
Sorcerers resolve

5 great warriors ended a bloody war and decided to settle down to leave a normal life like everyone else thier age,but there are forces which call them back to thier former lives.But no one would ever expect that 5 out of the top 11 grand socerers would be in school

kosnika · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
42 Chs

CHAPTER 26: wasting effort

then the ground in their area began to rumble almost causing Koska and the group to loose balance and fall, like an earthquake. But it was not an earthquake, Something was coming their way,Something big. 

 The boys looked ahead of them and we're all shocked to see what seemed like a giant black scorpion like creature.

It had a giant eye large pincers claws and a completely armoured body and with the curved Scorpion sting tail. Shivers of fright went down there spines, except Koska whose emotions were hard to read. 

Alex shook his head shaking off his fear as he glanced at the monster before them, he hesitated and began to stammer. 

"Draw..Draw... Draw your weapons " Alex yelled as an order, He then drew out 2 swords,dropping his bag as he did. The remaining 2 followed suit as they heard him and saw him ready to battle, they drew their one sword ready to attack. 

 Out with a burst of speed Koska ran towards the monster, he spinned to increase impact force and struck his weapon on the scorpion leg. Nothing happened it was then Koska remembered that Alex had taken his blade sword. The scorpion mutant monster used it left pincer and struck Koska away from it, Koska was sent flying into the air passing Alex and he struck the tree behind Alex with force causing leaves to fall from the tree. 

Alex turned his head backwards, seeing Koska body looking lifeless on the ground. His eyes were wide in shock as someone had just died before him, 

"Alex!! " One of his other teammates yelled snapping Alex out of his thoughts and Turing to face him. 

" What do we do" he yelled 

Alex did not think twice and smiled with pride as he turned to them, 

"This is why you don't send an Ordinary to do Royals job" Alex yelled 

Then turned to the scorpion beast, Alex began to run towards it, to face the beast head on. A suicide strike, 

As he ran towards the monster. He caught the monster attention way sooner than he expected, and as the big eyes gazed upon him the fright was starting to engulf him, but his pride seemed stronger than his fear. 

"I need protection!!!"Alex yelled and the remaining 2 who were spectating with thoughts going through their mind snapped out it. 

"Got it" the 2 said in unity and ran towards the monster as well making it a 3 pawn strike. The three of them started attacking the monster legs, since it was bigger there were more blind spot to explore. 

 The other 2 ran towards it, one jumped up towards the monster raised his sword high to stab it in it's huge eye. The giant scorpion creature raised it right claw up to protect it eyes and the guy sword struck the scorpions hard armoured claw and jumped backwards from.

 The other ran with speed towards it and jumped up assive aiming for the eye. As the scorpion raised it's left pincers to protect it's eye. 

"Gotcha " the boy said inwardly with a grin on his face

and the sword in his hand gave off a light blue glow. 

"Crescent sla....." 

His words were cut short as the scorpion right pincer reached for him from the side and caught him in mid air. 

"let me goooo" he yelled as he was held by the monster. He then started to use his sword to stab the pincer repeatedly but it kept on making loud sounds assive 2 metals were struck against one another with force.

"let him go" The other yelled running towards the monster. AnD assive the monster knowing and understanding what he just said he threw the guy he was holding at the other. The both struck each other and fell to the ground, unknown to the monster Alex went from behind to stay under hoping to be able to slash it's leg at the right moment.