
Soul of Ruin

After losing everyone he had ever loved, Mark, an Abandoned had lost most hope in life. Until his whole existence was turned upside down by his foolishness. Witness as he tread upon the path of death, vengeance, and ruin.

DreadFeelings · Fantasi
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274 Chs


"What is the meaning of this?"

The two people in front of him were scared witless by the man's voice. After all, they were standing in front of the man with one of the highest authorities in the city, the president.

The short, skinny man who was wearing a suit sweated profusely as he stuttered:

"W-we didn't expect our location to be discovered, Mr.President. This was just a minor mistake on our part."

"Your minor mistake caused a heavy loss in our assets." The president said in a stern voice that was filled with anger.

He was not happy with the skinny man's explanation.

An hour ago, he received a report which stated that an important research base was assaulted by an unknown enemy.

The troops stationed there had suffered heavy casualties and were forced to retreat and destroy the base, along with all its important materials and research that had been built up over the years.

A dark skin colored old man who was wearing round glasses on his face spoke evenly, he seemed unperturbed by the president's rage:

"Mr.President, please do not worry. I've already accumulated a great amount of experience, with enough time I believe we can recreate everything again."

"THERE ARE NO MORE RESOURCES TO KEEP INVESTING IN YOUR EXPERIMENTS!!!" The president finally couldn't handle it anymore as he roared loudly.

This made both men who were standing in front flinch back and they remained silent.

The president took a deep breath and slowly composed himself. After that, he said in a threatening voice:

"One more chance, if you still fail after this, there will be no mercy."

"Yes, Mr.President." The two nodded their heads simultaneously then quickly excused themselves to leave the room.

After they left, the president turned his chair back as he gazed outside the city through the glass windows. He muttered to himself:

"Superhumans project — my final chance to completely gain control over this city...."


In a dark alley that was on the city's east side, a gray rat was running deep into the alley while holding a piece of meat in its mouth.

It suddenly stopped as its body convulsed and twisted at a weird angle. It let out a terrified squeak before dropping dead.

A few seconds later, its body rotted at a horrifying speed and dirt worms started to crawl out from its body.

It quickly stood up and looked emotionlessly into space.

An illusory figure started materializing in front of the rat and gazed indifferently at it.

The figure was naturally Achilles.

It had been 6 hours ever since he discovered his new ability. The morning of the second day had arrived, and he was now one step closer to the edge of depravity.

He didn't idle around in the past hours though since he had been busy testing out the "Will of The Dominator".

The skill was undoubtedly powerful and convenient, but at the same time, there were many restrictions that made it difficult for the ability to operate effectively.

First, the only beings he could directly gain control over were Abandoned creatures. It was natural because he was only a Lesser Evolved — the bottom tier of The Divine.

And even though there were Abandoned humans, he couldn't gain control over them because they had around the same level of mentality as him.

Achilles also found out that creatures under his control could only be a kilometer in diameter away from him otherwise he would lose connection with them.

As for the fear effect that applied to target of the same rank and higher rank, the former would be paralyzed but if a person's mind was strong enough, they could snap out of it.

He couldn't test on higher rank individuals because he was afraid that they'd be able to discover his existence.

But he estimated his ability would only work for 2 seconds to those who were not much higher rank than him. Those who were extremely higher would only suffer from it for a split second or perhaps not be affected by it at all.

Achilles silently scrutinized the zombie rat for a while before saying with a gleam in his eyes:

"You would do."

He commanded the crow from before to sweep down and grabbed the rat by its feet.

The zombie crow flew in the morgue's direction and after a while, Achilles started to fly up and quickly followed the crow.

He flew for an hour before reaching the morgue, it was a large white building that resembled a hospital that made it stand out even amongst the skyscrapers.

There were flying vehicles passed by that made him admire them for a little and thought to himself:

'Being rich sure is nice...'

He quickly threw that thought out of the window and commanded the crow to fly to a nearby alley. The crow was swift so no one was able to spot it.

The crow reached the ground and it released the rat that stood motionlessly.

Achilles commanded the crow to hide before he closed his eyes and started to control the rat.

The zombie rat's body shuddered slightly before returning to normal.

It turned its head to look around a little before running out of the alley and heading toward the morgue.

The rat arrived at the back of the morgue through a hidden path to avoid the eyes of the onlookers.

This city had a population of over 90 million due to its sheer massive size. It was known as one of the biggest and highest populations in all of the human cities that spread throughout the world.

Because of that, Achilles had to make the rat move carefully without being detected.

Even if most of the population were Divine who had seen a fair share of monsters and beasts, they sure wouldn't react nicely to a zombie rat.

The rat turned its head to look left and right before arriving near one of the walls that surrounded the morgue.

It went to a small hole in the wall and moved inside.

Achilles had sent another rat here before, so he naturally knew about the existence of the hole.

But that rat was too fat to fit through the hole so he did it a favor and freed it from its miserable life.

The zombie rat managed to get inside and saw enhanced concrete walls with small windows on them.

It was quite rare to see concrete being used these days, but the government was short on materials when they built the hospital, so they had no choice but to settle on concrete.

The rat started sprinting around the morgue looking for an opportunity to enter the building while avoiding the employees of the morgue.

Achilles made the rat run around for 10 minutes before he managed to find a blind spot and without hesitation, he commanded the rat to move swiftly inside the morgue.

The corner of his mouth lifted up into a slight smile as he thought to himself:

'That's one objective down, two more to go...'

Thank you for reading my novel!

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