
Soul Land: Way To The Heaven

In this universe, there are thousands of planets and possibly parallel worlds. Yang Kai, who came from another world that wasn't Earth or anywhere else, reincarnated and entered the world of Soul Land. His journey to become the strongest is full of obstacles, losing his loved ones and meeting his first love. Keep following the story and keep supporting. Disclaimer: This is a Fanfiction story from the novel Soul Land. This fanfic will be updated every day except Saturday and Sunday.

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42 Chs

Chapter 24: One-sided Beating

Running after Tang Hao, we quickly arrived outside the village, several kilometers from the village. On the way, I saw Su Yuntao driving a carriage.

Hiding inside some bushes, Tang Hao and I stalked Su Yuntao.

"All I have to do is erase the documents and memories, right?"

"Right, don't go overboard and accidentally kill him."

"I understand Brat, I also know what it means to hold back."

With that, Tang Hao stood up and jumped up. That's just amazing.

The distance between the bushes and Su Yuntao's carriage was approximately five hundred meters. But Tang Hao could instantly reach it in just one bound.

Looks like I have to increase my evaluation of Title Douluo.

There, Tang Hao intercepted the horse-drawn carriage driven by Su Yuntao. Tang Hao suddenly raised his right hand.

And immediately slammed it with high speed punching the ground. The ground under Tang Hao's fist instantly shattered and left a small crater. There was a bit of a minor earthquake in the area.

That idiot, why would he make a move that would leave traces of battle. This is bad...

The horse pulling Su Yuntao's carriage panicked and ran away in fright. While the train fell upside down to the side.

Damn, that idiot had gone too far. Look, now the horse is running scared. What if later Su Yuntao got suspicious because his horse disappeared.

I immediately ran after the horse, I must find a way to immobilize this horse.

I currently don't have a weapon with me, so what to use? Stay cool. I am a veteran in war.

For a Weapon Master, everything in the environment can become a weapon.

Therefore, I took a log and threw it at the horse's feet. Because his leg was suspected by a log.

The horse fell to the ground. I immediately took the previous log and hit it on the horse's head.

Finished dealing with the horses, I took a look at Tang Hao. He stood gallantly facing the alert Su Yuntao.

"Who are you!!! Why did you intercept my carriage!!!"

he asked loudly and angrily. Looks like a child who is angry because he didn't buy toys.

"Who I am is not important… but you have offended someone you shouldn't have offended."

Tang Hao was still in his gallant manner, he was making excuses about intercepting Su Yuntao.

"Me? Offending people? Who? Master, are you not in the wrong person? If not, there must be some misunderstanding here."

Su Yuntao was confused and thought back to what he had been doing these past few days.

"That's you, I'm not the wrong person. Now prepare yourself, you will receive your reward."

Tang Hao didn't seem like he wanted to mince words anymore and made a hand signal for Su Yuntao to come attack him.

"Master, don't underestimate me!!! Even though I don't know how strong you are, I am also a Spirit Master."

Enraged at being provoked, the arrogant Su Yuntao used his Spirit.

"Lone Wolf Body Enhancement. "

Just like before when performing spirit awakening. Su Yuntao's body began to emit light.

His black hair turned gray and became longer and longer. All over his body also began to grow the same colored fur.

He had practically transformed into a werewolf, if from the previous world. Then he will be called a Werewolf.

It was quite a famous legend from my previous life. Although they really do exist.

The werewolf, that is, Su Yuntao attacked Tang Hao by swinging its sharp claws.

But Tang Hao could easily avoid it. He even looks bored and sleepy. Well, because his daily work is just drinking alcohol and forging farming tools.

Even so, Tang Hao was a Title Douluo. He should be immune to feeling sleepy.

After dodging Su Yuntao's attack, Tang Hao raised his fist. With lightning speed, he directly hit Su Yuntao.

Honestly, it's hard for even me to see Tang Hao's movements. Title Douluo's movements were extremely fast.

If it wasn't for the Heavenly eye technique, I wouldn't be able to see his movements.

Heavenly Eye Technique is one of the techniques taught by my teacher. The essence of this technique is vision.

I have to focus everything on my eyes to the max, the result is that I can see through the body.

I can directly see human muscles, by looking at the movement of the muscles, then I will know what movement to make.

This technique can also see blood circulation and make what I see into Slow motion.

It wasn't a technique that controlled time, but when the eyes focused. Then all movements will appear to be slowed down.

Even though he had used this technique, it was still difficult to see his movements. How powerful was a Title Douluo actually?

Returning to the fight, Su Yuntao, who was too late to dodge Tang Hao's fist, immediately received it in advance.

He was thrown several meters until he finally hit the ground and created a small crater.

Seemingly out of shock, he was confused by what was happening while holding his cheeks which were swollen blue and blood was flowing from his nose.

"What's wrong? Aren't you the Spirit Master? Come here, attack me with all your might."

Tang Hao again provoked Su Yuntao, not learning from his previous experience.

He ran and attacked Tang Hao again, this time he used his spirit ability.

"First spirit ability: Single Claw."

He attacked with one claw, times faster than before. Looks like this attack also has a special effect.

But as for Tang Hao, he easily dodged it and hit him in the head again.

Once again he was thrown and hit the ground, creating a small crater. His body was convulsing and foaming at the mouth.

I thought their fight was over, so I walked up to Tang Hao and walked over to the fainted Su Yuntao.

" Please…"

I gave way for Tang Hao to continue his beating.

"Are you sure this thing can erase his memory?"

Tang Hao asked, unsure as to whether this could even work.

"That won't erase his memory, it can only mess with his memory. But that's enough, with the documents about me missing. Then he has no proof of my existence."

"Is that so? Then I'll start…"

Tang Hao walked towards Su Yuntao and grabbed his collar. He started beating his until he was bleeding.

While I myself looking for documents about me.

After finishing, I saw Tang Hao beating Su Yuntao. Reminds me of my previous life.

In his previous life, after the end of the machete. I enjoyed my one year life in the capital before Black Dragon Ouroboros attack.

In that one year, there is one memory that I will never forget. It was a memory that proved just how terrifying girls could be.

The story is, a friend from the Imperial military took me somewhere.

All I did was follow the flow, I and other friends gathered to go somewhere. I didn't think it was a maid's bath.

My friend's aim is to peek at the bath maids. Since it had already arrived, all I could think was 'why not?'.

So I took a peek too, but unexpectedly. We were caught, the maids chased us relentlessly.

Finally one of my friends got caught, the next day when I asked 'what happened after that?' he just tilted his head indicating he didn't know.

Due to being hit on the head excessively by the maids, my friend's memory was muddled.

Since then I also know how scary women can be.

Returning to reality, I saw the finished Tang Hao and the already unrecognizable Su Yuntao.

His face was swollen and blood was everywhere.

Out of pity, I smeared ointment on the wound. This is also to destroy evidence.

After that I fixed the position of the carriage and put the horses back on the cart.

After I finished clearing all the evidence, Tang Hao and I returned to go home and have lunch.

After doing all the activities today, I feel very tired. Today a lot of big things happened.

On the way, neither Tang Hao nor I spoke. The ride became very quiet and awkward.

All I can do now is think, I've awakened my Spirit. The same spirit as my father's.

My father thought that paper couldn't be used in fighting, so he decided to become a merchant.

But I'm different, the way my father and I think is very different. I'm sure I'll be able to find a use for paper in combat.

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