
Chapter 01

Good Eve, Mr. Ransomnal. We've been waiting for you."

The black polished Mercedes was waiting along with it's riders, a couple of fine age, Mr and Mrs. Carmson known as realtors all over the town.

Mr. Ransomnal arrived perfectly balanced on his two feet despite of being of such an age in which the hair on the body and skull begin to grow silver and freckles could be seen all over the face. But, all which accompanied him was his brown cane tapping the ground. No source of arrival could be seen, but the couple was very much interested in selling the mysterious Castle who's responsibility had been taken by them as a challenge of their continued job.

As the couple had been always the lead in their works, people began to accuse them wrongly and so they decided to prove them by making the deal of the most impossible residence and as mysterious as that.

Mrs. Carmson leaned towards her husband and whispered, "gods, I was beginning to think he'll never show up."

"And I am beginning to think the dead really can walk."

The reply wasn't from her husband, jumping out of their positions they turned and found out they weren't alone after all. A man in his early twenties, with a hat and tail coat was standing in front of the newly furnished glass doors of the Castle. None of them heard him coming this close and neither of them knew why he was there.

Mr. Ransomnal finally managed to shorten the distance and shook hands with Mr. Carmson, "Good to see you, mate. I am Ransomnal Delachour. Exactly the person to call you and to make this place my property." His gaze went all over the mysterious, colossal, covered with gold and black interiors building which stood proudly in front of them and settled finally on the man still standing behind Mr. Carmson and his wife. "And this," he continued, "Is my very personal assistant I've recently employed. He's an orphan and after his job he suggested to stay with me."

The couple had no interest that what Mr. Ransomnal's business was actually, they had only wanted to prove against the voices that inculpated them in which they succeeded. Now, they only wanted to go back in their air conditioned office and enjoy the news of their recent victory which was convincing a nearly riping aged person and his polar opposite, devastatingly handsome young man to buy a paranoid Castle.

The rest of the events happened in a rush, the couple bid the last farewell to both of them and received their money in return of the documents of property signed by the old man and the boy with the peculiar hat kissed Mrs. Carmson on the back of her hand who seemed charmed by him almost immediately.

As the car flew off leaving the most uneven due anyone was unlikely to see together disappeared inside the Castle and disappeared means really into black smoke and wind which lead them directly into the heart of most black palace itself.


Seven years old Politia was still sitting motionless on the edge of the bed and cutting out the sceneic beauty from the newspaper when she glanced to the most recent news from the town.

She wasn't a fan of reading newspaper, but always wanting to get to know more about traveling. Her journal had about thousands of pictures with details about interesting incidents happening in a certain area, she was always more of an explorer unlike her other sisters.

While shuffling through some crumpled newspaper's pages she found a newly rolled with a ribbon one, on which a headline said :


She tore open the pale coloured ribbon and started reading further, she'd been reading the name 'Carmson' on many of the newspapers ever now and then and had been keeping records in her diary about their progress in removal of accusations which, Politia thought were just mainly because many people envy their work and how the most beautiful houses in the town had only been sold by their family only.

It didn't matter to her that she haven't met them or even one of them in presence, but she'd continue to fan follow their profiles wherever it was possible.

She further read,

"The german couple, despite of being  hold accountable for using tricks on their buyers documented be innocent only after making possible the purchase of Property Of 'Black-Crescent Castle' by a pious gentleman Mr. Ransomnal who himself is well-famous ship owner in Amsterdam."

The next details held no interest for Politia, however there was a picture of the Castle attached just below the article and she was easily fascinated by the large coal-black arch dhaped towers talking to the skies, a golden fountain pouring crystal clear water and a single red-white combination carousel placed neatly in the meadows just outside the glass doors.

"Merinarie, you can't do this."

She was stopped being flattered by the newspaper by her two least favourite sisters hopping after each other and without noticing entering right into her room.

From the scene, Politia could tell Merinarie was about to do something stupid like jumping off the balcony because mom again did something completely unbearable and Fyesra was stopping her which was rare as usually it's the other way round.

Fyesra and Merinarie were two of her sisters out of eight, including her as well. And both of them was her least favourite although the rest of them weren't her favourite at all.

"You don't understand. I've to do something. I will be going for better."

Merinarie replied in her sweet voice which can easily outright nightingale's.

Though Politia would never be interested in their conversation, but this was something different. She could sense it and also because of the letter sealed with Mr. Ransomnal's signature mark she asked, "Going where?"

Fyesra hung her hands in the air as to give up before telling, "She's going to marry that wither Ransomnal because of us!"