
Sorcerers resolve

5 great warriors ended a bloody war and decided to settle down to leave a normal life like everyone else thier age,but there are forces which call them back to thier former lives.But no one would ever expect that 5 out of the top 11 grand socerers would be in school

kosnika · Fantasy
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42 Chs


 The next day, after practice they all had classes. Casel and Ray were walking along the large hallway having a chat.

"Hey Ray" Casel said getting Ray's attention.

" What do you think caused that guy to fall anyway?"Casel asked.

" I have no idea" Ray responded in a dull tone.


Both of them continued walking along each other in silence.

"So you remember our tommorow class work right" Ray asked Casel who raised his hand to touch is chin as he thought.

"Something about practical field work and some other classes will also be involved"Casel said

"Although...."he said and paused

"Although what?" Ray asked Casel with a look of curiosity on his face

"Well you and I both saw the list of equipments needed" Casel said

"Yh and so" Ray responded

"What do we need a sleeping bag for". Casel asked

"You make a good point" Ray said as he thought about it.

"But what ever it is we'll understand by tomorrow" Ray said.

"I wonder why miss grey with wait till then to tell us the field exercise?" Casel asked himself as he kept quiet and kept on moving to class.

 They got to a part where the hallway was split into 2 ways ,Casel went and left Ray right. As Casel was moving and no longer sensing or noticing the presence of his comrade with him he turned around.

" Uhhh dude class is this way"He yelled,

 Rayon hearing Casel voice turned around

"I know" was Ray response as he kept on going

"Then where the fuck are you going"Casel yelled raising his voice alot higher.

"Miss grey said she wanting see me" Ray yelled back at Casel 

" Ohh see you later " Castle said and waved his hand at Ray and turned around and started moving both going thier separate ways.