
Sorcerers resolve

5 great warriors ended a bloody war and decided to settle down to leave a normal life like everyone else thier age,but there are forces which call them back to thier former lives.But no one would ever expect that 5 out of the top 11 grand socerers would be in school

kosnika · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
42 Chs


 "Ray white" Miss grey said as Ray was seated on a couch in her office, before him was a centre table with a cup of tea on it while she was standing.

"Good afternoon Miss grey" Rays said with a straight face bowing his head and then.

"What would you like to discuss with me about "Ray asked. 

"you see you are part of the he first ordinaries to attend this school " Miss grey said but Ray still kept a straight face as he listened attentively to her. 

"so you might already been getting bad gazes from the students everywhere you go"Miss grey said look out her window.

" yes it happens but it doesn't bother me" Ray said with a smile on his face. 

"And why is that ?"Miss grey asked

Confused with Miss grey question but did not show it and answered with the same smile still painted on his face. 

" Because I have people who always want to be with me no matter what, I have friends and I'm happy with them'Ray replied 


MIss grey sighed and turned her head right to look at Ray.

" Ive taken a liking towards you and your companions " Miss grey said then a sad look dawned on her face all of a sudden which got Ray curious.

"but... (miss grey paused as tears slowly flowed down her cheeks)

"Anything wrong Miss grey" Ray asked with curiosity painted on his face. 

"Nothing "Miss grey said raising her hand to clean her tears away. 

" A lot of my students have gone missing over the years and it has been hard on me" Miss grey said cleaning her tears. 

"I'm so sorry to hear that" Ray said with a look of sympathy on his face. 

"And now I'm just afraid that your friends will be targets " Miss grey said with a tearful look on her face. 

"I just wished I knew why they went missing " She said as more tears flowed out of her eyes and down her cheeks. 

"you can't always blame yourself for everything but all I know is that the people responsible will never get away Scot free" Rays said assive already feeling her pain. 

Miss grey turned her head to look at him once more

"And don't worry we'll be fine"Ray said to her and a smile appeared on her lip. 

"if you ever need anything or any help don't hesitate to see me" Miss grey said wiping her tears away completely.

"Thank you"Ray said as he stood up, bowed his head and walked out of her office. Immediately he left, true smile on Miss grey face became wider and more intense and revealed a devilish grin as she watched him leave.