
c h a p t e r t w o




It's been a year since the Battle of Hogwarts.

After the defeat of Voldemort, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley had decided to discontinue their years at Hogwarts. They had the chance to retake their seventh year, but of course they didn't.

Surprisingly, neither did Hermione Granger.

It was quite simple really; Harry and Ron didn't come back because they hated schooling and they figured that taking the jobs that the Ministry offered would be good enough. They were right about the Ministry, but Hermione didn't come back purely because the memories were still so raw.

After the war was over, the first thing Hermione decided to do was to restore her parent's memories.

It didn't work.

Hermione was unable to restore the memories so she gave up. She slipped into a trance which consisted of her just lying in bed all day, wondering why she was such a failure.

However, after about a week or two of convincing, Ginny was able to get Hermione out of the house again and she snapped out of her daze.

Hermione had bought an apartment in a part of muggle London and had decided to start over because after all, what's the worst that could happen?


"Uh hold on, Hermione Jean Granger, right?" the man behind the desk asked.Hermione smiled impatiently, "Yes."

"Ah yes, number 24? Fifth floor. Enjoy your new apartment!" the man said.Hermione wasted no time in taking the keys dangling from the guy's fingers and rushed over to the elevator.

When she got out of the elevator on the fifth floor, she walked down the long corridor. Her apartment was at the end, opposite number 25.

Hermione stared at the door for a while but was taken out of her daze as soon as she had the familiar 'pop' of someone apparating behind her.

She immediately took her wand out and aimed it at the person behind her but lowered it when she saw it was Ginny.

"Woah! Harry will get mad if you turn his girlfriend into a toad you know!" Ginny laughed. Hermione gave her a weak smile before shrugging, "Reflexes."

"Alright then, what are we doing out here? Come on, you haven't even seen your new place yet, have you?" Ginny asked, pushing Hermione lightly forward to get to her new home.

Hermione smiled at Ginny's childish behaviour and opened the door for her."Wow! This place surprises me every time. Small but cozy, I love it!" Ginny squealed as she rushed in.

"Gin, shoes off. I don't want the place to get dirty in five seconds." Hermione laughed, slipping her flats off by the door.

Ginny pouted but took her shoes off nevertheless.

The house seemed to be already furnished. The room you immediately saw as you walked in looked like it was the dining room. There was an oak table with a few chairs surrounding it, the right wall being pretty much completely covered by a bookshelf.

"Me and Harry figured you weren't in the mood for decorating so i did the place up a little bit when Harry and Ron were moving the boxes in. I hope you don't mind." Ginny explained.

Hermione wasn't usually into the idea of handing people full control over her possessions but Ginny was right, Hermione would probably be content living in a carboard box for a week."It's fine Ginny, don't worry." she smiled.

Ginny took one last look around the place before saying, "Alright, well Harry wants me home soon as possible. He's making me dinner and i frankly want to be back before i find our place burnt to a crisp."

Hermione laughed as she waved at Ginny and then just like that, she was gone.


A few minutes after Ginny left, Hermione discovered about half a dozen boxes in her kitchen so she spent a few hours unpacking and placing everything in their allocated spaces but at six pm, she had enough and decided to make herself a cup of tea.

That plan, however, was cut short when she realised she didn't have any sugar. It was too late to bother going out just to buy some.

"Oh Merlin's beard," she muttered to no one in particular, "time to meet my neighbour i suppose."

Hermione slipped her flats on, padded out into the corridor and knocked on number 25. She waited there for about a total of 10 seconds before she heard the lock turn and the door open.

"Merlin Blaise, took you long enough. Theo's still throwing up slugs after Pansy's hex and- oh, hello Granger."

Her neigbour seemed to be none other than Draco Malfoy.

They stood there for a few minutes and stared at each other whilst Hermione took in his look; a black muggle t-shirt, black skinny jeans, black socks and his slightly curly and tossled hair peroxide blonde as ever.

"Granger, if you'd stop staring at me that'd be great." Draco said, his breif show of surprise being quickly overthrown by a smirk.

"So," he began, leaning against the door frame, "what brings little Granger over to my apartment?"

Hermione furrowed her brows slightly at how casual he was acting but she cleared her throat and said, "Uh well you see, I came to ask my new neighbour for some sugar because i seem to have run out, but instead I stumble across a Malfoy."

Draco rolled his eyes at her wording but stood aside, opening the door wider for her to come in.

"Do you want the sugar or not?"

She stared at Draco for a few seconds before reluctantly stepping into his apartment. Immediately, she noticed that it was the same sort of set up as hers and lying on the dining table was none other than Theodore Nott, indeed throwing up slugs.

"He's pathetic. Can't even dodge a simple hex fired by " Draco tsked, staring at a groaning Theo.

"In all fairness," a high-pitched voice drawled, "it was rather entertaining. Oh, hello Granger."

Pansy Parkinson walked in and leant against the door frame. Hermione thought.

Hermione gave Pansy a weak wave due to still being mildly confused at why there was a household full of Slytherin's living across from her and why none of them had fired any insults at her.

"Granger, you'll have to keep up if you want the sugar."

Draco's voice snapped Hermione out of her thoughts and she saw that he was already on the other side of the room. She didn't say anything as she followed him into the next room.

Since when did she become so trusting of a Slytherin?

Draco lead her into his kitchen which, unsurprisingly, had an emerald green theme. He walked over to the other end of the room whilst Hermione waited patiently by the door.

The boy reached up to get a pot of sugar from one of the cupboards and his shirt raised up, exposing his stomach which frankly, was in Hermione's best interests to look away.

"How much?" Draco asked, glancing over to Hermione."Well considering i'm living alone and i have a bladder which can hold a maximum of 3 cups, 2 spoonfulls should be fine.""Alone? Lucky." Draco muttered.

Hermione raised an eyebrow but he just shrugged, "It gets too much sometimes, especially after the war."

She nodded at his respone and somehow, she understood exactly what he meant.

Maybe he wasn't all bad.


Second chapter woop sorry if this is boring lmao