
Soul Land: Way To The Heaven

In this universe, there are thousands of planets and possibly parallel worlds. Yang Kai, who came from another world that wasn't Earth or anywhere else, reincarnated and entered the world of Soul Land. His journey to become the strongest is full of obstacles, losing his loved ones and meeting his first love. Keep following the story and keep supporting. Disclaimer: This is a Fanfiction story from the novel Soul Land. This fanfic will be updated every day except Saturday and Sunday.

yullain · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Chapter 25: Clear Sky Hammer

Today, at night after the beating of Su Yuntao. I just finished cooking and am currently putting it on the table.

I called Tang Hao and Xiao San over for dinner.

We ate without a fuss and no one made a sound, having finished our dinner. Just as Tang Hao was about to leave.

An extremely rare incident happened, Xiao San called his father. It was rare to see this father and son pair talking to each other with such emotion.

The usual Xiao San would feel reluctant towards his father. Xiao San's nature there was calm and thought more than he spoke, as it was rare for the two to communicate.

But this time, with a trembling voice, he boldly called out to Tang Hao.

" Father."

" What?"

Tang Hao replied unhappily and his eyes clearly said to hurry up.

"Today is the day of Spirit Awakening, I have awakened my Spirit this morning. But I haven't had the chance to tell father yet."

Xiao San said quietly and agitatedly.

"Is that so...? Then?"

Tang Hao was as usual with his indifferent nature. Come on, isn't Xiao San your son? Can't you spit out a little affection?

I feel a little sorry for Xiao San. Even though it was only for a short time, I have felt the love of my parents… even though now it is…

I feel pity and envy at the same time for Xiao San. Poor for not feeling parental love. And jealous because they still have parents.

"Truly, the Spirit I awakened was Blue Silver Grass. And also I was a full spirit power Innate."

" What?... What Spirit did you awaken?"

Xiao San became flustered because of Tang Hao's unexpected reaction. But he still answered it.

"Blue Silver Grass."

Tang Hao, who has never been interested in this kind of thing, as soon as Tang Hao heard these three words. His body suddenly trembled all at once, and in his eyes also showed traces of sparkling brilliance.

"Blue Silver Grass, Blue Silver Grass…"

Tang Hao's expression changed and he started muttering those words. He raised his head, In His eyes was an intense light, the likes of which had never been seen until now.

"Father… I… I want to go to the Academy in Nouding city…"

Xiao San timidly and faced down. Begging his father.

"No… you won't."

"But dad…"

Xiao San still didn't give up and begged again. Actually I want to help Xiao San. But this is their family business.

Also, I want to watch real life dramas~~.

"What? Do you want to become a Spirit Master? Do you know what can be done with Blue Silver Grass? It's just a useless Spirit."

Tang Hao said in a deep and cold voice.

Those are cruel words for your own son, Tang Hao. Did this person know no compassion to be like this?

Should I stop this family fight? But I'm just an outsider… should I help Xiao San?

"Uncle Hao, at least be gentle with Xiao San. To him, you are the only parent. As a parent you should also support your son's dream. Do you want to limit Xiao San's future and become a blacksmith like you?"

Alright, I managed to say it. I'm proud of myself.

"Shut up, you go to sleep there…"

Hmm? What's this? Here I was expecting praise and you threw me out. His attitude started to get worse.

"Do you want Xiao San to be like me? Not having parents and not feeling parental love."

A heavy blow, as soon as I heard what I said. Tang Hao immediately fell silent. After all he was the one who caused the death of my parents.

He must know how my situation is living without parents.

After remaining motionless, he faced Xiao San and spoke in a slightly gentler tone.

"Are you feeling very disappointed? You also want to go become a spirit master?"

Xiao San was shocked, this was the first time he heard Tang Hao speak softly.

"If father says I should become a blacksmith then that's fine. It's not too bad to become a blacksmith anyway."

I can feel the disappointment in his words. It seemed Tang Hao felt it too.

He looked at himself and clenched his right fist.

"Spirit Master? What's the point of being a Spirit Master? Not to mention it's just a useless Spirit. Even if you have the strongest Spirit, so what? All of that is useless if it can't protect the people you care about…"

Tang Hao's whole body trembled, I felt great uneasiness within him. It seems he has his own problems.

But, what surprised me was, I saw that

his eyes were red and glistening like he was about to cry.

Tang Hao quickly stood up, about to leave the room.

"Father, don't be angry, I don't want to become a spirit master. I will always be with you."

Running after Tang Hao, Xiao San pleadedly said.

Hm… it seems that Xiao San misunderstood. Tang Hao wasn't angry, but embarrassed because he would be seen crying.

Taking a deep breath, Tang Hao quickly calmed down again.

"Show me your Spirit, let me see."


Xiao San quickly replied and raised his right hand. Pale blue light appeared in his palm, in an instant, fine blue small grass had already appeared.

Tang Hao fell into a daze when he saw the Blue Silver Grass in Xiao San's hand. It took some time for him to come back to his senses.

"Blue Silver Grass, it really is Blue Silver Grass. And it's the same as hers…"

Hm… I seem to know about Tang Hao's problem. After watching this drama, I can guess easily.

Suddenly, Tang Hao stood up and quickly walked out of the room.

" Father!"

Xiao San called out to him.

" Do not bother me."

Tang Hao waved his hand impatiently.

he must be hiding to cry, hahaha. I want to see it, a Tang Hao who is already a legend cries.

Xiao San suddenly noticed, and looked at me as if he was sizing me up. Then he turned again in the direction Tang Hao had left.

"But I still have one more Spirit…"

Tang Hao quickly returned, I saw that both of his eyes were completely red and there was a hint of tears. He also had a surprised expression on his face.

As I thought, Xiao San Possesses a Twin Spirit. In short, Twin Spirits are those who boast two Spirits.

Tang Hao stared at me silently, understanding his hint. I spoke up to ask.

"Do you want me out?"

Instead of answering my question, Tang Hao asked me back instead.

"Do you already know my identity?"

"Sure, do you want me to say it here?*

" No do not…"

Does that mean I can still continue watching this real life drama?

Look, it seems that Xiao San is confused by my conversation with Tang Hao. But he still paid attention and continued to analyze new information.

"Show me your other Spirit."

Xiao San didn't answer, he only raised his left hand. This time, instead of blue light, a pale black light bubbled out from the center of his palm, in a flash of condensing light, as a strange object appeared in his hand.

It was a completely dark black hammer. The hammer handle is about half a chi long, with a cylindrical hammer.

It would appear to resemble a smaller version of a forging hammer, but the surface of the dark hammer had an odd glow, and on the cylindrical hammer circular circles faint decorative patterns.

So it was the Clear Sky Hammer, for some reason. When the hammer came out I felt the air pressure around it getting heavier.

The pressure alone was enough to vibrate the air, as expected of the world's strongest Spirit tool.

Xiao San's hands began to shake, as if he couldn't bear the weight of the hammer. His expression also started to turn pale.

"This, this…"

As if in disbelief, Tang Hao stepped in front of Xiao San. He grabbed Xiao San's small hand and brought it close to his face.

"Dad, what's wrong?"

Xiao San didn't seem to understand his own current situation.

"Twin Spirit, my son actually has a Twin Spirit."

Tang Hao suddenly spread his arms and hugged Xiao San directly.

I clap my hands a little, I don't regret that I saw this little drama.


Xiao was shocked, in his life. This was

his first time being hugged by Tang Hao.

"Father… I can't hold on anymore…"

Oh! It seems that our Xiao San can no longer withstand the weight of the Clear Sky Hammer.

"Pull that back…"

Tang Hao gave a simple order and the hammers began to scatter into black light shards.

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