
Chapter 02

Fyesra couldn't understand because she wasn't the one who was adopted. From the day Merinarie was left in a basket like package on the door step of Mrs. Kattiam, she was certain that their luck has expired the very day. She was left with a note addressed to Mrs. Kattiam from her husband which said,

My dear Kat,

Take care of my daughter the same way you are looking after Fyesra, Daphnie, Elena, Heather, Moina, Diana and Politia.

I'll explain everything once I am home.....


Her husband has mentioned each one of their daughter's name which sank her heart a little and she took her inside. She raised both Fyesra and Merinarie with equal care till the resources ran out and there was a need of money. Her husband ran away with Merinarie's mother leaving her and her real blood daughters in the bad fortune of the ratbag, she thought.

"Merinarie, you're doing what you're supposed to do. Everyone is playing their roles out in the farms and you, in sewing as well. Just wait till the rain and we'll get enough wheat to sell."

Fyesra was still trying to convince her to not leave them. All of the Mrs. Kattiam were greedy and selfish, not that Fyesra was any different. She only wanted Merinarie to stay so she could still ignore the choruses which should be done by Fyesra, but was covered by Merinarie.

All of the eight daughters of Mrs. Kattiam along with her worked in farmlands and the only person noted to be really working was Merinarie and all the other step sisters of her could hide behind her. It was true that Merinarie was a banner for them against the wrath of their mother which Fyesra couldn't let go down.

"It's not that easy. You're not the one whose birth is doubted by the villagers. It's me!"

Merinarie's voice rose more than usual.

It was true, nobody knew her mother's name or anything about her. Nor did her father left anything in his note.

"Quite truly spoken. I ought you're ready to leave and return my favours."

Mrs. Kattiam was there. Standing just outside the room. She waved Politia to walk outside.

"Favours? She's our half sister, mama! It's her right that she lives here the way we do."

Fyesra protested.

"She is just a dark question in your blood line who is left unanswered and unfortunately on my door and nothing more. I kept her out of nowhere, fed her and now it's her turn."

Snapped Mrs. Kattiam.

"Why did you even brought so many of us into this world when you was certain not to fill our mouths!"

Fyesra fled out, her yellowish blonde curls waving through the air.

Merinarie didn't speak a word, she better knew that would be a greater danger and she could be out of the house even before than tomorrow which was the actual last day of her village. And she couldn't just leave like that when she had only one person in real to say good-bye to.


Mr. Ransomnal was all ready to go to the station to receive his beautiful wife to be.

"Halvor, would you mind to clean my files? I may be late, it's a long way to the station's ride."

The boy with the peculiar hat was always in mood to listen every word from his master peacefully, however his patience was a little less and still he was acing his job.

"Sure, sir. I wish all the luck with your lady."

He winked and his master left the castle gripping the cane.

Halvor removed his hat and found a paper inside it with a number written. He held it and removed the cloth placed over the telephone as the people in the Castle last left, God knows how many years ago.

He dialed using that golden candlestick telephone.

"So soon?"

The man on the other side of the line answered immediately as he was waiting for his call desperately.

"He's on the journey to bring his wife. Twelve minutes in noon, I'll be waiting just outside."

Halvar replied keeping his tone minimal as the walls could hear him.

"You think we did the right thing? I mean, the girl? She's really the one?"

"I am positive."

Exactly twelve minutes after the conversation, both of the young men stood facing the several horses of carousel.

"What's our plan again?"

The boy who wore a brown waistcoat on his white shirt asked casually.

Halvar walked a bit closer towards the toy horse and placed his gloved hand on it.

"After this little dance, you'll be going to the station and following him as you know she should come here only and that old brat cannot take her somewhere else.That will be fine till now for you to know."

"And why can't you do this?"

"Trust me, Adam. I need to make arrangements."

Just then a sudden jolt passed through Halvor's hand and he backed off.

The carousel's lights switched on and the horses began to take a leap forward. Then one by one each horse gained speed, half of them flying downwards and the other half slightly up. The soft melody started and Adam could swear he saw the eyes of one of the horses turned bright red, but he couldn't tell Halvor, he would probably laugh on him. He was afraid of nothing ever, Adam would like to call him darkness, but that would be an understatement in itself. He'd rather prefer a vulnerable pitch black soul boy with a catastrophic mind. And his heart... Well, nobody knew about that.

The voice of the song started to become louder and louder when Adam heard Halvor whispering, "Mother."