
Sorcerers resolve

5 great warriors ended a bloody war and decided to settle down to leave a normal life like everyone else thier age,but there are forces which call them back to thier former lives.But no one would ever expect that 5 out of the top 11 grand socerers would be in school

kosnika · Fantasy
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42 Chs

CHAPTER 31: Rabbid ii

Monster!!!!!!! " He heard a scream that came from where the other went.

Zerav heard the scream,stood up immediately and drew out his scynthe from his backpack. He raced towards the direction where they went, tool sometime time and ahead of him he saw his colleagues being attacked by a 


Zerav said in shock of what he was seeing, a huge, big, muscular like creature like a gorilla with one giant eye, lips with complete set teeth like human. It was completely black in colour, with huge fist and small but firm legs. 

Zerav eyes were opened wide in shock with his jaw dropped seeing the massive creature before him. 

" what business would a Rabbit be doing here?' Zerav asked himself and ahead of him he saw Diane watch the 2 boys face against the monster. But did not bother himself with her and went into thought. 

"This is bad" he said to himself as he raised his hand to touch his chin. 

"This isn't the normal white Rabbit, this is the rarest and most dangerous species in their kind and if their not careful it will kill them" Zerav said to himself and turned his head to face Ben and the other guy. He watched Ben as he jumped up raising his where his sword was high into the air about to stab it. 


Zerav heard from his position the sound that was made when the sword struck the Rabbit. 

"but what can a black Rabbis be doing be doing here in such a small environment(he paused and stared at Ben and his pathner" those guys are dead" Zerav said with dull expression on his face. Then the Rabbid raised it's both large fist high into the air, and struck it them on the hard ground. 


It released a large shock wave that pushed Ben and the other boy backward to hit the ground. 

" Are you guys alright !!!" Diane yelled out and Ben slowly started to stand up back to his feet.

"I'm fine" Ben yelled back at her as he stood up to his feet. 

"it's gonna take a lot more than that to take us down" The other boy said and they both ran back to attack the beast.

 "well their both dead too bad" Zerav said

" at least theres no better honour than dying in battle "Zerav said as he sat down to watch. 

" Let me help " A feminine voice yelled and Zerav head turned to face Diane who was shouting wanting to get into battle. 

"Don't worry princess we got this we don't want your cute face to be bruised"

Ben yelled and Diane frowned at his remark as the monster was getting more and more agitated as they attacked it. And their swords and attacks and too weak to make an impact or doing damage on the rabbid due to its tough skin. Ben and the other kept on trying, trying and trying to pierce through its tough skin but all efforts seems wasted. 

 Zerav was seated on the ground watching as Ben ran pass the monster and went behind it, he then jumped up trying to use the sword to stab the Rabbis on it's back. 

Even with its large size the Rabbis reacted fast and turned using it's large fist to hit Ben away from it leaving the other one alone with it.

Zerav burst open something like chips from his ration and started to eat chewing it and making that crunch sound as he ate. 

The other one was nearly standing a chance as Ben last attack attempt angered the beast to its limit bad it started to sent hard strong punches at the guy and it time it missed the punch causes the ground to rumble like an earth quake as its huge, large fist struck the ground. 


Zerav sighed as the weight of his guilt was starting to get the best of him and deep down he knew he could not just let them die.

Zerav turned his head to Diane, he then stood up and walked to Diane and stood by her side, as she noticed him be her side she frowned

"Aren't you going to join them" she said as her anger showed in her tone as she spoke to Zerav. 

Zerav did not reply but just stayed quiet as he stared directly at Rabbis, 

"Their fools" Zerav said and Diane eyes widened in shock of what she just heard from the ordinary beside her. 

But she did not reply or alter another word but was unaware that he was not done talking. 

" Maybe they would have gotten rid that Rabbid if they had allowed you to help" Zerav said as he stared at the boy who just nearly avoided the Rabbid attack and the ground began to shake. 

"Wait Rabbid" Diane turned her head to look at Zerav in shock. 

"yes, although they are mostly white in colour but only few rare ones are black, they are mostly used for war because of their hard armoured body" Zerav explained 

"oh I get it" Diane said 

"But why is it now here" Diane asked zerav

" I have no idea" Zerav said to her. 

" Could it be part of the test? " Zerav asked himself. 

"it's definitely a test" Diane said. Zerav heard her words

"this girl hasn't yet understand how dangerous this thing can be so even in a 100 years this is just too powerful for young sorcerers to handle "Zerav said inwardly as he watched the guy dodge each and every one of the attack with the ground just vibrating. 

"so what do we do now?" Diane asked Zerav ready already feeling pumped for battle.

"we charge and wait for the right moment to strike"Zerav replied and his 

scynthe in his hand tarted Emmiting purple charges and giving off a dark purple glow. 

"right" Diane agreed and put her 2 hands together and her both hand gave off a sort of dark pink glow and some kind of energy ball slowly began to form between her hands.