
Sorcerers resolve

5 great warriors ended a bloody war and decided to settle down to leave a normal life like everyone else thier age,but there are forces which call them back to thier former lives.But no one would ever expect that 5 out of the top 11 grand socerers would be in school

kosnika · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
42 Chs


 It was time for the daily curriculum and the students were given a few minutes to change to thier curriculum or activities wear.

 Louisa entered the archery outdoor part of the school,it was behind the school to the left.She was in the school activities wear,blue long sleeve dark blue fitted trouser and black boots with plack palm gloves whick only exposed her fingers.It also had a hoody which was with the Blue shirt,

 As Louisa came out into the open smiling as she walked around there aspiring archers murmurs began to pop up as the royals noticed her in thier presence.

 With her cute elf ears she could hear,

 "That's the ordinary"She heard a girl murmur to the people be side her.

 "So this is what mere commoners look in a prestigious school wear(she paused)so ugly"the girl beside the first one said.Then the third one concurred and said.

"I feel so disgusted wearing it"She said referring to the sport wear she was wearing.

But at least Louisa just let out a sigh and just pretended not to hear them at all as she walked to a certain table with a bow and some arrows on it.A few distance forward from the table was a red and white Bose eye,with the red at the centre.Louisa picked up the bow and and also wore the quiver(the bag which is worn on the back which is were arrows are kept)on the table and placed the arrows in it.

 She Drew an arrow from the quiver and then Drew the arrow on the bow string and aimed it in front of her.

As she was about to take her shot at the Bose eye a few distance away from her She heard a feminine voice that sounded angry

"What are you doing here"

Author note :

The rest of the chapters has been but short due to some technical issues but it will continue in the next.

Thank you