
Sorcerers resolve

5 great warriors ended a bloody war and decided to settle down to leave a normal life like everyone else thier age,but there are forces which call them back to thier former lives.But no one would ever expect that 5 out of the top 11 grand socerers would be in school

kosnika · Fantasy
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42 Chs


AnD assive the monster knowing and understanding what he just said he threw the guy he was holding at the other. The both struck each other and fell to the ground, unknown to the monster Alex went from behind to stay under hoping to be able to slash it's leg at the right moment.


were the sounds being released as he slashed the scorpions armored leg which it's density was like iron. 

"fuck" Alex murmured to himself as he stopped and started panting of exhaustion. 

 Then he heard a loud thug on the ground, he turned around with immediate effect as he heard the loud sound on the ground. His eyes widened as he saw his teammates on the ground, with the scorpion moving dangerously close to them. 

"oh no"

Alex exclaimed.

The scorpion monster moving closer and closer to the 2 students on the ground, it's sting tail rising high up and and extending forward towards them. 

They stared motionless at it with a terrifyed look on their faces.

 The boys eyes shut closed in fright as the scorpion tail got closer and closer to them it seemed over for both of them as there nothing they could do. One the boys on the ground looked over to his right seeing his sword far from him and unreachable. 


A loud sound was heard by both of them,both boys opened their eyes slowly to see Alex infront of them with his sword crossed I front of him struggling as the scorpion tail was in between the both swords putting pressure on him.

"Grunt" from Alex. 

"Don't just stay there help me!! " Alex yelled with a stressed tone sounding in his voice. 

Immediately the 2 boys snapped out of their thoughts and dispersed immediately from their location. One moving to the left,one moving to the right . Both grabbing their swords with a hard, firm grip. And they both charged towards the monsters sting tail, on of them blade releasing a bright green glow, the other boys sword blade releasing a dark blue glow.

They both jumped up at the same time like a Co ordinates strike and struck the Scorpions tail from both sides. 

The collision released a sharp green and orange wave. 


The giant scorpion like creature roared out in pain and withdrawing his tail back from them. Alex on the ground who was also affected by the sudden strike was on the ground lying heads down with the 2 swords on the ground in front of him.

His team, the other 2 boys quickly ran towards him and began to slowly lift him up from the ground. 

"Thanks" Alex said,

"your welcome" One of the boys said and continued

"it is you we should thanking for saving our lives" The boy said to Alex 

"yh" Alex said as he stared ahead of them. 

" it isn't over we can still win this" Alex said with process they handed him his and Koska sword. And he stood up to state at the monster ready, him and the others ready for battle. 

Author note:

Sorry for the late drop I've been kinda tide up at hand, I just finished the volume 1 hard copy of my next in coming story. 

Elemental masters rise of the true hero 

It's gonna be great and at the same time writting down a new story that I call I'm cursed. Pls be patient with me and don't worry I'll keep dropping new chapters when I get the Time tnks.