
Sorcerers resolve

5 great warriors ended a bloody war and decided to settle down to leave a normal life like everyone else thier age,but there are forces which call them back to thier former lives.But no one would ever expect that 5 out of the top 11 grand socerers would be in school

kosnika · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
42 Chs

CHAPTER 30: Rabbid

 It was getting late and the sun was almost set, revealing a beauty twilight shine from the sky. Zerav was in a team of 3 Boys and 1 girl and things haven't been going great for him. They found their first Stone which was blue in colour about 3 hours ago. And now they are going and will soon set up camp to spend the night but with the 2 boys trying to impress the girl it's seems like they will never make any progress.

Especially since one who's goes by the name Ben taking all the credit of finding the first stone when it was actually Zerav who found it. And it was tiring him out then he heard, 

"The sky is so beautiful(he said looking up to the sky) but not as beautiful as you" Ben said turning to the girl who was from lily's class. She possessed light pink hair and black pupil in her eyes, She stopped in her tracks causing Ben to stop as well trying to hide the awkward expression on her face. 

"Thank you" She said forcing a smile on her pretty face. 

Since they stopped Zerav passed them as he yawned out of exhaustion and boredom. But Ben on the other hand didn't take it likely 

" hey what was that?" Ben yelled at Zerav who paused in his track and turned around to face him. 

"what did I do?" Zerav asked with a confused look on his face. 

"you think I'm boring " Ben asked, 

"Ben let's go he didn't do anything " the pink haired girl said. 

" stay back babe I deal with this" Ben said,Diane the pink haired girl had a mixture of confusion and disgustion on her face as she heard him

"Baby? " She asked but Ben ignored her and focus on Zerav.

Zerav stared at him and let out a sign

" I don't know what you are talking about, but I don't have time for it" Zerav said his voice thick as always. 

" Wrong answer" Ben said with a frown and a devilish grin on his lip as he stretched out his hand toward Zerav and a fireball appeared on his hand. 

He threw the fire ball at Zerav who raised his both hand Infront of him to guide himself. And as the fireball struck him and he fell to his knees. 

"know your place" Ben said with a grin. 

" It's enough " the Diane said as she held Ben hand and pulled him away from Zerav was still on his knee taking a look at his activities wear sleeve which was emitting light smoke but was not torn, 

* sign*

He let out a relieved sign 

"Monster!!!!!!! " He heard a scream that came from where the other went.