mr.Aizawa spoke after she was finished "Ok, Ms.Joricath you can sit...in the open seat beside Midoriya" She screamed in joy and ran other and sat down.

" Great. we are gonna have training today, mainly sparring or duels, So everyone goes put on your gym uniforms" Mr.Aizawa finished and headed outside the classroom. Supposing he was heading to the training area.

Everyone started heading out. Jirou on the other hand notices Izuku mumbling to himself. Jirou knew enough about Izuku to know that it's gonna take him a while to come back to earth. She walked over to Izuku and tapped him on the shoulder and said"Hey Midoriya. Come back to earth. we need to go".

She said this like she's on a friend level with him. But by surprise, Izuku jumped back a little. He looked towards Jirou direction and said" oh, T-thanks J-Jirou-san".He stood up walked towards the door But gesturing Jirou to follow. And of course, she followed. The two made their way to their changing rooms and went inside.


All the students arrived to see Eraserhead waiting patiently for them. Eraserhead saw them and said "Great, you're here. Ok, line up."

Everyone lined up horizontally facing the area, It was an evenly level terrain with a hill in the distance. The building was nearby. It looks like a city, the perfect area for duels for different students. Mr.Aizawa picked out two students, First Lilith as she didn't give her quirk. Then he chose Bakugo,

With a high ego, he said: "HA you made a bad choice, imma blow this bitch to pieces".

The two walked out and faced each other and got in their battle stances. Mr.Aizawa was ready to start the battle to make sure they don't hurt each other badly, especially Katsuki. Starting the count down" Ready...Clash!(First, you should know what that is from, the second I'm not good at fight scenes so imma try my best)

Bakugo quickly blasted his way fast at Lilith, Before colliding he put his hand up ready to explode.


Smoke covered the blast area. Katsuki had smug look on his face as he thought he blasted her away. The smoke cleared and the smug look was gone. Lilith wasn't blown back.

Then a blur was behind him, a punch was brought on his back. the force was not to be muddled. These sent the bad-tempered kacchan flying.

Landing and rolling on the ground but coming to a stop on his knees. heavily breathing from that punch, He said "you bitch!"

Just before he was gonna fire, More blurs occurred.

But it looked like Lilith.



A leg was met with his face sending him flying into a hill, leaving a small crater. The dust cleared up, a slightly unconscious, beat up Bakugo was in it with a small girl with no scratches or any sign of injury standing strong...for a second at least in till she started celebrating her victory.

The class looks flabbergasted at the power she held. Mr.Aizawa not such much, but he said"Lilith wins this duel"

Small chatter held among the class speaking about the duel. Izuku jotting down things about Lilith. Izuku thought

This has to be a quirk but what strength was this. was she in that much trouble. I guess a raging kacchan is a lot of trouble. So her power multiplies by how much trouble or danger she's in. So, if I got against her, I wouldn't need to about her because my quirk involves sound waves. Maybe her quirk would only activate when the attack reaches her, I've been working on increasing the size of sound waves so maybe if I tried whistling, maybe that could work but I have to make it not so noticeable. This could work then I'll have to make my distance. I might have a pl...

Izuku thoughts were interrupted by Mr.Aizawa raising his voice. He had called him next, but not against Lilith But Kyoka.

Izuku ran over to Mr.Aizawa and said"Are we doing the duel in the open or somewhere else"Izuku had asked this so he could quickly plan.

Mr.Aizawa pointed over to the city and replied"Somewhere else, In the city over there"This was perfect.

The class made their way over. Izuku went to one side of the city, Kyoka to the other. The rest of the class was in a room class that had a camera keeping track of the two. Mr.Aizawa grabbed an intercom that reached the area and said"Ready...Clash!

None of them moved fast but started on their way. Kyoka had a plan to hid in a building and wait, the time limit was an hour and a half. If no one was unable to fight, it was a draw.

Izuku on the other hand didn't want that, He wanted the lie of being quirkless to be stronger. So he went out but quietly searched some buildings. Izuku had researched his classmate's quirks.

Kyoka's quirk was somewhat similar to his, her earphone jack was used to sense sound or pick up sound, for example, she could stick it in a wall(input) and receiving a sound that is in the room or area. For that, she had an advantage indoors.

But he had a counter plan. By whistling he could send sound waves traveling throughout the building to see where a person is. When it does, an outline of someone is shown, the longer he whistles, the longer it tracks their movements, Exactly.

Smooth movement is displayed in his eyes only. Kyoka could only hear if his near or in the building, he called to see them.

Izuku came to the last build that wasn't too big as Kyoka's quirk has some range to it.35 minutes left. He stepped in and closed the door. This caught Kyoka's attention.' He's here' she thought, still keeping quiet. Izuku looked around for a bit, then he whistled. Kyoka could hear the whistling but never understood why he was. The soundwaves went throughout the building.Outline.The green-haired teen had seen the feminine outline of a person. It seemed to be near the top floor.

Izuku had only one try. If he tried to get close and use his quirk to paralyze her but miss, it was game over. Izuku started traveling up the stairs toward the fifth floor. Kyoka was aware of this as he got closer to her room, still hearing the whistling. Izuku was sure she was right here. He thought over his plan one more and took one more step, suddenly the earphone jack put the jump on him.

Stumbling back and trying to regain his balance. The purple-haired teen rushed toward with her aux cords flying towards him. Izuku trying to keep his ground, blocking the earphone jack attacks. Every time she threw an aux cord towards his ear, he blocked it and flung it back, but each time was closer. So he tried to block both at the same time to rush an attack, all he needed was time. back and forth. Then the purple-haired teen finally used her arms and legs to distract him.

She threw a punch.


A kick.

Grab and span around. She was in circles, Slowly regaining control, the sound wave quirk was right next to her ear and whistled.

He sent the soundwaves straight to her brain and made a paralysis soundwave and struck her.

She couldn't move her body, her eyes moved daggering in every direction then staring at Izuku. The earphone jack said in fear and confusion"W-What did you do".Izuku couldn't reveal his secret. He responded, "I'm sorry, that's a secret".Kyoka toppled over as for she couldn't move her body, Izuku quickly brought her to him and put her on his back. Kyoka was blushing insanely badly. nobody had first put her in an unexpected embrace and she hasn't ridden on anyone's back beside her father and mother. Izuku saw her face and blushed too. He didn't want her to worry, so he said"D-Don't w-worry Jirou-San, I'm just taking you to the rest of the c-class".The blush on her face was vanishing a little bit.

Mr.Aizawa saw that she wasn't able to move and said over the intercoms"Izuku wins, And May you please bring Jirou over to the nurses' office and please wait with her in there. We will continue from here".

Izuku had understood that he had already gone since he had, he was free to go and stay with Jirou, who wasn't able to move. But the thought of him having a girl on his back made him feel weird. But he didn't need to sit and wait. He rushes to the nurse's office. On the way there, Jirou couldn't get rid of the fact that she lost to a whistle. She wanted to know more.

Moving up and down, Jirou asked Izuku"Hey, after school, can you come to my room. I need to ask you something".Izuku didn't expect this question. He had no idea what she wanted to ask. Having a mental panic, The green-haired teen responded" S-sure Jiro-san, I m-meet you t-there but first c-comes the r-rest of the d-day".Kyoka wanted to ask him two things. Those two questions were gonna affect their relationship, to be turned in a new angle.