
Sorcerers resolve

5 great warriors ended a bloody war and decided to settle down to leave a normal life like everyone else thier age,but there are forces which call them back to thier former lives.But no one would ever expect that 5 out of the top 11 grand socerers would be in school

kosnika · Fantasy
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42 Chs


 "What are you doing here"Louisa heard a feminine voice and turned her head to her left to a dark head girl with black pupil wearing the schools activities wear, with a dark haired boy and a blonde haired girl behind her.

  "I beg your pardon"Louisa said with an innocent tone and an innocent look on her face not knowing what she had done.

 "No filthy ordinary is meant to step thier foot here and definitely not around us Royal"the girl said 

"Did I do anything wrong if I did I deeply apologize"Louisa siad with an innocent tone in her voice as she bowed her head to the girl.

"You are more pathetic than I thought"the girl said and laughed 

"No ordinary is meant to be around us royal(she paused) get that into your skull"the girl said.

"If that's the case then.....(Louisa paused) I'll go"she said

And Louisa raised her head and dropped all her equipment on the table,turned around and began to leave the training compound with a sad look on her face.But despite that more murmuring began to pop up as she and she could hear some

 "That's fair"Louisa heard with her pointed elf ears.

"Can always count on Christy to do the right thing"the boy wisperered to his friends beside him but Louisa still heard.But as she was almost about to enter the school a voice boomed,

"Let her take her shot"

Louisa heard and her eyes shot open as she turned around there was a loud gasp among the crowd.She turned around and saw a light haired girl,she was beautiful with light blue pupi in her eyes.and just like Louisa her hair went down to touch her waist,She was signaling Louisa to come to her as she raised her hand up.

 Louisa had an excited look on her face as she ran quickly to the girl who was calling her.the girl who wanted Louisa gone yelled.

"Azest"she yelled and her and her friends bowed thier heads before her as a symbol of respect.

"Azest but she's an Ordinary"the girl said with her head still bowed as Louisa got to them.

"This is a school and everyone should be given the chance to learn and train(she said and paused as Louisa noticed her gaze upon the girl) beside I don't believe you have any right to send anyone away"the girl known as Azest said with a smile on her face and the 3 quickly walked away from them.Azest is a level higher than them and was one of the best archers in the last semester.

"Thank you Azest" Louisa said and bowed her head before her and raised it up.

Louisa again picked up her bow and wore her quiver with Azest beside her also attempting to take a shot at her Bose eye. Then Louisa elf picked up murmurs and she heard.

"Pttf an unroyal let's watch how she'll fail" she heard from the same girl Azest warned,all eyes was on her as she once again dragged her arrow one the bow string and aimed it at the Bose eye.

"So have you ever used a bow and arrow before"She heard Azest ask her.

Louisa noded slowly,

"It's been sometime but I can do this"she siad with a determined look on her face,and Azest stopped to watch her.Louisa aimed dragging the arrow on the bow string,all eyes in the training compound were fixed on her and as she released.