
c h a p t e r o n e




An old tattered book was abruptly shoved into Narcissa's lap as soon as she sat down on the emerald silk sheets.

"Can you read me this one Mother?"

She raised a questionable eyebrow at her son when she saw that it was family's so-called "Soulmate Handbook".

It didn't surprise her that there was a book about it. The whole soulmate propaganda confused so many people that they simply accepted it and carried on with their lives.

It didn't, however, explain why a Malfoy would want it as their bedtime story.

"Any reason why a 6 year old boy such as yourself, Draco, wants to read a book about love?"Narcissa tried to stifle a laugh as her son's pale skin immediately turned a light shade of pink.

"Madame Deshawn talked about it in my tutor session earlier today and I got confused so i found this in Father's study." Draco said, puffing his chest out as if he was proud of his achievement.

Narcissa sighed but didn't carry matter on any further. "Alright, any specific chapters you want me to read?"

Draco made a little 'humph' noise as he sat against the headboard and looked up at the cieling in thought. "I thought the thing about your soulmate recieving the same injuries as you was confusing."

Opening the page to the right chapter, Narcissa began to read. "Chapter 4, bruised souls. If you get hurt due to a reason not linked with happiness in anyway, your soulmate will suffer the same injuries - physically or  emotionally. The amount of pain the initial reciever gets will determine how much it will effect the other soul. Injuries can range from minor bruises to any form of torture. These effects will take place after you and your soulmate pass the age of 16 and won't stop until either one of you die."

Narcissa stopped reading and looked up from the pages to see Draco listening with intensity, hugging his knitted brown bear.

"Draco love I think that's enough for tonight." Narcissa said, putting the book down. The boy pouted slightly but didn't bother arguing - there was no point.

"Mother? When did you realise you and Father were each other's soulmates?" he asked. Narcissa stopped organising the shelf and her shoulders visibly tensed up at Draco's question.

"I didn't, but that's a long story for another day. I'll tell you when you're older." Draco furrowed his eyebrows, "Promise?"

Narcissa gave Draco a sickly sweet smile and nodded.

"I'll send Dobby to put you to bed." she said."Okay, goodnight Mother-" but Narcissa didn't hear him because she was out of the door before he could even finish his sentence.

A small flash erupted in the corner of Draco's room and Dobby appeared."Mrs Malfoy sent Dobby up to tuck young Malfoy into bed." Dobby said, bowing slightly.

Draco nodded and slid under the covers with his bear and closed his eyes. He fell asleep almost immediately but before he did, he made sure to say 'thank you' to Dobby.

From that day, he made sure to find his soulmate and protect them at all costs.

At least, that's what 6 year old Draco thought he could do.

However, he found out he couldn't.


this is really short, i'm sorry lmao most chapters from here onwards will be atleast 1000 words :))

it was a flashback as you can tell and sort of a pre-chapter thing i guess ?

lmao yeah anyways i hope you have/had a great day